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Week #12 Results
Feb 3, 2015, 10:47 pm

Here's what happened last week, January 29th (Week #12):

The Damned of Down Lo were downstairs hosting the Empire Club of Durham. The Damned won 12-9, mainly due to the bottom half players, including Pat who got all 3 of his games, and the beer frame with Rob. They beat the Empire's Matt and Casey 2-0. 

Over at the Oasis, the Dragons were taking on their Oasis brothers, the Bulldogs. The Dragons were on upset road heading North - Steve Hambek got all 3 of his games and Jeff Brun got an inspirational 2 off of his opponent to start the night. The Dragons were taking their 7-5 lead into the beer frame. But... that's where the magic ran out. Steve and Dennis beat Walt and Aaron 2-0 in the beer frame, and Ty, Dennis, and Steve all got 3-0 wins to shut out the bottom-half 9-0, and lead their Bulldogs to a 14-7 victory.

The Last Call Pack were home welcoming in the Oasis O-Team last week. The O-Team shot out to a 9-3 lead in the first-half, thanks to 3-0 wins by James V. and Stacy. Mike and Derek played the beer frame for Stacy and beat Rob and Brian, 2-0. In the bottom half the O-Team put the pedal to the metal and got 2 straight 3-0 wins from Joel Russo and Mike Clarke. It was 15-3 heading to the final matchup. The O-Team was on track for a very lopsided win, but Gary Charlesworth was not done - he got an impressive 3-0 win in the final match to get the Rack Pack to a 'could-have-been-a-lot-worse' 6 points to Oasis's 15. 

The Tackle Box was on the road downtown visiting the fabled Duffy's Tavern. Duffy's got out to a solid 8-4 lead in the first half. Ed led off with a 3-0 showing, Baback and Evan got 2 points each. In the beer frame, Captain Ed and Prana took on the Bobs - Strobel and Cody. The home team won 2-0. In the bottom-half, Steve Swim got one against Bob Cody's 2, Kevin K. got 2 wins, and Prana got 3 in the final match for a tidy 1-2-3 finish, bringing the final score to 14-7 Duffy's. Also to note - I missed that last week big Samoan Joe got a nice 8-ball break-and-run in his match versus the Bankers. Way to go, Joe!

The very sober Bankers had their match at the Oasis taking on the Stickmen of Down Lo in week 12. The Stickmen had the upper hand in the top-half, barely, as they led 7-5. Scott and Cele lost to Jim W. and Richie in the beer frame, 2-1. Jim W. got 2 wins in the 5th spot, and Mark E. got all 3 of his in the 6th spot to put the Bankers on the hill, 10-8. Keith was sporting the camouflage kilt and it helped him get the first 2 games for the Stickmen, tying the match up at 10-10. In the final game, Ken Fordis wrestled one away from Keith with some great shots to make the final score 11-10 Bankers.

The Eagles were home hosting the still undefeated Oasis Outlaws. The Outlaws were up big at the break, 9-3, thanks to Matt/Tree's 3-0 win. Greggy Bear shot 2nd and "only" got 2 wins, but he did one via an 8-ball break-and-run. Mike Karol and Greg beat David and Robin in the beer frame, 2-0. Izzy kept red-hot and got another 3-0 victory to seal the deal, but David Napier got a 3-0 victory himself to keep the match relatively close. Final score: Outlaws 12, Eagles 9.

The Playa's were on their bye week. The Empire Club will be on theirs this upcoming Thursday as we start the schedule all over again. 

Remember, check the new schedule - either posted at the Oasis, or here online - December 11th's games WILL be happening on February 19th. Sorry to those heading to Reno, and their respective teams, but it's the only way it will work out 'smoothly'. When you look at it, there really is a small minority actually leaving town. Hopefully teams can do a week without them. My apologies again for the whole fiasco.

Good luck in week #13 - the start of the second half (kind of).



Ketchup Time
Jan 25, 2015, 11:38 pm

Catch-up time:

All the stats are now entered and the website is 100% up to date. Print outs have been emailed and posted at the Oasis. The Top Shooter list is current online as well. Sorry for the delay and any confusion. I'll stay more on top of it here on out.


January 8th Matches:

The Stickmen beat Last Call 16-5. Keith, Cele, and Brian Norman got all 3 of their matches. Last Call did salvage the beer frame, though.

