Chico Mens Pool League
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Welcome to the 20187-2018 Season!
Oct 19, 2017, 5:34 pm

Okay, bit by bit I'm getting things set for the new season. The first games will be on Thursday, October 26th (except for the Dragons - the computer picked you to have the first bye week of the season - more practice time!).

Here's what's been done so far for the new season:

  • Schedule has been posted on the website! (click on 'Game Schedule' to the left). Once on the schedule page, you can filter just your team, or any team, and you can sort it from either past games or future games first. The schedule repeats itself for the second-half of the season, just at the opposite bar.
  • Tackle Box is back, the Rack Pack is on the move again - now at the Down Lo, and Paul Thurman has his 'I Cue' team at the Down Lo as well
  • Beer frame and top shooter pages are reset
  • Team payments have been received from Duffy's, I Cue, Playa's, and the Dragons - thank you! All the rest are due the 1st or 2nd night. After that, late penalties ($28 each player as compared to $20 for on-time players). As players are paid for, their names will start appearing under their team roster - click on 'Teams & Standings' tab, then click on the team name to see the paid roster list. Not there = not paid, so talk to your captain if you should be listed.

Coming soon, next on the list:

  • Update/modify/clarify rules from changes at the Captain's Meeting (concession of game vs forfeiting game, etc.)
  • Then, upload rules to 'Downloads' section of website, as well as run-off paper copies for the captains
  • Binders - fill with score sheets, rules, schedules, rosters, etc. and leave at Oasis to be picked up by the captains - hopefully by Monday, October 23rd
  • Post schedule at Oasis and other bars
  • Is that it?

So bottom line - pool starts on Thursday October 26th - check the schedule online to see where you should be. Be sure to pay your captain so he can pay me the ridiculously low price of just $20, not the crazy $28 each. Captains: Talk to your bar owners/managers and collect the $40 sponsorship fee during the first 2 weeks as well.

If you think of anything else, or if you have any questions, let me know - (530) 966-5632 or

Good luck this season!


CMPL 2017-2018
Sep 16, 2017, 1:03 am


We've added at least one new team - Captain Kim Jong-un and his six generals. According to DPRK press releases, the 'Ballistic Bitches' are the bomb and not to be messed with. Get your passports in order.


Dang, that was another fast Summer. School has started, football has kicked off, hockey is just around the corner, Costco has Christmas decorations out - it must be time for Chico Mens Pool League 2017-2018!


It's time to start things off with the annual Captain's Meeting, our always fun meeting to discuss issues and fixes for the upcoming season. It will happen a week later this year due to the Chico Summer League playoffs - 2 days from now:

Thursday, October 12th, 7:00pm, at Duffy's Tavern, downtown Chico.

We've lost a few teams over the past few years - Empire Club in Durham, and now Shenanigan's. Tackle Box wants to come back, and Paul Thurman is forming a new team with his boys at the Down Lo. Shenanigans/Rack Pack is looking to go to the Down Lo as well. So I'm assuming we'll have 13 teams this year at a minimum. I haven't spoke to all the captains so there might be a team out there that I don't know about. But as it stands, it will essentially be the Down Lo vs. Oasis Pool League. Paul and Gary are heading Down Lo as the 4th and 5th underground team, and I assume the same 5 teams at Oasis. And the 3 'other' bars - Duffy's, Tackle Box, and Eagles. Personally, I loved the travelling to different bars, even different cities, 'on the road'. So to have 13 teams within 1 mile kind of sucks, but the pool hall options are limited. Quackers is there, but the same old story - management doesn't want to commit to a league team, assumingly because of the "extravagant expenses" of a $40 sponsor fee and a round of drinks per week. Whatever, I've given up on that place, even though it's a prime location. So it is what it is - a scheduling nightmare of Down Lo and Oasis teams.

So Captains, start getting your rosters ready. I'll have downloadable roster sheets available on this website soon. The cost should be the same ridiculously-low rate of $20 per season, per player. A savings of over 90% of the other weekly leagues and their 'green fees' paid every week. Again, just with the free beer we get each week, that alone adds up to over $60. So even if you never played a game you'd get 20-something free drinks for 20 bucks. Um, logic - where are you? And yet every year we have players and teams unpaid for weeks. Again, ridiculous, but somehow sickly amusing.

