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Final Week!
Mar 29, 2017, 5:48 pm

We're down to the final week! All the stats are in the computer - the website is up to date. All the top 8 positions look pretty much set. I'll try to get some postings up at the Oasis tomorrow, and the Top Shooter online up to date.

The only thing we were missing from the captain's meeting back in October was a playoff scenario with our relatively low team numbers (11 teams this year compared to 13 or 14 in the past). There could be 3 options:

Best of the Rest Invite: Have the bottom 4 teams (8th - 11th seed) battle for the 8th spot, to play the #1 spot (Playa's). This would take an additional 2 weeks to play out before the playoffs could even start.

Barney's idea: The top 5 teams are in. Seeds 6-11 would play each other (6 v 11, 5 v 10, 8 v 9). The winners would become the new 6, 7, 8 seeds. This would take an extra week to figure out, and is a pretty radical idea we never talked about at the captain's meeting. It would be a big risk for the 6th seed to battle to get that high in the standings, to then risk elimination before the playoffs even start.

-Old School - How the league was only a few years ago and for eons before that. The top 8 make the playoffs, the bottom guys don't. No 'Participation' awards, no best-of-the-worst trophies, no 'everybody gets something.' This was different when we had 5+ teams on the outside looking in, but with only 3 teams not making the cut, it seems kinda unnecessary. This would mean less (no) B-Trophies and more money for food, prizes, beer, etc. at the pool party.

After talking to a few captains - some at the top, some at the bottom, it was the consensus (but not unanimous) to choose the 'Old School' route. I agreed (9th place), Eagles agreed (10th place), Ed Theis/Duffy's agreed (8th place). Stacy agreed, Kevin agreed. Ex-President Aaron Smith agreed. It was quickest, cheapest, easiest, and most logical. Yes, not every team will play the same amount of games, but neither will those knocked out in the first round as compared to the eventual championship team. Just like professional sports teams that do not make the playoffs or wildcards.

So for this year the top 8 will play for the Championship. The bottom 3 will not. If those teams that did not make it want to play in an unofficial match (for money?) we would be glad to do that - we're down.  

Next year we will decide at the Captains Meeting future protocols for different scenarios - 10 teams in the league, 11 teams, 15 teams, etc. and have it all set no matter what the turnout is. 

Sorry for any confusion - I know it's late in the season to be dealing with this, but this season flew by - at least for me. We'll get something concrete for future seasons this off season.

Good luck everyone - enjoy the last week. Have fun. The Stickmen will be on the final bye week.


2 weeks to go!
Mar 22, 2017, 12:26 am

Everything is in and up to date, as long as you look at the stats page. Standings are current, too. Note: Outlaws have a bye this week, and Stickmen in final week. I still need to update the top shooters page, and beer frame page. I'll have that done, posted, and e-mailed on Wednesday, plus hopefully recaps.


Almost up to date...
Mar 8, 2017, 1:58 am

Sorry AGAIN for the guys have been very patient. Thank you. I promise to keep things more up to date here on out.

Everything is entered - except for a score sheet I think I left at work for Bulldogs/Team Chaos on February 23rd. I should get that entered on Wednesday if it's sitting on my desk. I should get everything printed, up to date, posted, and emailed Wednesday night, Thursday afternoon.

 Team Playa's has taken over first place by a point, one ahead of the Outlaws. The Bulldogs are in a close third place. But note that the Outlaws still have a bye week upcoming which will drop them a little bit. The Bulldogs and Playa's have already had their bye week. Four weeks left in the season!

 We have a close race on top of the Top Shooter list - Dennis Bruch is now on top of the list at a crazy 85.42%, Kevin Cibart is right behind at 84.4%. Ed Theis is right there at 79.5%. Tony Tokarski and Kenny Duff are essentially tied for 4th place at about 78.5%. Dragon's Rob C. is in 6th place, Tree is in 7th, Brenon, Chris U., Leo, Jamey T., and Izzy are tied for 8th at 66.7%. The top shooter list is being updated, but it can always be found at the 'statistics' tab - remember, to get the full listing: select a team, any team, with the 'team filter' selector, then after that team loads select 'all teams' from the selector. That will show everyone, not just the first 99 or 100 players. Then hit the 'Win %' header to sort by percentage (hit it twice to arrange high to low). It's dumb, I know, but a website shortcoming. Just a reminder: these instructions/work arounds are always posted in the upper right hand side of the web page home page (in the 'President's Corner') in case you forget.