The Oasis Bulldogs thumped the Alligator Humpers of Tackle Box 17-4. Mario, Ed, Dennis, Keith, and Chris all had 3-0 nights. The Bulldogs couldn't get the beer frame though.

In a close match in Durham, the Empire beat the Bankers 11-10. DJ, Matt, and Barney all had 3-0 victories. The Empire won the beer frame at home.

The Oasis Dragons won big over the Eagles, 17-4. Aaron, Walter, Micah, and Chaz each had successful nights winning all 3 of their matches. The Dragons also stole the beer frame from the Eagles for a road beer frame win. 

The Down Lo Playa's got back on track beating the Duffy's crew 15-6. Kevin Cibart and Dave Kaplan had the only 3-0 wins, but Rusty (who got 2 out of 3) won one of his via an 8-ball break and run. The Playa's lost the beer frame to Ed and Kevin.

The Down Lo Damned lost to the Oasis Outlaws at home 13-8. Izzy and Mike Karol had the lone two 3-0 wins. The Outlaws won the beer frame.

The O-Team were on their bye week.


January 15th Matches:

The Stickmen were stopped cold by their Down Lo 'buddies', the Damned, 14-7. Super hot Dave Larabee (whoa, check that - Dave's good looking but I was referring to his pool playing skills of late) and just-as-hot (same reference) Steve McGrill, beat their opponents 3-0. The Damned also got the beer frame and all applicable bragging rights.

The Outlaws of Oasis also beat their opponents, Duffy's, 14-7. Kenny Duff, Ricky, and the Izzy got 3-0 wins. Izzy, also very hot of late (heterosexually speaking), has won 12 matches in a row. Oasis won the beer frame, too.

The Oasis O-Team were victorious against the Playa's of Down Lo, 11-10. Kevin and the recently un-retired Charles got 3-0 wins for their squad, as Russ, Mike Clarke, and James VoorHees got 3-0 wins for the visiting O-Team. The Playa's got the beer frame win.

The Bankers lost to the Eagles at Oasis 16-5. The Bankers only had 6 players which didn't help the cause. Mike Daniels, David Napier, and Robin each had 3-0 wins for their Eagles flock. Newly acquired Dylan and Jon (father-son I think?) won the beer frame for the visiting Eagles.

Out in Durham, the Bulldogs came out and beat the Empire Club 13-8. Keith Whitworth, who has been on a tear this season, was the lone 3-0 winner. That 3 pointer has helped Keith claim the top spot on the Top Shooter list. The Bulldogs also got the beer frame.

Over at the 'Box, the Last Call Rack pack were victorious over the Alligator Humpers 12-9. Pops got all 3 for his team, and Kevin L. got all 3 of his games for his squad. The Rack Pack were victorious in the beer frame.


...And last week, January 22nd Matches:

The Bankers were at home this week versus the Tackle Box. The Oasis players were up 8-4 at the break thanks to Richie and Mark E.'s back-to-back 3-0 wins, but Bob Cody's 3-0 win kept the 'Box in the match. I didn't have the Bob's last initials, so I'm going on memory from playing next to them who got what score. Correct me if I'm wrong. Bob and Bob teamed up against Mark E. and Barney and got the road beer frame win, 2-0. Teams traded 2-1 wins in the bottom frames and it panned out as a 12-9 Bankers victory.

The Rack Pack lost at home to the Oasis Bulldogs 12-9 last week. Rob and Mike had 3-0 wins for the home team, but it wasn't enough as Keith, Brenon, and Ty's 3-0 wins propelled them to victory. Dennis and Chris beat Last Call's Uncle Pat and Fish (sounds like children's book characters) 2-0 for the beer frame win. Keith’s newest 3-0 victory keeps him perched atop the Top Shooter elite.

The Oasis Dragons and the Empire Club competed in the closest contest of the week. The Dragons were narrowly up 7-5 at the break. Aaron and Micah started the night with back-to-back 3-0 wins, but then Curt came back with a 2-spot and Empire Ed got 3 of his own to keep it close. Aaron Smith and Micah beat Zach and Troy 2-0 in the beer frame. In the bottom-half Captain Casey gave his team the 8-7 lead after getting all 3 of his games. Empire Chris got 2 more to make it 10-8 Empire. But Chaz got 2 wins against Troy to tie it at 10-10. In the final inning, Troy got one of three to give the Empire an 11-10 road win. Just to note: you may see a lot of "Empire" last names on Casey's online roster - they all aren't related, I just have never received any last names. If those players want to contact me with their respective last names, I'll change it online.

