Chico Mens Pool League
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Week #8 Results
Dec 29, 2016, 7:14 pm

...still waiting for results from Oasis Outlaws (home team) versus the Eagles. Once I get a score sheet from Mike Karol or Mike Daniels we'll be good to go.


Good luck in week #9!


Week #7 Results
Dec 14, 2016, 1:49 am

Sorry about missing a few weeks. All the stats have been in, just not the recaps. On that note, I can't thank everyone enough - especially the Captains. I have not had a single issue collecting score sheets this year. It's either been a full box at the Oasis, Ed's perfectly neat score sheet email from Duffy's home (and sometimes away) games, Mike Daniel's colorful text pic, Satyr's 3:00am text delivery, or Kevin's super-prompt text (I think he's sending the text before the match is over!). Even Shenanigan's, out in their own area code, have made it to me. Either way, it's all made my job way too easy. Thanks again! Keep it up - PLEASE!

Thanks to all this communication, I've emailed (and will soon post at the Oasis) the Top Shooter list and individual stats list, all up to the minute. The Top Shooter list has been updated online as well. To Izzy's vexation, unfortunately the beer frame tracker hasn't been updated yet.

Here's what happened in Week #7

Over at the Eagles, the Dragons were playing the visiting team role on December 8th. It was 7-5 Dragons at the break - the 'unofficial' Top Shooter right now, Jamie T., got all 3 of his games to start the night. Eric and Rob C. teamed up and beat Mike D. and Terry in the beer frame, 2-0. The final score was Dragons 12, Eagles 9.

The Outlaws of Oasis ventured all the way to the north side of the Reach, just past Winterfell, to take on the Shenanigan's Rack Pack. It was all Outlaws as they won 14-7 with the help of Izzy and Tree's 3-0 wins. Mike Dowd and Samoan Joe did get the beer frame, though, impressively beating Mike Karol and Gregg 2-1.

That crazy Team Chaos was home taking on the Oasis O-Team last week in the Match of the Week. The heavily favored O-Team, now with their team even more stacked with the addition of Brian Norman (formerly of Cal's team and the Stickmen), started off in the hole as they were down 5-7 at the break. Rich Jr. shot first and got all 3, then Rich Sr. played and got 2 out of 3. Dave Napier stopped the O-Team bleeding with a 3-0 win in the 3rd match, but Team Chaos newcomer Siwa got 2 out of 3 heading into the beer frame. Siwa stayed at the table with Russ to take on Philo and Brian Vignon, and won both games to none for the 'free' beer. Philo stayed up there to play in the 5th spot, and got 2 out of 3. As did Brian V. That made the score 9-9 going into the final match: Bill Ide vs. Joel. Joel got the first 2 to get to 11, but Bill got the 21st game to make the final score a close 11-10 Oasis O-Team victory.

 Also at the Oasis, the Bulldogs were hosting the Duffy's Tavern crew. The 'Dogs almost got the win in the first-half as they built a 10-2 lead going into the beer frame. Brennon and Ed Bowers got all 3 of their matches, Chris and Dennis B. got 2 out of 3 in theirs. Brennon and Dennis F.(?) played Prana and Kevin in the scotch doubles match, but no score was recorded at all. Assuming they actually played a beer frame, Kevin got 2 in the 5th spot, but Robbie got all 3 in the 6th spot. In the last match Ed Theis got 2 out of 3 against Ty. Final score: 15-6 Oasis Bulldogs.

Over at the Down Lo, the Stickmen had the tough task of playing the Down Lo Playa's. It was 8-4 quickly as Jeff J. got all 3 for his Playa's, Cele got 2 for the Stickmen, and Larry and Kevin Cibart got 2 each. Scott and Paul Wall did win the beer frame, 2-1, against Rusty and Kyle. But Jason thwarted any Stickmen comeback hopes by getting all 3 games in his match. Rusty and Leo chipped in 2 more each to get the final score to 14-7 Playa's. Just a note - a couple of the final matches were played on 'non-official' tables concurrently (with both captain's approval) to help speed up the night. We were done by roughly 10:30pm. So just pointing it out - if your games are dragging, and if both captains agree, games can be played on other tables at the same time. Maybe even the beer frame can be played elsewhere to speed things up, when possible/necessary. Just make sure a captain and co-captain are available to referee on each table. Try to use this as a last-resort option for slow nights. We don't want to necessarily get in the habit of doing this all the time (I think?).

