Chico Mens Pool League
Monday September 16 2024 
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333833 visitors
since October 14, 2009

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Tackle Box Two


Oasis Hateful 8



LocationDown Lo
DateMar 21, 2024
Time7:00 pm
TypeRegular Season
Match CodeTable 5
Match NotesHad to move from Tackle Box double-team night. Playing neutral site (Down Lo, Table 5)

Tackle Box Two

Show/Hide Legend
Player - Player   MP - Played   MW - Winner   BFW - Beer Frame Wins   BFL - Beer Frame Losses   3-W - 3-Win Match   2-W - 2-Win Match   1-W - 1-Win Match   0-W - 0-Win Match   RunOut - 8- Ball Break & Runout  
 Charlie B.300000010
 Bil Bausman330010000
 Rich Boelens, Jr.311000100
 Tackle Box 2 Bonus Point110000000
 Mike Buckley301000010
 Cal Helton
 Kent Johanns
 Charles Murphy310000100
 John P.330010000
 Anthony W.

Oasis Hateful 8

Show/Hide Legend
Player - Player   MP - Played   MW - Winner   BFW - Beer Frame Wins   BFL - Beer Frame Losses   3-W - 3-Win Match   2-W - 2-Win Match   1-W - 1-Win Match   0-W - 0-Win Match   RunOut - 8- Ball Break & Runout  
 Deeds 000100000
 Dustin Barnewolf300000010
 Hateful 8 Bonus Point100000000
 Phil Bruning
 Clint Eastwood330010000
 Paul Eggers
 Jim Flynt300000010
 Dillan Hateful 8
 Joe Ioane320001000
 Koro M.
 Izzy Taylor320001000
 Dan W. - Hateful 8330110000

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