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Results for Week #9
Jan 20, 2016, 5:53 pm

Just a reminder - NO CMPL/CWPL TOURNAMENT THIS SATURDAY (1/23), like the schedule says. It WILL happen, just not this weekend. It's looking like February 6th - Superbowl Eve. We're trying for the Down Lo, but we may have hit a snag. The Oasis is a viable plan-b. Probably $10 entry, 8-ball, and... until our committee meets, that's about all we know. Definitely more info to follow - soon!

Okay, here's what happened in Week #9 (Jan. 14th):

The Damned of the Down Lo were taking on the Playa's of the Down Lo in an interbar matchup on Table #10. It was 8-4 Playa's at the break - Leland was the only 3-0 winner in the top half. Richard Nixon and McGrill beat Leland and Rusty for the free beer, 2-1. The Damned stormed back with a 2-spot from Richard, then a 3-0 win for Wyatt, to make it 9-9 going into the final match - McGrill vs. Rusty. Rusty came through and won all 3 for the Playa's, getting them to a final score of 12-9.

The Tackle Box were at home - which was good. The bad news is the visiting team was the Outlaws of Oasis. Not good, at least for the Alligator Humpers. It was 9-3 at the break thanks to newly acquired Matt Field's 3-0 showing. Ricky and Bulldog got the beer frame from Kent and Jonny, 2-0. Bulldog stayed at the table and got 2 out of 3, then Ricky came back to the table and got all 3. Shawn Bell rounded out the night with a 2-1 victory making the final score Outlaws 16, T-Box 5.

Okay, time to rip this off like a 2-day Band Aid. The Oasis O-Team completely annihilated the Stickmen, at The Down Lo, 17-4, completely and utterly raining on Sundy's birthday celebration. Although the mass quantities of Jim Beam's and Crown and Cokes eased the sting, and probably caused the pain in the first place, it was a fun celebration. Oh well - good job O-Team. Stacy and Brian got 2 wins each, Dave, Dwayne, Joel, and DJ (who smoked me) all got 3-0 victories, in a row, none-the-less. Guess who won the beer frame? Yes! Chris and Dwayne beat Sack and Rob, 2-1. Blacchh...

Out at the Empire, the Duffy's crew - all 7 of them - arrived and piled out of Ed's private limousine. Problem is that the Empire team - all 5 of them - were 2 players short. The Empire had a shot, too. It was tied 6-6 at the beer frame thanks to Prana's 3-0 victory. Vernoga and Curt even got the beer frame off of Ed and Swim, causing Mr. Theis to break one of his hundred dollar bills. But Ed came back in the 5th spot and won 3-0 to get it to 9-6 Duffy's. Throw in the Empire's 6 freebie points and it turns into a big 15-6 Duffy victory.

The Oasis Ball Busters were in a tough match with their bar-brothers, the Bulldogs. Ray J got 3 wins in the first half, all the other games were 2-1 trade-offs one way or the other. Final score was 12-9 Ball Busters. Bil and Cal beat Robbie and Ty in the beer frame, 2-0.

Those Bankers were at home last week as they welcomed in the Shenanigan's Rack Pack. It was all Bankers early as they staked a 9-3 lead at the break. Ken Fordis and Richie each had 3-0 wins for the home team. Hot-hand Richie stayed at the table and was joined by Barney for the beer frame. They took on, and beat, Kevin and Drew. In the bottom half, all 3 Rack Packers got 2-1 victories, but it wasn't enough as the Bankers came out on top, 12-9.

The Dragons were also home - they were taking on the Eagles. Jon COX got all 3 for his Eagles, as did Kenny Smith for his Dragons. The other boys went back and forth, 2-1 or 1-2. It eventually came down to the last shooters - Jeff Brun and Mike Daniels. The score was tied 9-9, whoever got 2 out of three would win the match for their team. Mike wasted no time and got 2 in a row and Jeff got the last one, to make the final score 11-10 Eagles.

Thanks to everyone getting their sheets in time (or just about) this week. All the stars were aligned and the right bars were on the road to ensure an easy week collecting scores. Please keep it up!