The Dragons are on their bye week for March 9th. To everyone else, good luck, and thanks again for your patience. And Joel Russo: I'm working on the statistics double-check - just give me a couple days.


Weeks 15 & 16 Team Reports
Feb 22, 2017, 7:18 pm

OK, back to business - flooding over, Memorial tournament over (see post below/last week for the details/results), work under control... here's what each team did the past couple of weeks:


The Eagles

The Eagles were at home on Feb 9th versus Duffy's and lost 6-15. Terry and Dylyn got the beer frame this week, and Chris S. was the highlight on the sheet with 2 wins. On February 16th, Chris was also the highlight as he and his team played the Down Lo Playa's. Meredith witnessed his sick 8-ball break-and-run which included some pretty cool shots against a great player - Jason Colabove. That was pretty much their only highlight as the Playa's got them 16-5. Terry and Dylyn couldn't get this beer frame against Leo and Rusty.



The Duffy's crew as mentioned beat the Eagles, 15-6, on Feb 9th. They did it with taking 8 of the final 9 games in the second-half - Ed got 3, as did Kevin K. Ed and Trish lost the beer frame, though. They had the bye for Feb 16th.


Down Lo Playa's

In week #15 the Playa's were at home versus the Dragons. Rusty and Kevin each had 3-0 wins helping their team to a 13-8 victory. Jeff Jacobson and Rusty couldn't beat Steve Hambek and Sid in the beer frame. In week #16 the Playa's beat up on the Eagles, 16-5. Kevin and Charles W. had 3-0 nights, everyone else on the team had 2-1 nights.


Oasis Dragons 

The Dragons again lost to the Playa's, but Aaron Smith had a great night going 3-0. Sid had 2 to help his squad get to 8 total points. On February 16th the Dragons were again down at the Down Lo taking on the Damned. They lost by the same score, 13-8. Jeff B. and Steve H. were the high points on the sheet - each got 2-1 wins. Rob C. and Steve couldn't beat Sean and Derek of the Damned for the road beer frame honors. 


Down Lo Damned

The week before, the Damned were home playing the Oasis Outlaws. Tony Tokarski started the night off with a 2-1 victory, but it was all 1's and zeros the rest of the way for the Down Lo crew. The Outlaws beat them 14-7. The Nixons did get the beer frame, though, beating Mike Karol and Gregg 2-1. As mentioned, the Damned beat the Dragons the next week. Richard Nixon got a 3-0 win, and everyone else got 2 or 1 win(s). 


Down Lo Stickmen

The Stickmen continuing their road marathon out at Shenanigan's on Feb. 9th. The Stickmen won 12-9 thanks to Wendy and Cowboy Rob's 3-0 wins. Scott and Cele lost to Mikey and Gary in the beer frame. On Feb. 16th the Stickmen were on the road at Oasis to take on the controversial Team Chaos. Their urine was clean this week but they still beat the Stickmen 13-8. Cele got all 3 for the Down Lo, and he and Scott teamed up to beat Rich Jr. and Bill in the beer frame, 2-0. Everyone else on the team got 1 win.


Shenanigan's Rack Pack

The Rack Pack beat the Stickmen in week #15 - Mikey D. had the lone 3-0 win for the 'Pack. The following week they hosted the Oasis Bulldogs and beat them 11-10. Mikey and Gary each had 3-0 wins in the final 2 spots to come back and win, with no room to spare. Rob and Fish lost the beer frame to Phylicia and Brenon, 2-1.