So again, Captain's meeting - Thursday, October 12th, 7:00pm, Duffy's. All captains are required to attend. Captains can bring an assistant, but when it comes to voting, only one vote per team. If you can bring a roster and team payment to the meeting, I will buy you (and me) a shot, right there, on the spot. 

Non captains: talk to your captain about what you want differently for the upcoming season so they can properly represent their team and the league.

Captains and players can contact me at anytime - (530) 966-5632, text or call. Or via email:

See you then!


New Pictures Added!
Jun 15, 2017, 12:38 pm

Finally had some time to dump some pictures off of my phone. I've left a few here on the home page, any other ones I found are in the 'Photo Gallery' tab to the left.

See you on Thursdays at the Down Lo for the Summer Pool League, or in the Fall for the 2017-2018 CMPL Season!



Pool Party & Awards Banquet!
May 12, 2017, 5:30 pm

Pool Party and Awards Banquet - Saturday, May 13th - Down Lo - 1:00pm

We'll have free food, free drink, awards, and of course the infamous raffle!



You paid for it - you played for it - come enjoy it!


May 3, 2017, 3:25 pm

Congratulations to the Down lo Playa's! They are the 2016-2017 Champions!


In an intensely close match, the Playa's came out on top, edging the Oasis Outlaws in the last frame. Rusty came through huge in the final match giving his team the trophy. Both teams played great and the match turned out to be exactly what it should have been - the top top teams in the city going at it. Congratulations to both for a great season - your trophies will be ready for you next Saturday, May 13th!


Now it's time for the Charles Lintz Top Shooter Tournament! It will happen Thursday Night, May 4th at the Down Lo. Here's the matchups for Round #1:

#1 Kevin Cibart vs #8 Chris Urbach

#2 Dennis Bruch vs. #7 Matt 'Tree' Fields

#3 Ed Theis vs. #6 Rob C.

#4 Kenny Duff vs. #5 Tony Tokarski

 Click on the bracket image below to open a printable .PDF version, including the rules.

These matches will all start at 7:00pm on tables #4, #5, #6, and #10. The championship will be held on Table #10. The first rounds will be a race to 3, the championship a race to 5. Winner receives $100 cash and the Charles Lintz Top Shooter Trophy. 

After we determine the winner tomorrow night there will only be one more activity for the season - the End of the Year Pool Party and Awards Banquet! It will be Saturday, May 13th, at the Down Lo, from 1pm on. Free beer, free food, awesome raffle, big trophies - what more could you want? 

See you tomorrow, if not Saturday!


Apr 25, 2017, 4:18 pm

Congratulations to the Oasis Bulldogs - the CMPL 2016-2017 3rd Place Winners!


The Down Lo Playa's and the Oasis Outlaws will be squaring off for the Championship on Thursday, April 27th, at the Down Lo (Table #10), 7:00pm. Please come down and cheer on your favorite team - this should be another epic matchup. See you there!


Next week it's the Charles Lintz Top Shooter Tournament - also at the Down Lo - Thursday, May 4th, 7:00pm. Matches will be conducted on 3 of the middle blue tables (#4, #5, and #6), as well as table #10. Championship will be held on either Table #5 or table #10, whichever has the most seating/visbility for spectators. So probably #5. (I wish it was Jason's table #8!). Contestants can be found on the 'Top Shooters - FINAL' tab to the left of the webpage.


Pool Party! Nine days after the Top shooter Tourney - Saturday, May 13th, Down Lo - 1:00pm start time. More information to follow, but guaranteed free food, beer, and pool. Our famous Women's and Men's raffle will happen mid-afternoon, as well as pool tournaments all afternoon. Hit me up if you have a raffle prize you would like to donate, or sell at a garage-sale price tag. 966-5632

Ok, looks like we'll be seeing a lot of the Down Lo in the next few weeks. Be sure to thank Kyle and Karen if you see them for their hospitality. Hopefully you'll buy tons of drinks and food so Karen, along with Stacy, will know just how well we treat bars that host end-of-the-year parties, unlike the Tackle Box. 

Good luck to remaining teams and top shooter contestants!