Good luck in week #10 - believe it or not, it's the halfway point of the season! Be aware, check the schedule, each team has a bye at some point during the Spring. Actually on each of those 7 nights (except for interleague nights) two teams will not play.

If you skipped ahead - READ THE TOP regarding the CMPL/CWPL Memorial Pool Tournament!!!


Week #8 Results
Jan 14, 2016, 4:43 pm

Still waiting for a score sheet from Shenanigan's for their match versus the Damned. I've left emails, voicemails, and texts for Gary but to no avail. I could bug Satyr for a copy of his visitor score sheet but I've had to do this many times before with other captains flaking. It's not his responsibility. So more than likely this results in standings and stats being delayed again, and late penalties imposed on Shenanigan's. 

Realize that I'm trying to keep things up to date - I just don't get how so many captains can be so good at this and others not so good. It's what you sign up for as a captain. One duty a week, half the games of the season, minus your games versus me or at the Oasis. PLEASE captains - you know who I mean - simply take a picture and send me your score sheet before you leave the bar! We've gone from laboriously hand delivering sheets to the Oasis, to faxing them in, and then to scanning and emailing them in, to now simply snap a picture and text. I can't get this any simpler. If you know an easier way that takes less than 20 seconds, please let me know.

Here's the rest of the results from week #8:

The Alligator Humpers of the Tackle Box were home last week hosting the Oasis Dragons. The Tackle Box started off slow as they were down 8-4 at the break. Micah came out with a 3-0 victory in the 3rd spot. Sid and Rob were successful in the beer frame, beating Charlie and Pops 2-1. In the bottom half it was pretty much all Dragons - Rob got 3, Jeff got 2, and Steve wrapped it up with 2 more. Final score 15-6 Dragons.

Over at the Oasis, Stacy and his O-Team were taking on the Eagles. It was a close 7-5 lead for the home team at the beer frame. Former Eagle David Napier got all 3 of his, and Russ got 2 out of 3 from a tough match with Robin. Stacy and Chris beat Bobbo and Terry in the beer frame 2-1. In the bottom half it was all O-Team. Joel got his usual 3 wins, DJ got 3 more, and the other former Eagle, Chuck, got 2 out of 3 to make the final score 15-6 Oasis.

Meanwhile, in Downtown Chico, the Duffy's crew was hosting Cal's Ball Busters. I'm not taking anything away from Ed's team, but I think he would agree that his team was the underdog in this match. But his team did great against the all stars - both teams were tied at 6 going into the break. Ice Cream really helped the cause with a 3-0 victory in the first half. Making the night even better for Duffy's, they caused Cal to dig deep and pay the beer frame on the road. Ed and Evan beat Cal and Bil 2-1. In the second half Eric got all 3 of his games again, continuing his perfect season atop the Top Shooter list, but Ed countered with 3 of his own making the score tied again at 9. It was down to Cal and Evan, and Cal came out victorious with a 3-0 win getting his team score to 12, Duffy's ended up with 9. As Ed and I joked, that has to be considered a win in most books.

It was an interbar match up as the Bulldogs were 'home' hosting the Outlaws in probably the top-billed match-of-the-week. As expected, both teams were back and forth the whole way. Mike Brandt started off with 3 wins, then Bulldog followed with 2. But then Brenon and Steve got all 3 back to back making it 7-5 'Dogs at the break. Ed and Robbie lost to Ricky and Izzy in the "meaningless" home vs. home beer frame, 2-0. Mike Karol shot 5th and got all 3 of his games, but Robbie came back and got 2 out of 3 for his Bulldogs making it a tied game going into the final match - an epic Keith Whitworth/Kenny Duff showdown, a replay of last year’s Top Shooter tournament. Kenny got the first one getting his team on the hill, and then he got the second one to get them to 11 points. Keith got the final game to make the bottom-line score 11-10 Outlaws. Unfortunately, this is an interleague game and we won't be able to see a round 2 later in the year. Maybe in the playoffs.

