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Forum Lobby :: Suggestions for next season
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Author Team racking 
Mar 20, 2010, 2:41 pm
What do you think about changing the current format of the opposing team racking the balls? It can still remain up to another player (not the breaker), but it will be from your own team. Would this reduce conflicts of 'bad racks' or lead to (if possible) 'good racks'? A set order of ball placement would need to be established, and the opposing shooter (and captain) would have a say on whether it is 'legal' or non-advantageous, and possibly call for a re-rack. Anybody see any any problems with this change? What about a team using their own rack/triangle/'Sardo' tight-rack, etc.?
Apr 4, 2010, 12:17 pm
I support this. I think that would be a good change. I also don't have a problem with a team using their own rack, however, I think that if they choose to do so they have to make use of the rack available to the opposing team.
Apr 26, 2010, 8:57 am
Rack your own would make things go faster in my opinion.
Jun 26, 2010, 11:08 pm
The BCA made some rule changes this year to their Pool Leagues, was wondering if our league would adopt the changes... The only one that applies to 8-ball is the change from ball in hand in kitchen on break fouls, to ball in hand (full table).

Link is here.

Item #4
Jun 26, 2010, 11:10 pm
Oh, and item 5, but I've never seen that rule imposed and honestly didn't even know that was an option to begin with. Situation just doesn't happen very often.

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