The rarely occuring third match at the busy Oasis was between the Down Lo Stickmen and the Oasis Outlaws. It was all Oasis pretty much the whole way. It was 8-4 at the beer frame thanks to Greggy Bear's 3-0 win. Shawn, Kenny, Paul, and Bulldog each had 2 wins. On a side note, there was a great match between two Oroville BCA team members, Kenny and Cal. Both players shot incredibly well - it was worth an admission ticket just to watch! Scott got all 3 of his in the final match to get the Stickmen to a respectable 9 against the highly talented Outlaws, who ended up with a victorious 12 points. Izzy and Mike Karol beat Madsack and Paul Wall for the beer frame win.

The Damned and Playa's were slugging it out down at the Down Lo. No punches were thrown, but both combatants played well. The teams were tied at 6 half way through. Tony got 3 for the Damned, Kevin got 3 for his Playa's. Larry and Tom got the beer frame 2-0 against Pat and Philo. Those two played in the 5th and 6th spot - Philo got 2 wins, then Pat got 3 more to bring the score over the hill to 11 points. Steve McGrill tacked on one more to make the final score 12-9 Damned.

Over at the Eagle's house, the Oasis O-Team made the trip across town. The Eagles started with a very strong first half. David Napier started the night with three wins, Bobby V. and Donny backed him up with 2 each. It was 8-4 Eagles at the break. Mike Clarke and Derek beat Dylan and Craig E. for the road beer frame win, 2-1. In the bottom half, Robin got 2 in the fifth spot to get the Eagles to the top of the hill with 10 points, leading 10-5. But Joel Russo and Chuck stepped up big and each got 3-0 wins in the 6th and 7th spot to close out the night with a come-from-behind 11-10 Oasis victory.

Duffy's had the bye week for January 22nd.

January 29th is the last games of the first half (kind of). We still have that make up game on February 19th officially, but we're just about at "that" point. The point where you say okay, it's new half - let's do this thang and either turn that ship around or push even harder to stay where you're at. 

Good luck! Playa's have the bye this week, which will pretty much straighten out the standings for a more accurate representation on Friday - just the Tackle Box's missed bye week on February 19th is remaining for the first half. If that makes sense.


Jan 22, 2015, 6:07 pm

Sorry people - I know I've sucked at keeping you posted lately on scores and results. The write-ups take the most amount of time and that's one thing that I have not had a lot of - time. I have been able to keep the scores inputed pretty well. Everything is current (stats and standings), just not print outs, emails, and commentary. I need to find my score sheet from last week (Stickmen vs. Damned) to enter stats - not sure where Wheez put it. I'm also waiting for Casey's sheet from Eagles vs. Bulldogs. Once I get those I will be 100% current and will print and email the sheets. But again, minus those two score sheets, the website is current. The standings are just missing the Empire and Bulldogs score, so it's not correct. I put in the Stickmen/Damned scores, just not the player stats.

Regarding the 'big storm' cancellation night, December 11th. We will be movig those games to February 19th - it's been adjusted and added to the online web schedule. It was an empty date that I left open for those attending the Reno tournament. But now we will have games that night and those teams with players heading to Reno will just have to deal without them for a night. If both teams want to set up a different night to play, that's fine as long as both captains and players agree. Let me know if that happens or will happen. I think Kevin was trying to get the Players vs. Last Call game played on a different night but I'm not sure how that's going.

Sorry again for the slacking. I'll get my time allocated better and stay on top of this more here soon. I'll email those print outs hopefully tomorrow or Saturday.


Working on Dec. 18th Scores...
Jan 8, 2015, 7:20 pm

I'm working on Dec.18th scores, the match before the winter break, but I am missing several score sheets, including one from a home match at the Oasis somehow. I need sheets from Empire, Last Call, and Bankers before the stats are updated and team standings are correct.

I have the other 3 matches entered.