The Stickmen were home taking on Barney's Bankers at the Down Lo last week. Cele and Dave Kaplan led off the night with 3-0 wins each, but Mark Edwards and Rich came back with 2 wins and 3 wins, respectively, making it 7-5 at the break. Cowboy Rob and Madsack couldn't beat Richie and Mark in the beer frame, losing 2-1 at home. Rob stayed at the table and got 3 more wins for the Stickmen, then Scott and Keith finished the night with 2 wins each. Final score: Stickmen 14, Bankers 7.

Nearby on table 10, the Playa's were hosting the Empire Club of Durham. In another close first half, the Playa's were up "only" 7-5. Charles (with an 8-ball break and run), Leland, and Tom all had 2-1 victories. Curt had 2 for his Empire crew. Jason Colabove and Jeff beat the Empire's Zach and Curt in the beer frame, 2-1, making the Empire cough up the dough for a round of beers. The Playa's won in the bottom half, but only 5-4, making their final score 12-9 over the Empire.

Again the final match was Shenanigan's versus The Damned. Results unknown.

Good luck in week #9.

We were going to have that middle of the season co-ed Memorial Tournament on January 23rd, but it looks like we might need to push it out to January 30th. Please tell anyone who is computer illiterate or not on my email list!!! It has crept up on me quick, and I still don't have any (paid) volunteers to help me out. The location is still up in the air, too, as Jackie has her tournament at the Oasis on Saturdays at 4:00pm. It might be at the Down Lo instead, but I need to check with them. I know, most of the tables are pretty bad (looking), but the number of tables available for a tournament is very enticing. Format is still undecided, but probably 8-ball. Entry fee could be between $5-$10. Not sure on elimination/race-to-whatever details. That's why I need help! Please!



Week #7 Results
Jan 6, 2016, 6:34 pm

Happy New Year!

Oh man. Finally. All stats and games are entered and are officially up to date (except for Beer Frame standings, as usual). I played out in Durham last league night and was finally able to peek in their binder to find out the missing pieces - last names, scores, etc. So the print outs that have been lacking all year are now posted at the Oasis, and will be sent out via email to those on my list. Captains can use them however they want, top shooters can frame them, whatever. So sorry for the delays - most was out of my control. So, moving forward...

Here are the results from Week #7 (December 17th, 2015):

The Oasis Outlaws were home versus the Down Lo Damned. It was 8-4 Outlaws at the break thanks to Mike Brandt's 3-0 score. The Steves (Steve and Stephen) beat Mike Karol and Izzy 2-0 in the beer frame - a definite bright spot on the score sheet. The bottom half was all Oasis - Izzy 2, Bulldog all 3, and Shawn Bell 2. Final score, Outlaws 15, Damned 6.

Over at the Eagles nest, the Ball Busters of Oasis were on the road. Cal led things off with 3 wins to help his team to an 8-4 lead. He and Bil beat COX and Craig in the beer frame 2-1. In the bottom half, Brian and Eric rounded out the night with 3-0 wins to help their team to a resounding 16-5 win on the road.

Across town at the Tackle Box, the Gator Humpers were home welcoming in the Down Lo Playa's. Charles started the night off right with a 3-0 win to help his team to an 8-4 lead, then he stuck around and helped Kevin Cibart beat Jason and Jonny in the beer frame 2-0. Bob Cody got 2 out of 3 to get his team to a 6-9 score, but Jason Colabove got 2 wins and Kevin got 3 to make the final score 14-7 Playa's.

As mentioned the Stickmen were out in Durham where they suffered a close 10-11 loss against the Empire. Cele got 3 to start the night off against Curt Anderson, but Matt Winckler and Zach Cunningham countered with 3-0 wins themselves (I know - last names!) Chris Fife got 2 to help his team pull ahead to an 8-4 lead. Zach and Matt beat Scott and Rob in the beer frame, 2-1. Steve Seagrist, CJ Campos, and Tom Williams finished off the night for the Empire, but couldn't keep up with Rob's 3-0 win and Dave K's 2-1 victory.

