Chico Mens Pool League
Wednesday September 18 2024 
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Forum Lobby :: Suggestions for next season
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Author Scotch Doubles beer frame 
Mar 20, 2010, 2:52 pm
This has been started in the General Discussions threads, but I decided it would be better suited here in this thread. Scotch Doubles would be a format where the beer frame team of two would alternate shots after every legally made shot. This format would continue unchanged through the game (doesn't change when you miss and then come back to the table after your opponent misses). Should/can the order change in the next game? For example John made or missed the last shot in game 1, can he then break (or shoot first) in Game 2 or does Joe have to shoot next, in game 2, and keep the rotation the same and continue it? Anybody see any downsides to Scotch Doubles?
Sep 22, 2010, 4:10 pm
I still think Scotch doubles in the beer frame would be a great idea and make it more competitive. As for "who shoots next after missing a shot?", I think the right answer would be for the players to continue alternating throughout the game.
Ed Theis 
Oct 3, 2010, 2:52 am
I like it. Scotch doubles beer frame would be fun. Satyr has it right. Keep it simple. You alternate strokes every time, make or miss. Same from one game to the next. If you took your team's last stroke in the previous game then your partner takes your team's first stroke in the current game.

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