Chico Mens Pool League
Wednesday September 18 2024 
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Forum Lobby :: Suggestions for next season
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Author 2011-2012 Changes 
Sep 29, 2011, 8:20 am
I have been a part of this league for a few years now. I am no longer surprised at how difficult it is for this league to change. Last year it was suggested to adopt BCA rules and promptly rejected. I know I am not the only one that would like to see this league improve, but most of the reasonable people in this league would rather remain quite than argue with a loud drunk player about change.

I'm not gonna go the captains meeting this year only to keep my blood pressure down however if someone wants the added stress/excitement I would be happy to help with some questions.

Why can't we have a standardized set of rules?

Why do we have to have a format that can keep us at the bar for up to 5 hrs?

Why can't women play?

Why not join BCA, APPA, APA or another national league? (Solving the above 3 questions)

Why can't we have more teams with less players in 2 levels? i.e. Like the minors and majors in baseball.

And my final question is the one that should have been addressed first

Why don't we have captain meetings without any alcohol or drugs used for that time? In other words ONLY SOBER PEOPLE ALLOWED TO BE AT THE CAPTAINS MEETING. Just a thought.
Leland Baxter 
Oct 5, 2011, 10:40 pm
If we want this league to be a legitimate pool league, we need to play by legitimate rules. BCA or go home. That's what I have to say. This half BCA half bar rules bullshit is just stupid. Man up and play pool by professional and nationally recognized rules.

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