Meanwhile, downtown, the Duffy's crew were taking on the visiting Oasis O-Team. This match was tied 6-6 at the break - Joel helped with a 3-0 win, as did Ed Theis for his squad. Ed and Prana couldn't beat Dwayne and Russ in the beer frame - they lost 2-0. Dwayne broke the tie with a 3-0 win in the 5th spot, Brian V. followed with 2 more to get them to 11. Chuck chipped in 1 more in the last spot to get the final score to 12-9 Oasis.

Over at the Oasis, the Dragons were hosting the Shenanigan's Rack Pack. They weren't too accommodating as they won big, 16-5. Aaron Smith got all 3 of his games in the front half, Walt got all of his in the back half. Everybody else on the Dragons got 2 out of 3. Steve and Aaron beat Mikey and Curtis in the beer frame 2-1.

The Bulldogs beat up on their barmates, the Bankers, last week. It was close at the half with a 7-5 Bulldog lead. Brenon started things off good with a 3-0 victory. Robbie and Dennis beat Rich and Barney in the beer frame, 2-1. In the second half Dennis got 3 more for his club, and Keith got 2 out of 3. The Bankers gave away the final 3 points by forfeit as they didn't have a 7th shooter. Final score: Bulldogs 15, Bankers 6. 

Good luck in week #8. Keep it up on getting those score sheets in on time - I appreciate it! Also, watch for those last initials - especially if you have multiple players with similar names. 

The All City tournament is coming up on January 23rd at the Oasis. To those few individuals that have offered to help me out, here's an opportunity! I need a committee or group to help run and organize this event. We need to decide on format, rules, prizes, price, etc. It will be open to men and women pool players, that I know for sure. More than likely just those active in their respective leagues. More info to come. PLEASE help me out - call me (966-5632) or email me ( ASAP.

Thanks again for your patience-


Week #6 Results
Dec 17, 2015, 6:41 pm

Here's what happened last week, Dec. 10th:

First, again I'm still having issues getting stuff from the Empire. I don't have a scoresheet from last week. Mike Karol and Cal were nice enough to furnish me theirs to get up to date on past weeks, but I don't have the most recent one now. I have heard your complaints and will pass them on and talk to Casey tonight as we play him in Durham. Tomorrow, one way or another, I'll have everything up to date - standings and stats - and will have them posted here and at the Oasis. Sorry for any inconveniences, but it’s out of my control for the most part.

The Bankers welcomed in the Eagles at the Oasis as the two teams squared off for a night of billiards. The Bankers got out to a quick 7-5 lead at the break, thanks to Mark Edward's 3-0 win. Eagle Bobbo kept it close as he got 3 of his own. Terry and Robin beat Ken and Jon for a road beer frame win, 2-0. In the bottom half, Russ was the big difference as he scored 3 wins to help his team get to a final 12-9 victory.

The Oasis O-Team was also at home taking on the Tackle Box Gator Humpers. The O-Team was out big in the first half - up 10-2. Russ and Joel got 3-0 wins, James and Dwayne got 2-1 wins. Brian V. and David Napier got the beer frame 2-0 versus Charlie and Paul. DJ got the win for the night with his 2-1 victory, making it 12-3. But Jason and Jonny took the night from a disaster to pretty respectable. They each had 3-0 wins to take the final 6 games in a row. Final score, 12-9 O-Team.

Over at the Down Lo, the Stickmen were taking on their barmates - the Damned. It was close the whole way through.  Every match was 2-1 one way or the other, even the beer frame. In that beer frame, Satyr and McGrill beat Wheeze and Sundy, 2-1. Final score was of course close, too - 11-10 in favor of the Stickmen. Paul Wall was the hero getting 2 of the final 3 points to get them over the hill.

Nearby on Table 10, the Playa's were hosting Cal's Ball Busters. It was also very close - tied 6-6 at the half. Ball Buster Walt got the first 3 points, then Playa' Kevin came back and got 3 of his own. Kevin and Leland beat Bil and Cal in the beer frame, 2-1. In the bottom-half Leland got a 3-0 win, but Eric came right back and got 3 for the 'Busters. In the final tie breaker match, Larry Hiller got the first 2 to put his team to 11, and Cal got the final point to bring his team to 10. 

