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Forum Lobby :: Suggestions for next season
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Author Magic Rack? 
Leland Baxter 
Oct 5, 2011, 10:46 pm
Let's all stop the bullshit with arguing about racks/who racks/team racking and just get the magic racks. They cost a lot less than each of our cueballs, and they can be handed out to team captains along with the cueballs. They give you a perfect rack every time no matter how f-ed up the table is.
Leland Baxter 
Oct 5, 2011, 10:48 pm
If anyone wants to question how they work, call me at 530 228 1521 and ask me. I'll meet you somewhere of your choosing and show you exactly how they work, as I have them for 8 ball, 9 ball, and 10 ball. You'll leave amazed.
Oct 6, 2011, 5:32 am
I vote yes.
Oct 14, 2011, 9:03 am
Who's arguing about racks? I haven't heard any 'bullshit' or anything at all since we changed to 'you rack your own' at the start of last season. In our rules, under equipment, you can use a non-house rack as long as both teams agree it is ok, and both teams can use it (if they want). Please let me know where this is coming from. Are you a Magic Ball Rack representative?
Leland Baxter 
Oct 15, 2011, 4:38 pm
I'm not a representative of anything buy my own opinions and experiences. I had a few small issues during playoffs last season while racking for a team mate. Basically it came down to the other party complaining because the rack had to be racked a little bit off the spot, in order to get a tight rack. I had demonstrate that no matter what you did, if you racked on the spot a ball would roll off. The Magic Rack resolves that issue. Like I said, perfect rack no matter how messed up the table is. It could also quite feasibly speed up the process, by eliminating the need for someone to rerack 10 times to get a tight one.
Leland Baxter 
Oct 15, 2011, 4:42 pm
Also, anyone who does want to check it out and actually does call me, leave a message if I don't answer. I'll call you right back. I don't answer calls from unfamiliar numbers in general.
Nov 19, 2011, 2:01 pm
you still wouldnt make a ball on your break with that magic jack crap. just bring a box of tissue for the lil whiners that need pull out the magnifying glass to inspect the rack bullshit. Ive seen it a few times this season already. complaining about it being 1/16 of an inch off is about as sad as needing ball in hand. I still think the games go quicker without ball in hand.
Leland Baxter 
Dec 29, 2011, 11:57 am
Change your mind about the Magic Rack yet Mr "Maverick"?

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