League Cancelled Tonight!
Dec 11, 2014, 11:41 am

It's not as bad as the weather people made it sound. Yes, it's rainy. No, it's not hellacious winds topping out at 65mph. I haven't heard of any power outages. Not sure what the rivers are doing. But I had to make a call yesterday rather than wait until last minute - pool league is cancelled Thursday the 11th. I was envisioning the wind and rain from 2009 when power to most of the city was out, at least that's what the forecasters made it sound like. Some schools closed today in anticipation of this as well. It sounds like the worst will be over before the evening.

If it was as bad as they made it sound, I didn't want players driving down the Skyway, or over the rivers, or through the woods of the Midway. I wanted to be safe rather than sorry. I also didn't want to possibly deal with multiple forfeits because players couldn't make it. Making it optional would have been a mess. So after talking to a few captains, I decided it was best just to skip this week. If I waited until this morning or last minute, maybe I wouldn't have cancelled, but I wanted to give as much notice as possible. Sure enough, if I didn't call it off it would be the storm of the millennium. If I do cancel, then it's an over-hyped rainy day with a breeze. And now it's really too late to go back and un-cancel, in fear of causing wide-spread confusion.

Some possible make up days: January 1st (New Year's Day night), February 19th (Reno pool tournament week), or after the last regularly scheduled league night in May or June. I'll start getting suggestions and feedback.

So no pool tonight, at least for CMPL. Stacy and the Oasis WILL be hosting a $5 buy-in tournament starting at 7:00pm. Depending on attendance, it may be a single or double elimination, 2 or 3 games. So if you still need your Thursday fix, come down to the Oasis.

Sorry for any inconveniences. I'll try not to listen to the weather reports anymore. Come down to the Oasis tonight and grill me, or at least get an easy win against me in the tournament. 


Week #7 Results
Dec 8, 2014, 11:04 pm

Just got the Last Call / Eagles score sheet from Terry and Jon (thanks!). They had a fairly close match, but all the rest of last week's games were pretty one-sided.

Here's how it all went down:

The aforementioned Eagles were on the road taking on the Last Call Rack Pack on December 4th. The home team was up 8-4 at the break, thanks to Matt's 3-0 hat trick. The Eagle's Craig and Jon beat Mike D. and Brian 2-0, for the road beer frame win. David Napier got the Eagles right back in it with a 3-0 win, making the score 8-7 Last Call. But the Rack Pack's Mike and Rob handled their business and each got 2-1 wins, giving the Rack Pack a 'close' 12-9 victory at home.

The Oasis Dragons were home facing the Oasis Outlaws. Jeff Brun started it off good for the Dragons getting all 3 of his games. But the Outlaws stormed back - Izzy got 3 wins, then Bulldog got 2, as did Gregg. That made it 7-5 Outlaws at the break. Mike Brandt and Kenny beat Walt and Micah in the beer frame for the Outlaw win, 2-0. Chris came back and got 2 for the Dragons to make it 7-8, but Kenny got 2 and Ricky got all 3 to make the final score 13-8 Outlaws.

The Oasis O-Team were also at home as the Down Lo Damned came over to the west side for a rumble. The O-Team came out strong and staked a 9-3 lead at the half thanks to Russ and James V.'s 3-0 wins. Steve and Rob got the beer frame from Mike and Joel, 2-1. In the bottom half the O-Team got one more 2-1 win than the Damned, which made the final score 14-7 Oasis.

In the biggest win of the week, the Down Lo Stickmen came out in force as they beat Duffy's 18-3. Cal, Brian Norman, Wheeze, and Scott all had 3-0 wins. The other 3 guys 'only' had 2-1 wins. Paul Wall and Madsack couldn't stop Kevin and Prana in the beer frame, though, as the home team lost 2-0. Wheeze thinks he had a break and run, but we were too drunk to remember for sure.

The Empire was home as it's closest CMPL neighbor, the Tackle Box, were in town for the night. In another lopsided win, the Empire knocked over the 'Box 17-4. Casey, DJ, Mike P., and Chris all had 3-0 wins. Charlie had the lone bright spot on the Tackle Box's sheet with a 2-1 victory. DJ and Curt beat the Bobs (Cody and Strobel) in the beer frame, 2-1.