Upstairs at Duffy's saw the home team playing the Oasis Bulldogs. In yet another close match, the Bulldogs prevailed 11-10. Bulldog Ed got 3 wins for his team, as Steve Swim got 3 for his squad. Chris Urbach 'only' got one win, but it was a stylish break-and-run win. Kevin and Ed beat Steve and Ty for the beer frame honors. 

The Dragons were playing their barmates, the Outlaws last week. It was a close 7-5 match at the break. Kenny Duff helped his team to 7 with his 3-0 victory. Sid and Steve beat Bulldog and Izzy in the beer frame, 2-1. Steve Hambeck got 2 wins for the Dragons to start the second-half, but Bulldog and Mike Karol each got 3-0 wins to run the final 6 games. Final score: 14-7 Outlaws. (It was listed 15-6 on the score sheet, but it actually came out to 14-7).

Again, no score sheet or stats for the Empire/Shenanigans match.

Good luck this week/tonight. Remember, no games for the next two weeks! (Christmas and New Year's)


Week #5 Results
Dec 10, 2015, 4:48 pm

Sorry it's taken this long to post some results. Had (still have) some issues with rosters and payments. I've been crazy busy. It's the holidays. You know the rest.

Everything is in that I have. I'm still missing some scoresheets from a few weeks ago (Empire vs Outlaws, and Shenanigans vs Ball Busters). So until I hear from Casey and Gary, the standings and stats aren't complete yet. But all other teams besides those four should be in good shape and accurate in standings and stats. But I'll double check everything once (if) I get those sheets.

Here's what happened in Week #5 (Dec. 3rd):

The Playa's beat the Bankers 16-5 at the Oasis on the 3rd over at the Down Lo. It was 10-2 at the half thanks to Jeff J. and Leland's 3-0 wins. Kevin Cibart and Rusty couldn't get the beer frame from Barney and Rich as the Bankers won 2-1. Kevin rounded the night out with a 3-0 win.

The Damned turned in a very fuzzy picture of their score sheet, so I'm pretty sure they won 16-5 versus the Tackle Box. Phuiewh (I assume Philo) beat Kfhdhsd (Kent) 3-0. Rasfhasd and Whasdfgka (Richard and Whyatt) beat Jason and Johnny 2-1 in the beer frame for the Damned win. In the bottom half, Sawdfg (Satyr) beat Charlie 2-1, Rasfhasd (Richard Nixon) beat Jason 2-1, and Stdwfhuk McGesjlkh (Steve McGrill) beat Johnny 3-0. PLEASE turn in non-blurry pictures!!!!

In a very clear picture, Mike Karol's Outlaws beat Duffy's 16-5 as well. Kenny Duff got all 3 of his, as did Bulldog and Mike Karol. Mike Brandt and Bulldog won the beer frame 2-0 vs Ed and Ice Cream.

The Ball Busters of Oasis beat the Oasis Dragons 16-5, too. Brian, Cal, and Eric had 3-0 wins. Cal and Bil won the beer frame. 

The Eagles were home taking on the Oasis Bulldogs on the 3rd. The Oasis team was up 8-4 at the break - Dennis helped with a 3-0 match. Robbie and Steve got the beer frame 2-1 versus COX and Terry. Terry was a bright spot on the Eagles sheet as he got a 3-0 victory for the home team. The final score was 12-9 Bulldogs.

The Stickmen were over at Shenanigan's for the first time. We were all very impressed - great venue! It was Stickmen 7, Rack Pack 5 at the break. Cele got all 3 of his, but Gary got all 3 of his to balance it out. Keith and Scott got the Beer Frame from Mikey and Gary, 2-1. Scott then came back and got all 3 of his, but then so did Matt for Shenanigan's. That made it 10-8 Stickmen - Keith had to get one, Mikey had to get all 3 in the final pairing. Mikey got the first one to make it 10-9, but Keith came back and shut the door in the next two making it 12-9 Stickmen.

