Chico Mens Pool League
Saturday September 07 2024 
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LEE :: May 1, 2011, 9:17 pm
Nuggets kicked Down Los ass
Dennis Bruch Jr. :: Apr 22, 2011, 8:50 am
Fucked Over! I could deal with Stacy taking the front table because it is his bar. I could also handle 2 Oasis teams playing on it because that is normal during the season. But I can't comprehend that our bar owner gave (what should be OUR table) to a rival bar just because they have a better record. Let us all keep in mind that half the games Down Lo won were on an illegal full sized table that most of us don't play on. And,that Down Lo has a bar table that they CHOOSE not to use because it wouldn't be to their benifit. I am disappointed that Stacy, Scott, Tom & Mike ALL made bad decisions last night that affect all the players in the playoffs with little consideration for what is right.
Rooster :: Nov 9, 2010, 8:52 pm
beware Oasis teams, the Playas are in top form this year with HOT new recruits.
Cj Jarvis :: Mar 29, 2010, 9:44 pm
Hey! How about adding a spot for the Women's League! We'd share in the maintenance costs!
Rose Monlux :: Feb 27, 2010, 9:35 pm
Larry Rohde service will be at Neighborhood church Monday March 1st at 1:00. Larry be will layed to rest at Glen Oaks Memorial Park. Online Condolences can be sent to the family at God Bless Larry,Kris,Kari and Tim.

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