Round #2
Apr 9, 2017, 1:53 pm

Here's what happened in round #1:

The #1 seed Playa's beat the #8 Duffy's 11-8. Charles Lintz, Kevin, and Rusty each had 3-0 wins, one of Kevin's (his 12th 3-0 in a row) was via an 8-ball break and run. So if you're counting or bad at math, that's 36-0 over 12 weeks for Cibart. Unheard of. Kevin K. and Ed each ad 3-0 wins for Duffy's to keep it close. Larry got the final winner in the 7th match.

The #2 seed Outlaws beat #7 seed Team Chaos 11-6. Bulldog had the only 3-0 win of the night. Tree, Kenny, and Kevin Lombard each had 2-1 wins to keep on the pressure. Izzy got the final win in the 6th match to get it to 11 points.

The #4 seed Damned lost to the #5 seed Oasis O-Team at the Down Lo, 8-11. Tony Tokarski started the night with a 3-0 win, but because of Brian Norman's 3-0 win and the rest of the Oasis's 2-1 wins from Brian, Joel, and Stacy they held on to win. 

The #3 Seed Bulldogs knocked out the #6 seed Dragons, 11-4. Brenon started the night with a 3-0 win, but then Micah and Jamie T. came back and got back-to-back 2-1 wins for the Dragons. Captain Steve stopped it right there with a 3-0 win giving the 'Dogs an 8-4 lead. Dennis Bruch came in for the 5th match and beat Hambek 3-0 to get the Bulldogs to 11 points.

So here are the matchups for this Thursday, April 13th:

#1 seed Playa's vs. #5 seed Oasis O-Team - Down Lo, Table #10, 7:00pm

#2 seed Outlaws vs. #3 seed Bulldogs - Oasis, Table #1, 7:00pm

Winners go on to the championship in 2 weeks, losers come back and play next week for 3rd/4th place honors. Charles Lintz Top Shooter Tournament in 3 weeks.

Good luck! 


Apr 3, 2017, 12:16 am

I haven't had time to do recaps, but all the stats are entered and the final standings and top shooters and beer frame standings are attached.

It was a fun last few weeks - the Duffy's squad squeaked in just enough wins against the Oasis Outlaws to slip ahead of the Stickmen by one stinkin' point, as the two teams were battling for that last playoff spot. The Stickmen were helplessly on their bye week, essentially cheering on the Oasis club, but Steve Swim iced it in the last match, getting all 3 games, to give his Duffians the 8 points they needed. That #8 seed would have to play the dominant #1 Playa's in round one, that was the only downside.  
Kevin is on top of the Top Shooter's list at a redonculous 87.7%, and that's with playing 19 of a possible 20 matches this year. He didn't just barely have enough to qualify and therefore a high percentage, he almost had the maximum possible. Damn. Plus he had an amazing run to end the season - he had 3-0 matches an incredible 11 weeks in a row. His last loss was on January 12th! Dennis is in 2nd place. Ed Theis, Kenny Duff (who did play the maximum 20 matches), Tony Tokarski, Rob C., and Tree round out the top 7. Chris Urbach came out of nowhere and because he won 6 out of 6 lately snuck into the top 8 and ended up in an 8th place tie with Jeff Jacobsen (Team Playa's) who just barely qualified with 15 matches (the minimum). So the two are dead tied at 66.66666667% and I need to figure out what our tie-breaker is. It might be a match between them to get in. We'll see.  Looks like the rules state that the shooter with the more games played breaks the tie and moves up. So it looks like Chris Urbach had the more games played (19 to Jeff's 15), so Chris is the #8 seed Top Shooter. Dang - I would have liked to have seen a shoot-out between those guys instead!
Here's this week's playoff schedule (Round 1):

#1 seed Playa's vs #8 seed Duffy's - Down Lo, 7pm, Table #10

#2 seed Outlaws vs #7 seed Team Chaos - Oasis, 7pm, Table #1

#3 seed Bulldogs vs #6 seed Dragons, Oasis, 7pm, Table #2

#4 seed Down Lo Damned vs #5 seed Oasis O-Team, Down Lo, 7pm, Table #5

Reminder to playoff captains: The Home captain only needs to put up one player at a time. As long as they are ready to go after the previous match is over (or 7:00pm), they don't need to be in the building. Beer frames are completely optional and up to the two captains. First team to 11 points/wins moves on to the next round. No need to play past 11 wins, unless both teams agree, just for the fun of it (no stats/points).
I'll be bouncing around between Down Lo and Oasis if you have any questions.
Good luck, have fun-

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