The Damned of Down Lo were off last week in their bye week. The Dragons will not be playing this week, Dec. 15th.

Good luck this Thursday! Drive safely, if you have to drive. It will be wet, and dangerous, for sure. Remember, no matches on 12/22. Games will resume on December 29th (just a one week break).


Week #4 Results
Nov 16, 2016, 1:03 am

Here's what happened in Week #4 (November 10th):

Before the details, just a quick reminder (especially for Down Lo captains): Please let the bartender know who won the beer frame, even (or especially) if your team was victorious. They can then pressure the respective team to either pay, or enjoy their free drinks. Let them know if you lost, too!

Duffy's was hosting the Eagles in downtown Chico last week. Prana and Ed helped Duffy's to an 8-4 lead at the break with their 3-0 wins. Ed and Kevin lost the beer frame 2-0 to Eagle's Terry and Robin. Dylan got 3 for the Eagles to make it 8-7 Duffy's, but Kevin Kinell got them to 11 with a 3-0 win in the 6th spot. Robin got 3 for his team to get his team to 10. Final score: Duffy's 11, Eagles 10.

Over at the Oasis, the Down Lo Damned were taking on the Outlaws. The Outlaws almost had the win in the first half thanks to Kenny and Kevin's 3-win efforts and Paul and Ricky's 2-win matches. Sean and Derek beat Izzy and Tree in the beer frame, 2-0, for a Damned road beer frame victory. In the bottom-half, Izzy got his team to 12 to seal the deal. Final count: Outlaws 14, Damned 7.

The Stickmen were home taking on the Shenanigan's Rack Pack at the Down Lo. The Stickmen also almost made it a first-half victory with Cele and Wheez's 3-0 wins, and Scott and Rob's 2-1 wins. Up 10-2, the Stickmen's power couple, Dave and Wendy, lost the beer frame 2-0 to Gary and Kevin Nickas. In the bottom-half, Mikey got all 3 and Gary and Brian won 2 to make the final score 12-9 Stickmen.

In the match of the week, the Bulldogs were battling the O-Team at the Oasis. Brenon and Dennis Bruch got all 3 of their games, and Stacy and Jhett each got 2-1 wins to make it 8-4 at the break. Robbie and Dennis F. got the beer frame from Mike and Brian, 2-1. Robbie got 2 more in his match, and Keith got all 3 of his, to help make the final score 14-7 Bulldogs.

The Down Lo Playa's were also at the Oasis taking on the Dragons. It was a close 7-5 Dragons lead at the break thanks to Jamie's 3-0 win and Micah's 2-1 victory. Micah and Jamie lost to Leo and Jeff J. in the beer frame, 2-0. In the bottom-half it was all Playa's - Jeff got 2, Jason got 3, and Leo wrapped it up with 3 more for a come from behind 13-8 Playa's victory.

The Bankers were on the bye in week #4. Duffy's has the bye this week.

For those looking for a little extra competition this weekend, the Pierce Custom Cues NorCal Pool Tour is coming through Yuba City's Gold Rush Billiards November 19th and 20th. If you haven't been their yet, it's always worth the trip - the place is awesome. The 9-ball competition will be split into 3 divisions so everyone in our league should be able to fit in nicely somewhere. Kevin Cibart sent me the flier below to share with you all. Hopefully some of you can make it and represent Chico! Let me or Kevin know if you're interested and maybe some carpools can be arranged. Good luck!


Week #2 and #3 Results
Nov 9, 2016, 1:33 am

Sorry about that... here's what happened in week #2 (Oct. 27th):

The Stickmen were home versus the Bulldogs at the Down Lo. The two teams traded 2-1 wins and the Bulldogs were in the lead 7-5 at the break. Wendy and Scott won in the beer frame, 2-1, against Ed and Steve. In the bottom-half, the Bulldogs went off and got 3 wins from Ty and Steve Smith, but newbie Jeremy got 2 more for the Stickmen. Final score: 13-8 Bulldogs.

