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Help Wheeze
May 8, 2015, 3:50 pm

Good news - I already have all the score sheets and I will enter tonight when I get home. The final standings and playoff schedule will be posted tonght or tomorrow.

Beware if you leave your cue at the bar after you've had too much to drink - perpetrators can grab your cue and sell it on Craigslist. Here's what happened to Wheeze's when he failed to bring his cue home from the Down Lo last night...


I'm collecting money now to get it back. If you want to donate, let me know. I, I mean the thief, takes cash or checks...



May 7, 2015, 12:34 am

I've got 3 score sheets, and I'm missing 3 score sheets. One was my fault - I lost the Playa's/Damned sheet from Kevin. It was a rough night, mainly thanks to Cele's tequila round. I'm waiting for Stephen Wells to get me the visitor copy. The other two missing sheets are from the Tackle Box (vs the Bankers) and The Empire (vs the Dragons). I have the final team scores from the Playa's/Damned (11-10) and the Tackle Box/Bankers (14-7) and they have been recorded (no individual stats yet). I don't know yet what happened in Durham, so no team score or stats. So the team standings is up to date minus the Empire and Dragon's score. The Playa's have the final bye week so their score will slip a little.

I'll enter the final stats once I get them, hopefully on Thursday morning.

UPDATE: 2:55pm on Thursday - all team scores are in and the standings are current, up to the minute. Only thing I am waiting for are the individual stats from the Playa's/Damned match (their team score is entered). Once I have those individual stats I'll be able to run the top shooter list and printouts. Just waiting for Stephen Wells to get back from the Bay Area and send me his sheet. Sorry for the delays...


2 Nights to Go!
Apr 30, 2015, 4:17 pm

Sorry, don't have any time to do any write-ups this week. But all the stats and scores have been entered and are up to date. I just need to update the web top shooter list, and of course beer frame tracker. The standings are up to date. Note that Playa's and Duffy's each still have their bye week coming up. I'm sending out a copy of the standings, stats, and top shooters via email right now. By the way, congrats to Kenny Duff who has climbed all the way up to the #1 ranked top shooter. Kenny has won something like 27 in a row I think. 

Also, I must have been drunk when I posted the format for the B-Trophy last week. It will be the same as it was last year - seeds 12 and 13 play eachother to decide who is the final 12th seeded team. The 12th seed team will play the 9th seeded team, the 10th seeded team will play the 11th seeded team. Then of course the winners of those matches play eachother for the title.

More info to come shortly. Good luck tonight!


Week 23 Results
Apr 21, 2015, 11:32 pm

Here's what happened in Week #23, April 16th:

The Eagles were home as the Oasis Dragons came to play. Aaron and Micah came out shootin' in the first half as they each had 3-0 wins to lead the Dragons to a big 9-3 halftime lead. But Dave Napier and Craig beat Jeff Brun and Sid in the beer frame, 2-0. In the bottom half, Robin got 2 for the Eagles, but so did Ken and Steve for Oasis. Final score: Dragons 14, Eagles 7.

The Stickmen were on the road at a busy Oasis Bar & Grill. They were facing the transplanted Rack Pack, formerly of Last Call. Cele and Cal started the night good with 3-0 showings in the first half. Keith and Scott cleaned it up in the second half with 3-0 victories. Mike Dowd had a 3-0 match for his club. He and Rob also beat Paul and Wheeze in the beer frame, 2-0. The Stickmen got away with a 14-7 road win.

The Down Lo Playa's were at home as Duffy's had to walk all the way downstairs as the away team. In a back-and-forth first half, the Playa's were up 7-5. Ice Cream led off with 2 points, but then Kevin Cibart got 3 right back. Ed Theis stepped up and got 3 for his club, but Kyle E. followed suit and got his own, first ever, 3-0 victory for the home team. Leland and Dave Kaplan beat Kevin and Prana in the beer frame, 2-1. In the bottom half, Larry got 2 points and Leland got 3 to get the Playa's to a 13-8 team win. 

The Oasis Bulldogs travelled to the indoor Woodstock festival at the Tackle Box to face the Alligator Humpers. The 'Dogs must have brought their ear plugs or just love loud, live music as they beat the 'Box 15-6. Chris, Brenon, Keith, and Ty all rocked out to 3-0 victories. Once he was done in the mosh pit, Bob Cody came over and won 3 games on the pool table for his home team. But he and Charlie lost the beer frame to Dennis and Keith, 2-1. The Bankers get to finish off the month-long concert at the Tackle Box on April 30th.