The final game of the week was between the O-Team and Empire, at the Oasis. It was all Oasis in the first half - up 9-3 thanks to Russ and Chuck's 3-0 wins. Joel and Dave Napier beat CJ and Curt in the beer frame, 2-0. Curt then got all 3 for the Empire, but Dave and Joel came back and got 2 and 3 respectively to make it a 14-7 Oasis O-Team win. 

Good luck next week (tonight).



Cue Ball Usage in League Play
Nov 18, 2015, 2:08 am

I assumed everyone was using the league-approved and standard playing equipment, but apparently that hasn't been the case in regards to the cue ball. The agreement we came to many years ago was to use the Aramith Pro Cup brand 'measel' cue balls provided by the league, or independently, as long as they are the same, official, Aramith Pro Cup 'measel' balls. I believe I've seen some imitation brands/models, but the Aramith ones should be able to be spotted by 1) it has 6 spots (not 8 or other amount), 2) the Aramith dots are a little blurry on the edges of the red circles - the imitations are well defined and crisp, 3) most (all?) Aramith ones are more of a tapioca color, almost 'faded' or sun-baked looking. If it's bleached white, I doubt it's an Aramith. Here's the cue ball in it's packaging case and a close-up.

                True Aramith Pro Cup    Aramith Packaging
Here's an example of an imitation model:
Non-Aramith Example

To confirm this is what we agreed upon, you can look at both set of rules (in your binder or downloadable in the 'downloads' section at In the 'CMPL Info & Procedures', section/rule 5(g) discusses it. And in the adapted 'CMPL 8-Ball Rules', section 2 lays it out.
I now realize that Cal might not have one being a new captain - my bad for not seeing this earlier - but I'll get one to him ASAP or in the meantime maybe one of his teammates or opponents can let him borrow theirs when they are at home. 
Arguments can be made which ball is better, or lighter, or cooler, or the world-renowned favorite, but the fact is we decided on these Aramith ones the same as we could have any other. More for consistency from bar to bar rather than solely by quality or ratings. So for this reason, please use the 'real' Measles ball from here on out. Captains, please pay close attention to the opening break because once the match has started with the wrong one only with mutual captain agreement can the ball be swapped out. If it happens, and a swap-out is agreed upon, I would recommend a strategic swap time - between matches, or at least between games. Not during a game.
I'll try to get scores posted from week #3 ASAP. 

Week # 2 Results
Nov 12, 2015, 5:50 pm

As we enter our third week, we are still missing some payments and more importantly rosters. Our original rules say that all rosters and payments are due by the 2nd week, but we all know this is the Chico Mens Pool League and deadlines are only for losers.

So, as I piece together scoresheets and blurry screenshots with nicknames and doodles,, empty squares, and bad math, I come out with a pretty good idea of what happened the past couple of weeks. I got the final scores and team points entered, but I haven't received rosters from a few teams so I'm not totally up on individual stats. So no printouts of those or Top Shooters yet, just team standings. They are accurate online at and posted at the Oasis.

I can't thank Ed Theis enough, and even Micah, for having rosters and payments to me as early as they did. And everyone else who had them in on week #1 or #2. For a one time a year collection, it is amazing how fucked up this gets. If it was CARD, or the real world, deadlines would be met. If it's Scott and the CMPL, "screw it". I couldn't imagine having to collect dues on a weekly basis for green fees like Jackie and Kevin! No way.

Anyways, good luck in week #3 - especially to Ed, Micah, and the other on-timers. You deserve a break and run for your assistance.

Note that tonight (11/12) is our first of 6 all interleague-play nights - all games played will be against an opposite conference opponent.



Binders are READY!
Oct 28, 2015, 12:42 am
Sorry it took so long, but the captain's/team binders are now ready to be picked up for the season. They are ready at the Oasis behind the bar - just ask Stacy or any bartender. 
The binders include score sheets for the year, team roster sheets, schedules, and rules. 
Don't forget - games start this Thursday evening. Check out the schedule online - - or of course, in your binder.
Good luck in week #1!

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