Over at the Oasis, Team Chaos (Bankers) were home against the Dragons. It was all 2-1 matches throughout the night and the Dragons came out on top 12-9. Sid and Walter teamed up for the Dragon beer frame victory against Rich Jr. and Barney, 2-0. 

The Outlaws were also at home as they welcomed in the Down Lo Playa's in the match of the week. It was almost over in the first half as the Oasis got to 10 points at the break thanks to Kevin Lombard's 3 points and Izzy's 3-0 win. Kenny and Tree got 2 as well in the first half. Kevin and Jason did get the beer frame, though, beating Mike Karol and Jimmy Scott 2-0. Paul put the Oasis over the top with 2 wins to help make the final score 14-7 Outlaws.

Down at the Eagles, the Shenanigan's Rack Pack made the trip across town for week #2. The 'Pack shot out to an 8-4 lead thanks to Jeff W.'s 3-0 win in the 3rd spot. Rob and Drew won the beer frame for the Rack Pack against Chuck and Chris S. - 2-0 none the less. But in the second-half the Eagles stormed back. Jon COX got all 3 of his games, Terry got 2 of his, and captain Mike Daniels got the first of his 3 games to get to 10 points. Gary fought back and got the 2nd match to make it 10-10. Mike Daniels pulled it out and got the last match to give his Eagles the 11-10 win.

In another late one at the Down Lo, the Damned were home against their upstairs neighbors, Duffy's. Goran and Tony T. each got 3 wins in the first half, but so did Ed for Duffy's. It was 8-4 at the break. Steve and Derek got the beer frame, 2-1, against Ed and Kevin. Derek, Steve McGrill, and Satyr each got 2-1 wins in the bottom half to get the final score to 14-7 Damned.

The O-Team were on the bye week Oct. 27th.

Here's what happened in Week #3, November 3rd:

It was D-Lo vs. D-Lo as the Damned were taking on the Playa's last week. The Playa's were up 7-5, mainly due to Kevin Cibart and Charles W. getting all 3. Richard Nixon came back and got all 3 for the Damned, and Satyr got 2 to make it close at the break. Jason and Leo got the beer frame against Dusty and Tony T., 2-0. Leo stayed at the table and got all 3, then Tom LeClaire got 2 out of 3 to get to 12 points. Steve McGrill got the final 3 points to make the final score 12-9 Playa's. 

The Oasis's Team Chaos was home versus the Eagles. Bobbo was the only player to get all 3 in the match. Those 3 points were enough to get the Eagles to a 12-9 victory. Bill Ide and Mark Edwards got the beer frame, 2-0, against the COX and Dylyn pairing. 

In the match of the week, the Bulldogs were facing the Oasis Outlaws. The two powerhouses were tied at 6 at the break. Brenon got all 3 for the Bulldogs, Matt 'Tree' got all 3 for the Outlaws. Mike Karol and Kenny got the beer frame, 2-0, against Ed and Robbie. Steve Smith got 2 wins, but Kenny came back and got 2 more. Izzy got the first win in the 7th frame to get his team to 10, Ty came back to get his team to 10, and Izzy put his Outlaws over the top with the final victory. 11-10 Outlaws.

Also at the Down Lo, the Stickmen welcomed in Stacy and the O-Team for week #3. Stacy helped his team by being the only player with 3 wins, also helping to make the score 8-4 O-Team at the break. Brian V. and Dave Napier got the road beer frame win, 2-0, against Madsack and Cowboy Rob. But Wendy and Keith came back for the Stickmen with 2 wins each to make the score 10-8 Oasis. Scott needed all 3 in the final match for the home win and in classic Scott fashion, it didn't happen. DJ got 2 out of 3 to make the final score 12-9 O-Team.

Upstairs at Duffy's, Ed and the crew were taking on the Oasis Dragons. It was all tied at the break. Micah got all 3 of his, but Woot came back and took 3 himself. The other guys traded 2-1 wins to leave it 6-6 half-way through. Ed and Kevin beat Rob C. and Micah 2-0 in the beer frame. Walter then got 2 for his Dragons and John C. got all 3 of his to get to 11 points. Steve Swim got all 3 of his in the final match to get Duffy's to 10 points. Final score:  11-10 Dragons.

