Chico Mens Pool League
Tuesday October 22 2024 
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2024-2025 Chico Pool League

Latest News

Oct 16, 2024, 11:59 am

The first half of the season schedule is posted online now (Oct. 24-Feb. 6). I'll post the second half when I have time, but it is the same as the first half, just swapping home and away bars. Might already be done by the time you read this.

For planning purposes, the last regular season match will be on May 8th, 2025. Playoffs for 3-4 weeks. Top Shooter tournament June 7th (Saturday, Down Lo, Top 16 players), Awards Party & Raffle June 14th (Saturday, 1:00pm, Oasis), Winter Tournament on Feb. 1st and 2nd, (weekend before Super Bowl, at the Oasis, starting at 11:00am hopefully). No matches on Halloween, Thanksgiving, and December 26th. January 2nd is a league night like normal.

Don't forget team dues ($250) are due within the first 2-weeks of league, so November 7th is the deadline! Be sure to get a receipt from me no matter how you pay - cash or Venmo.

Binders will be ready to pick up by Tuesday of next week, if not earlier, at the Oasis. They will be behind the bar by Stacy's desk. Just ask a bartender to get yours.

Let me know if I forgot anything!


Sep 13, 2024, 6:43 pm


Calling all Captains!

Meeting: Thursday, October 3rd, 2024 - 7:00pm - Oasis Bar & Grill

First Games: Thursday, October 24th, 2024 - 7:00pm


It's that time of year again - leaves are turning, football is in full-swing, Lowe's has Christmas decorations out, the A's and Giants are going to miss the playoffs again, political voting signs have been planted, and... Thursday Night Chico Pool League is just around the corner!


But before we can start the season, we need to have our annual Captains Meeting to see who's in, who's out, what changes need to be made, what we can do better, and of course argue about pointless topics ad nauseam.

The usual consortment of topics will be brought up to be discussed at length - again. Definitley doing one lump team rate the captain is responsible paying/collecting for. $250 a team? $300? That would cover the team of 11 or so for the year, with adds and drops included. Max roster size of...?

Might be some new teams or moves as well, by the way. Durham might be back? Winchester Goose? Quackers? We'll see...

Set your alarms: Captain's meeting - Thursday, October 3rd, 7:00pm, Oasis. All captains are required to attend, or send a delegate. Captains can bring an assistant, but when it comes to voting, only one vote per team. If you can bring a roster and team payment to the meeting, I would truly appreciate it! 

Non-captains: talk to your captain about what you want differently for the upcoming season so they can properly represent their team and the league.

Captains and players can contact me at anytime - (530) 966-5632, text or call. Or via email:

See you then!


Jun 25, 2024, 10:34 am

2023-2024 Champions!


Congratulations to the Down Lo Playa's and their impressive win over the Oasis Outlaws last Thursday night. 

Leo got the first 2 wins off of Mike Karol, but then Kevin Lombard came back and got 2 of his own against Larry Hiller, making it 3-3. Kevin Cibart then shot and got all 3 games against Danny Flippin making it 6-3 Playa's at the break. In the the 4th spot, Evan was pitted against Ricky Martin. Evan came out of it with a 2-1 victory. Gregg Taylor then shot next for the Outlaws, desperate for some wins. He had to play Kelly Cibart, but only got 2 out of 3. Last up was Tree versus Ice Cream. Tree got the first match, but Ice Cream got the second and final match, making it a Playa's 10-7 Championship victory.

Congrats to the Outlaws for a 2nd place finish, and The Damned with a 3rd place season. Those 3 teams will receive their trophies at the......


As always - FREE beer for CPL Players, lots of pot luck food choices, BBQ dinner provided by Samoan Joe, trophy presentations to not only the top 3 teams, but our Top Shooter and the Most Improved Player, pool tournaments, music, and the best part - THE GIANT RAFFLE! We've got the Predator pool cues, a Cuetec break cue, and tons of other prizes. But probably the biggest? Just announced - a pair of tickets to a 49ers Pre-Season Game! August 18th vs. The Saints. I was lucky enough to attend the playoff game against the Packers in these exact seats back in January. Not only are they tickets to Levi's Stadium, they are in the Yahoo! Club Section. Cushy seats, phenomenal view, literally 10 steps from the inside concession area where everything is included - yes, pizza, pretzels, sodas, candy - literally everything but the booze. There aren't even cash registers, except at the full bars. Your perfectly clean restrooms shared with just a handful of people, not general population, are within a stone's throw. This prize if it went public would get people coming to enter the pool raffle who don't even play pool. Trust me, this is a big deal, and a big prize. These are pictures from that game:

All this action - the famous Chico Pool League party - starts at 1:00pm, Saturday, June 29th.

But before the party, is the pre-party. The new tradition of 'Breakfast With Stacy'! Starting at 9:30am, and running until 11:00am, Kym will be serving breakfast and drinks at the Oasis. She'll be offering egg, bacon, cheese sandwiches, and French toast with 2 eggs and bacon! Hash browns can be added as well! Free coffee will be available, too. Plus for those ready to party early, Stacy will have his famous Bloody Mary's on special, and 1 complimentary glass of champagne for a Pool League members! Is this guy the best bar owner or what?!?!

So bring some raffle money, some empty stomaches, and your best shot, for the End-Of-The-Year Party - this SATURDAY, 1:00pm!



Captain's Quarters

Dec 14, 2010, 10:48 pm

If you are the visiting team, please make sure to check more than just the score - verify that all the names are right, the beer frame is filled in correctly, and watch for 8-ball break and runs not counted by the home captain. There has been a few instances lately that the run outs are not being recorded by the home captain. It is their responsibility to put them down, but it also the visiting captain's responsibility to confirm the entire scoresheet. It's not easy to go back and change one stat for a game a few weeks ago.



 President's Corner
A temporary 'Statistics' page work around to see the whole list of players on one page: Click on green 'Statistics' tab in left hand column, then 1) select a team from the filter selector (any team) 2) now go back and select 'all teams' 3) now you can sort any heading and have every player show up, not just the first 100 players on the current page. A possible fix is coming.
 Match Results
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Oasis Makos vs Duffy's Tavern
Thursday, October 24, 2024 - 7:00 pm
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Oasis Outlaws vs Eagles
Thursday, October 24, 2024 - 7:00 pm
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Down Lo Stickmen vs Oasis Original O's
Thursday, October 24, 2024 - 7:00 pm
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Oasis Bandits vs Oasis Hateful 8
Thursday, October 24, 2024 - 7:00 pm
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Oasis Bankers vs The Damned
Thursday, October 24, 2024 - 7:00 pm
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Down Lo Playa's vs Oasis Dragons
Thursday, October 24, 2024 - 7:00 pm
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Tackle Box Two vs Oasis Bulldogs
Thursday, October 24, 2024 - 7:00 pm
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