Oasis Bulldogs

The Bulldogs lost to the Rack Pack in week #16, and also lost to the O-Team 12-9 in week #15. Although on Feb 9th they were short one player. Dennis B. got all 3 of his matches. The other Dennis and Brenon got the beer frame 2-0. 


Oasis Outlaws

The Outlaws played the Damned on Feb. 9th and did very well - winning 14-7. Everyone on the Outlaws got at least one win, Matt 'Tree' Fields was the only Outlaw to get all 3 wins. On Feb 16th the Outlaws beat down the O-Team 16-5. Mike B., Bulldog, and Izzy each had 3-0 wins. Izzy and Mike K. couldn't beat Jhett and Brian V. in the beer frame though.


Oasis O-Team 

The O-Team won on Feb. 9th 12-9 against the short-handed Bulldogs. Stacy started the night with a 3-0 victory, and Brian V. ended it with 3 of his own. In the middle Brian V. and Philo lost to Dennis F and Brenon in the beer frame.


Oasis Team Chaos

Team Chaos had meetings with their pharmaceutical reps during their bye week on Feb. 9th, and as stated above beat the Stickmen on Feb. 16th, 13-8. In that game Rich Jr. had a 3-0 night, and pretty much everyone else had 2-1 nights. Rich Jr. and Bill lost to Scott and Wendy in the beer frame. 


Good luck to everyone in week #17 - except for the Playa's. They have the bye week for February 23rd. I'll try to post standings and stats, and email them, this week but if you don't see them, don't fret - everything is up to date online (standings and stats). Beer frame tracker and top shooter lists are still a couple weeks behind. Sorry.


Feb 22, 2017, 4:01 pm

2017 Chico Memorial Open 8-Ball Tournament



Tim Larson


It was a great tournament - it was essentially booked solid with 64 participants before we even arrived to set up! We had participants from the Chico area, Redding, Sacramento, Marysville, Willows, and a few other cities make the trip. 

But in the end Redding's Tim Larson ended up on top - besting Mario Castenellas (also from Redding). The final brackets can be found by clicking the picture below. Thanks as always to Stacy and Jackie for their hospitality, and Stacy's benevolent donations to increase the cash pot. Meredith did an awesome job, as well as the runners all over the place helping things run smooth. Keep your calendars clear next year - and remember to pay asap - it WILL fill up again!



Click on the picture above to see the brackets up close

Winter Classic Tournament!
Jan 27, 2017, 1:46 pm

Please note - the 2nd Annual Winter Classic Chico Memorial Pool Tournament has been rescheduled from this Saturday (Jan. 28th) to Saturday, Feb. 11th. 

End of Half - Week #10
Jan 19, 2017, 5:38 pm

Here's what happened last week, week #10 - the end of the first half of the season:

Before we go any further, a quick news update:

The Oasis Bankers Team Chaos are currently under official investigation by the BCAPL for possible Performance Enhancing Drugs (PED's), and/or possible criminal activities by the Butte County District Attorney's office for using Rohypnol (the 'date rape drug') for rendering their opponents unconscious. This falls under the possession with intent to distribute (21 U.S.C. § 802) laws. Recent unprecedented wins tipped off the authorities. Stay tuned for more information.

That aforementioned Team Chaos, while awaiting trial, took on the Down Lo Playa's last week. Just to remind you, Barney's crew beat the Outlaws (11-10) in week 8, then beat Duffy's (18-3) in week 9. In week 10 they were up against a formidable Down Lo Team Playa's crew. Inexplicably they beat Down Lo 14-7. Charles W. got 3 for the home team to start off the night, but it was all Oasis from there. Rich Jr. and Siwa got back-to-back 3-0 wins in the top half making it 7-5 Chaos at the break. Then Siwa and Bill Ide teamed up and beat Kevin and Jeff Jacobson in the beer frame, 2-1. George shot 5th and got all 3 for Oasis, and Bill Ide and Russ A. got 2 out of 3 in the final 2 spots to make a 7-2 bottom-half Chaos win. Final score: 14-7 Bankers Team Chaos. Look out Damned - you're next on the calendar (if they are found innocent).