Those aforementioned Bankers were at home taking on the Empire Club last week. Durham was up 9-3 at the break - Curt got all 3 of his games, and Casey, Curt, and Matt each got 2 wins. Casey and Matt played the beer frame, again, taking on the tandem of Richie and Barney. Casey and Matt swept it 2-0. The Bankers were making a comeback in the back half as Russ got 2 and Barney got 3 wins to get them to 8 points. They just ran into one small problem - an entire night needs 7 shooters, not 6. Oasis gave up the final 3 points for free, giving the Empire a 13-8 victory.

The third and final game at the Oasis was between the Outlaws and the Down Lo Damned. The Outlaws almost won at the beer frame. They were up 10-2 thanks to Kenny Duff and Shawn Bell's 3-0 wins, and Mike Brandt and Greggy Bear's 2-1 wins. Steve and Goran did come up big and beat Bulldog and Izzy for the beer frame honors. They won 2-0. Goran stayed hot and got his team a 3-0 victory, but Ricky and Tree followed him up with 2-1 wins each to make the final score 14-7 Outlaws.

Only 3 weeks to go, except for the Dragons, Duffy's, and the Playa's - they still have their bye weeks left (in that order).

Top Shooter notes: it's up to date. Just remember you have to play in 75% of the total matches possible, which will be 54 by the end of the season. So if your number is red on it, you need to play all of your remaining games to be eligible. Only the top 8 are entered for the June 11th 'Charles Lintz Top Shooter Tournament' at the Oasis. As always, the competitors will be re-seeded at random and play accordingly. An idea for next year has been brought up to keep the seeds as-is instead of re-seeding. We'll talk in October.

Playoff notes: The top 8 teams will be in the normal playoffs for the 'A-Trophy'. Seeds 9-13 will compete concurrently for the 'B-Trophy'. Team 9 will get a bye until the championship. 10 plays 13, 11 plays 12. Winners play each other, then that winner plays the number 9 seed team for the trophy. More info to follow.

Good luck this week - play hard. That final team seed position could make a difference.


All Stats Are IN!
Apr 16, 2015, 12:42 am


Believe it or not, all stats are in. We are up to the minute in stats and standings, and top shooter. I'll have a printout for email and posting at the Oasis on Thursday.

Still trying to get Beer Frame sorted out. Hang in there, Izzy.

Only 4 weeks left, 3 weeks for a few teams that still have their bye week left - Playa's, Duffy's, Dragons, and O-Team.

Just a reminder - top 8 teams go to the regular playoffs. The Bottom 5 go to the B-Trophy playoffs. In the bottom playoffs, team 9 has the bye until the championship. 10 plays 13, 11 plays 12. Winners play eachother from there. Then the winner plays the 9th seeded team for the trophy.

More details coming soon. Passing out in: 3, 2, ....


Apr 1, 2015, 11:44 pm

Wow, I had never been that far behind - I had 3 weeks of score sheets to find and enter. I apologize to everyone looking for updated stats and standings, and to Izzy for the lack of beer frame standings. I'm short just one score sheet - I still need Jonny's Tackle Box sheet from their March 26th match (last Thursday) versus the Empire. I already have Casey on the task of finding his visitor sheet to send me. Either way, eventually one of those captains will get me that last sheet and I can get everything updated even more and printed/emailed. So the standings and stats are all up to the minute, except for the Tackle Box's and Empire's scores and stats.

I'll update when I know more.

Good luck this week - except for the Tackle Box - they have the bye week.


Catch Up Time part 2
Mar 11, 2015, 1:15 am

OK, ketchup time again.

First, Reno was awesome. We all did great - some of us won a few games, some won more than a few, some didn't but got a taste of Reno to build on next year. Some came to watch, cheer, and party. But it is unanimous - can't wait 'til next year. 

As far as those that stayed in Chico and played, half the teams won, half the teams lost. The Bulldogs and Outlaws decided to play in a make-up game on a different night. That night was March 8th. Here's what happened in their make-up game:

Kenny Duff started the night with a 3-0 win, but then Dennis came back with a 3-0 game himself. Then Greggy Bear came up and got 3 right back for the Outlaws. Then Steve Smith came up for the 'Dogs and got the first 2, almost making it a 3-0-3-0 first half, but Paul managed to get the last one making the score 7-5 Outlaws at the break. Mario and Robbie got the first beer frame game against Mike Karol and Ricky, but Mike and Ricky got the next two to win the beer frame for the Outlaws 2-1. Mike Karol played this week and got all 3 of his games in the 6th spot. Final score: Outlaws 13, Bulldogs 8.

February 26th results were the same - half the teams won, half the teams lost. No ties.

