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Forum Lobby :: Suggestions for next season
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Author 2015-2016 Captain Meeting Ideas 
May 9, 2015, 1:37 am
Few things we need to discuss at meeting for next year: 1. Top Shooter tourney - keep seeds and play accordingly (1 seed vs 8 seed, 2 vs 7, etc.). Similar to playoffs. 2. Tie-Breaker format for tied teams and, if needed, for top shooters that are tied (1st tie breaker for teams - head to head record/season score, top shooters: number of total games played (?), or...? 3. (From Larry Hiller) Forfeited matches - change from default 11-0 win to maybe 15-0? or average winning score for the season, if after half-way point. 4. Change existing night's format (instead of 3 matches per match-up times 7 matches to (maybe) 1 match per match-up, or 2?. Have the first half be 4 or 5 or 6 match-ups, then in second half, after beer frame, same amount, same format, but can either be another 4/5/6 players or repeated the same, or a mix of repeating and new players. Maybe the teams switch who puts up their players first, the line-up.
May 9, 2015, 1:42 am
Also, need to write in rules B-trophy playoff format, if we have 13 teams or an odd-number of teams. As is, we have 12 play 13 (the bottom 2 seeded teams) to determine the true 12th seed team. That winner would play the #9 seed, #10 seed plays the #11 seed. The winner of those two matches plays each other for the B-trophy championship.
May 10, 2015, 10:49 pm
Include in our rules and procedures more info about match length (stop at 11 points) and thee beer frame option during the playoffs. See May 10, 2015 news article.

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