In other news, the O-Team lost to the Dragons 12-9. Micah got all 3 of his matches to help the cause. Dave Napier and Brian V. teamed up to beat Rob C. and John Chamberlin, 2-1, in the beer frame match.

Over at Duffy's, Ed's crew was welcoming in the Oasis Outlaws. It was all Outlaws to start - Paul Airth got 3, Kenny Duff got 3, and Mike Brandt got 2 to help the Outlaws get to a 9-3 halftime lead. Kevin L. and Izzy beat Ed and Kevin K. in the beer frame, 2-0. But the Duffy's team wasn't through - Ed stayed at the table and got all 3 of his games, one via an 8-ball break and run. Kevin got 2 more, but Mike Karol got the final winning points in the last match. Final score: Outlaws 12, Duffy's 9.

The Down Lo Damned were homing playing the Shenanigan's Rack Pack last week. The Damned were up big thanks to Curt's 3-0 win, and Tony, Goran, and Satyr's 2-win showings - 9-3 at the break. Derek and Sean beat Mike Dowd and Drew in the beer frame, 2-1. Final score: Damned 14, Rack Pack 7.

The Eagles welcomed in the Oasis Bulldogs, but then promptly kicked them out after the Bulldogs rudely stomped all over the hosts and their hospitality. The Bulldogs won big (16-5) thanks to Brenon, Chris U., Dennis B., and Captain Steve's 3-0 wins. Chuck and Terry did win the beer frame, though - beating Steve and Robbie 2-0. 

The Stickmen got wasted with Sundy at the Down Lo - they had the bye week.

Now we start all over again for the second-half, just swapping home and aways. The Bulldogs, as they did in week #1, are on the bye.

Good luck in week #11 - and the second-half - a new beginning.

Looks like the big 2nd Annual Memorial All-City Tournament is leaning towards Saturday February 4th at the Oasis. More details coming.

The print outs have been emailed out, and will be posted at the Oasis. The online Top Shooter list still needs to be updated, and will be soon.




Jan 11, 2017, 6:46 pm

Hey everyone-

Sorry, I have been slammed with work stuff over the New Year. I tried to set time aside, but I literally just couldn't without sacrificing work, so work won this time.

I got a quick break here so all the scores are entered - everything is current (except the Top Shooter list and Beer Frame leaders (sorry, Izzy). That will come soon - probably this weekend either with this week's stats including 1/12/17, or not (up through 1/5/17). Stats and standings are on the web - The Bulldogs are in the lead with 119 team points, the Outlaws are right behind with 118. Everyone's bye week has now happened so it is accurate (except for the Stickmen, so they'll drop even more). Kenny Duff is our current Top Shooter at 81.5%, but Jamie T. is right behind him at 81.0%, as is Kevin Cibart and Tony Tokarski - they're both at 79.2%. Ed Theis and Tree are next with 76.2%, and Robbie Keilor rounds out the top 7 at 75%.

As far as recaps go for the past couple of weeks - half of the teams won, half the teams lost. Some people won 3 matches, some won 1 or 2. Some even lost all 3. There was a blowout by the Duffy's squad over the Shenanigan's Rack Pack - 18-3. But in an ironic twist, the Oasis Bankers Team Chaos the next week beat the same Duffy's team by their own score - 18-3! That same Team Chaos, the week before, beat the Oasis Outlaws 11-10 thanks to Barney at the end. So needless to say, watch out for Team Chaos (that's you, Team Playa's) - they're hot right now. 

The Stickmen are on the bye this week - but they won't be home. They'll be at the Down Lo celebrating Sundy Stogden's birthday! So if you're nearby, buy that awesome guy a whiskey water. 

Good luck to everyone else. 

Reminder - the 2nd Annual All-City Memorial Tournament is coming soon. It's down for Saturday, Jan. 28th, at the Oasis, but Meredith has a scheduling conflict so we might need to postpone it until the next Saturday, February 4th. Keep checking here for more information, or the fliers that will be posted at all of our bars.


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