The Shenanigan's Rack Pack had the bye in week #3. The Bankers, I mean Team Chaos, have the week off for week #4.

Good luck to everyone else this week.

I'll get some printouts and top shooter lists after this week.


Week #1
Oct 26, 2016, 12:10 am

...and, we're back.

The Shenanigan's Rack Pack started the season at home last week against the Dragons of the Oasis. The Dragons were up big after Jeff got the first 3 of the night, Micah got 2, and Jamie got all 3 of his. But Rack Pack Mike Dowd came up and got his team back on track with 3 wins of his own, making it 8-4 Dragons at the break. In the beer frame Steve Hambek and John Chamberlin beat Mike D and Matt Altenberg 2-1. The final score ended up being Dragons 13, Rack Pack 8.

The Down Lo Damned were home in week #1 taking on the Oasis Bankers (or Team Chaos?). The Damned were up 8-4 at the beer frame thanks to Tony's 3-0 win. Steve McGrill and Dereck beat league newcomer Siwa and Rich Sr. 2-0 for the honor. Siwa and Derek stayed at the table to go 1 on 1 in the 5th frame. Dereck won 2 out of 3, and McGrill pitched in one more in the 6th spot. That got them to 11 points - which was good because they didn't have a 7th shooter. The Bankers got the 3 bonus points but it wasn't enough - Damned 11, Team Chaos (?) 10.

Over at the Oasis, the Outlaws were welcoming in the Stickmen for week #1. The match was tied 6-6 at the break. Cowboy Rob got the first 3 of the night, Cele got 2 out of 3, but then Kenny Duff came back and got 3 wins, and Tree got 2 more. Scott and league newbie Jeremy Hedlund teamed up in the beer frame and defeated Izzy and Ricky 2-1 for a road beer frame victory. In the 6th frame Bulldog got 2 out of 3 against Wendy Kaplan, making her Men's league debut. Paul Airth got all 3 of his games. Ricky finished with 2 more. Final score, Outlaws 13, Stickmen 8.

Downstairs, downtown, the Down Lo Playa's welcomed in their upstairs neighbors, Duffy's Tavern. The teams traded a few 2-1 games to start the night, but Larry Hiller got all 3 of his to send his team to the beer frame up 8-4. In that beer frame, long time playa' Leo Oviedo was back this season paired up with newbie (to our league) Charles W. They faced, and beat, Kevin K. and Ice Cream 2-0 for the free beer. Leo stayed at the table and shot 5th, winning all 3 games. Charles W. got 2 in his debut, and Kevin Cibart wrapped up the night neatly with a 3-0 win. Final score Playa's 16, Duffy's 5.

The Oasis O-Team were the other home bar team playing at the Oasis in week #1. They were hosting the Eagles. The O-Team almost beat the Eagles in the first half as they tallied 10 points to the Eagle's 2. Stacy and DJ each got 3 wins, Joel and James each got 2 wins. Brian Vignon and Joel played the beer frame against Chuck and Chris Singleton. The O-team got the free beer by winning 2-1. Philo has jumped teams this year, moving from the Damned to the Oasis. He got all 3 of his games in his Oasis debut. Dylyn and Chris S. got the score to semi-respectable as they got 2 wins each to wrap up the night. Oasis 15, Eagles 6.

The Bulldogs had to start the season on the bye week, but they'll be back in action next week versus the Stickmen. The O-Team has the bye week for week #2.

For everyone else - good luck. Remember, it's the second week - all dues (players and bar sponsorships) are now officially due. I'll be at the Down Lo Thursday night if you want to drop off fees, or I'll hopefully make it to your bar/match with my receipt book. Please have your payment(s) ready to go.


New Season!
Oct 17, 2016, 12:51 am

Okay, the schedule is finally done and online - just click on 'Game Schedule' in left-hand green column. You can see the whole schedule, or click on team filter to select just your (or any) team.