Unfortunately February 19th marked the end of an era. The Last Call tavern hosted it's final match for the CMPL. As of a few days ago, the Last Call has been closed down as they plan to do some serious renovations in the Walgreens shopping center. We'll all miss the friendly confines, the great karaoke, the Lotto option, and friendly staff. This closure means that the CMPL is now 100% 'big' tables - the Last Call had the last 'small', bar tables, in the league. It's hard to believe only a few years ago certain players were complaining about Down Lo's 'big tables' and the fairness (or un-fairness) of such. Now the bars are all the same again, just 'bigger'. The Rack Pack is still alive, though. The benevolent Stacy Schaefer has welcomed in those cold and homeless boys, given them a shot of Jager, introduced them to their other 5 brothers, and has given them a place to call home. [Sniff] The Last Call Rack Pack will now be (at least for the rest of this year) the Oasis Rack Pack. Their final 3 or 4 home games will be played on table 4 at the Oasis (the table by the other entrance/exit door). I'll change the online game schedule to reflect this, but the paper schedule will stay the same - just remind your teammates that Last Call = Oasis.


March 5th Results:

The Oasis O-Team won big versus the Tackle Box, 16-5. Aaron Smith, Brian V., and Mike Clarke each had 3-0 wins. Chuck and Mike won the beer frame, beating Joe and Cody 2-1. 

The Playa's were the 'home team' versus the Down Lo Sickmen. No 3-0 games for either side - all the matches were 2-1. Except for the beer frame - it was 2-0 as Rusty and Larry beat Wheeze and Madsack. Final score: Playa's 12, Stickmen 9.

The aforementioned Oasis Rack Pack played their inaugural home game at the Oasis versus their new older step brothers, the Oasis Dragons. Like most big brothers do, the Dragons held their younger sibling down in a 14-7 chokehold victory. Micah, Aaron Smith, and Chaz each had 3-0 wins. Sid and Walt beat Gary and Rob in the beer frame, 2-1. Gary Charlesworth gets a gold star on his side of the score sheet as he won his match 3-0. 

The Bulldogs were also in a home-vs-home battle as they took on the Bankers. It was 8-4 Bulldogs at the break thanks to Keith and Dennis's 3-0 wins. Ty and Ed held off Russ and Barney for the beer frame honors, winning 2-0. In the bottom-half, Banker Russ got 2/3's of his teams total with a 2-1 win, but Ty and Mario quickly erased that with 3-0 wins for each of them to close out the night. Final score: Bulldogs 15, Bankers 6.

Hot off the text thread, here's what happened in Durham last week. The Empire and Duffy's were tied 6-6 at the break as players traded 2-1 matches. Empire shooters Curt and Ed beat Prana and Steve 2-0 in the beer frame. Matt got 3 for the Empire, and Curt got 2 more to get their team to 11 points and the victory. But Kevin Kinnell wasn't done - he got 3 wins in the last frame to get his team back to a very close 11-10 loss. 

Also just in is the results of the Damned/Eagles matchup. The Eagles won 12-9 thanks to league 3rd-year shooter James Skellenger's impressive 3-0 victory, and David Napier's big 3-0 win in the first half. Dave and James stayed hot in the beer frame getting a road win, beating Philo and Stephen W 2-0. Mike and Dylan each got 2-1 victories in the bottom half to round out the Eagle's win. 

Sorry for all the delays in getting this stuff posted. Work has been a lot of work lately, and it's paying the bills.

Good luck to everyone this week, except for the Stickmen - they are on their bye week. Remember again - Last Call = Oasis on the schedule.



Feb 17, 2015, 7:10 pm


All the stats have been entered from the past 2 weeks - all the individual stats are up to date, and the team standings are up to date. I just need to get in and do some recaps, top shooter list modification, and some print outs and emails. But online we are current.

Okay, now addressing this week's make up games. First, as every post and announcement I've made since early January has stated without a doubt, those cancelled Dec. 11th games are moved to this (previously) empty date - February 19th. Yes, it's during 'Reno Week'. Yes, that sucks for some teams (especially mine). Yes, I wish I never cancelled Dec. 11th. Yes, I will never cancel a night EVER again. Now that it's done, it's staying on Feb. 19th, for better or worse, just like I've been saying all along. Just follow the post trail and email trail, you'll see there never was any wavering on the date. All the schedules have been reprinted and posted, the online game schedule has been modified and updated for weeks now. Like I've said from the beginning - if both captains agree to play the night on a separate day, that's totally fine. Do it. Just let me know. There were no takers until recently - the Bulldogs might talk Mike Karol and the Outlaws into rescheduling. And that's fine, as long as Mike and Steve decide on a day within the next two weeks. But as far as rumors of me cancelling this week's already rescheduled games, it was rumors started totally independent of me.

Anyways, good luck to all of those heading or headed to Reno! It's going to be a blast, and we'll even play some pool here and there. As Paul Wall noted somewhere, Chico has the largest contingeny of any city attending! Hard to believe onlyt a few years ago it was just a handful of us. Make plans for next year if you can't do it this year - either playing or spectating. Either way, we'll bring Chico to Reno and show them how we roll.


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