Sorry for the delay. We are down to 11 teams. We will be without Cal's Ball Busters, the Tackle Box, and now the Empire is dropping out. New captain Tom was going to have maybe 6 players, and making the right call, decided to drop out. Better than having 'long' drives and forfeits left and right and/or dropping out mid-season. Maybe next year we can get a team fielded out there. Because there are an odd number of teams, and only 11 teams, no conferences this year and everyone will play everyone twice - one at home and one away. And because of the odd number, bye weeks are back. Sorry. Good thing is that there are hardly any holiday interferences so the Thursdays roll right along (except for Thanksgiving and Christmas week) and wrap up on March 30th for the regular season, and a little into May for playoffs and the pool party (which will be at Down Lo). The Charles Lintz Top Shooter tourney will also be at Down Lo the week before. The All-City Memorial Tournament will happen the dead weekend before the Superbowl on Saturday January 28th, at the Oasis.

The playoffs and pool party might still be altered depending on the CWPL and their schedule, so don't set the schedule in your phone quite yet.

So there you have it - games start on Thursday, October 20th! T-minus 4 days! (Except for the Bulldogs, they have the first bye by random draw. All bye weeks were actually Empire games, but last minute I had to switch Durham for bye weeks). I'll have binders available for the captains on Tuesday at 5:00pm. They can be picked up at the Oasis behind the bar. Just ask Stacy, Barney, or the bartender.

I'm sure I'm forgetting something so more than likely another post will happen before Thursday. Remember to bring your $20 player dues to your captain on Thursday - I'll be making the rounds collecting payments. FYI, the players shown on the teams on the website are the ones that have paid so far (and the captains, even if they haven't paid yet). If you don't see your name, you haven't paid and stats (wins/losses) will not be credited to you until payment is made.

Good luck this Thursday, and for the 2016-2017 CMPL Season!


Sep 14, 2016, 3:44 pm


Wow, that was a fast summer!

It's almost October, which means it's almost time for Thursday night Pool League!

We first need to get things in order for the new season. We need to find out what bars are in/out, collect payments, make any rule changes/additions, argue for an hour or two over completely trivial items no matter how logical or illogical they may be, see who can talk the loudest - you know, the Captains Meeting! That meeting will be held this year at the Chico Eagles Club at the corner of 20th street and Fair/Mulberry Streets, October 6th. It will be bingo night in the hall next door so plenty of food and of course booze will be available. The fun all starts at 7:00pm. Each team can have a maximum of 2 delegates attend (ideally the true captain and his co-captain, or other knowledgeble teammate). Any measures that needs to be voted on will include just one vote from that team/bar/captain. Captains and/or delegates not in attendance will not cast a vote.

I don't see the price per player changing much - it should be still the ridiculously low price of $20 for the SEASON - which could be 20 something nights of pool, 3 games per night, and a free beer each night. It makes me chuckle each time I type this. The one free beer/well-drink each night alone would be more than $60! This entire SEASON price is about 2.5 NIGHTS of other leagues in town - I'm just saying, it's dirt cheap, so please don't ever complain. And if it does go to a vote to raise it, it will still be around 90% less than similar leagues. If you could please turn in this small donation to your team captain in a timely matter, I would appreciate it. Other leagues do very well collecting on a nightly basis, about 25 nights or times during the season. I don't see how it can be so difficult in paying $20 or so just one time for a season and be done with it.

Get a receipt from your captain that you paid - I will be making sure all payments from the captain to the League include a written receipt. In the off chance that I'm drinking when we see eachother, make sure you get a receipt from me no matter what proving your team paid. I don't want any loose strings or hurt feelings this year. 

The first league night SHOULD be the 3rd Thursday of October, so October 20th, 2016. The rest of the schedule is still up in the air until I find out how many teams are going to be active this year. 

Let your captain know of any complaints or suggestions he can bring to the meeting, or feel free to call me directly (966-5632) or email It will be kept confidential, if necessary.

That's all for now. Check the website ( regularly for any changes/updates.

Again, 2016-2017 CMPL Captains Meeting - Thursday night, October 6th, 7:00pm, Eagles Hall.




Just a Reminder...
Jun 3, 2016, 6:10 pm

Just a friendly reminder...tomorrow!


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