Keeping the scales tipped, the Playa's of Down Lo hosted the Bankers of Oasis last week. The Playa's were up 8-4 at the beer frame thanks to Leland's 3-0 showing. Leland stayed at the table with Dave Kaplan and fought Barney and Rich for the honor. The Playa's won 2-0. In the bottom half, Kevin C got all 3 of his and the white-hot headphone-bustin' Tom LeClaire won another 3 for his club, too. The Bankers didn't have a 7th player so the home team picked up another free 3 points. Final score: 17-4 Playa's.  

Good luck next week - unless you are an Alligator Humper, you've got the bye.

Looks like a big storm is coming on Thursday this week - lots of rain and wind. Careful on the roads - ride with a SOBER buddy, especially if you're making the Midway trip.


Week #6 Results
Dec 1, 2014, 1:59 am

Sorry, I've been busy with a thing called 'work' in my life. I know it sounds crazy, but I've had to prioritize it ahead of pool league for a little bit. But now with the Thanksgiving break, I've had time to catch up. Plus I've got all the score sheets, most of the rosters, almost all of the player payments, and most of the player's last names - at least enough to move on. Still, pretty bad for 2 months into the season, but it's all I can do. This HAS to change the start of next season - it's the first item on the 2015-2016 Captain's meeting agenda. Next year - "your team can not play a match until dues are in and a complete roster (first and last names) is submitted" will be up for a vote, and I'm assuming it or something similar will pass.

Stats are now up and current! See the 'President's Corner' in the top right hand column of the home page for notes on a work-around for viewing the entire list on one page, not just the first 100 and a second page for 101+, or to see and filter just your own team. Please check for accuracy and let me know of any errors. I have all the scoresheets now and can verify if something seems off. The Top Shooter list has been started for this year as well. It's early, and those standings can change dramatically this time of year, but it's up none the less. Again, you need to have competed in 75% of the total games possible (12 or more out of 18, currently - it's actually 67% but close enough this early) to be on the list. The beer frame tracker still needs to be updated, but coming soon.

Here's what happened in week #6 (sorry, I've had to skip week #5's recap):

The Eagles Club was hosting the 1st place Bulldogs at their joint on November 20th. The home bar was up 7-5 at the break thanks to Terry's 3-0 showing. Bobbo and James Skellenger beat Ty and Robbie in the beer frame 2-1. In the bottom half the 'Dogs came back strong and got 7 of the final 9 points to win in the end, 12-9. Ty got a 3-spotter to help his team get back on track in the bottom half.

The Stickmen ventured out to the Tackle Box last week. The Down Lo squad won 12-9 thanks to Cele and current top shooter Brian Norman's 3-0 wins. Jonny kept it close with a 3-0 win of his own in the final match. The 'Box also got the beer frame - Bob Cody and Garrick beat Brandon and Sundy 2-0.

The Last Call Rack Pack made the furthest possible bar-to-bar trip as they headed south to Durham to face the Empire Club. Both teams were locked in a tie going into the beer frame, 6-6. Matt and Mike of the Last Call beat Zach and DJ in the beer frame 2-0. The Empire scored big in the bottom half getting 7 of the final 9 points. Troy got all 3 in the final match to give the Empire a 13-8 win.

The Down Lo Damned were at home facing their upstairs neighbors, Duffy's. The Damned won big, 14-7. David Larabee and Cowboy Rob each had 3-0 wins to help the cause. Ed and Ice Cream did win the beer frame though as they beat Rob and Philo 2-1.

The Dragons were at home facing the Down Lo Playa's for week 6. The Playa's were up big early, 10-2, thanks to 3-0 wins from Leland and red-hot Tom Leclaire. Sid and Walt of the Dragons beat Kyle and Dave in the beer frame, 2-1. In the bottom half, Kevin and Dave kept it going with 3-0 wins of their own. Final score, Playa's 17, Dragons 4.

The Outlaws and the O-Team were locked up in an inter-bar matchup at the Oasis. Teams traded 2-1 wins in the top half for a 6-6 tie. Mike and Aaron Rooney of the O-Team beat the Outlaw's Matt Fields and Izzy for the beer frame, 2-0. Each team traded another pair of 2-1 games to make the match tied at 9, but the O-Team didn't have a 7th player so they gave the final winning 3 points to the Outlaws. Final score 12-9, Outlaws.

The Bankers had their bye week last week, the Bulldogs have the bye for December 4th.

Good luck to everyone else!


Week #4 Results
Nov 13, 2014, 5:40 pm

Here's what happened last week-

The Oasis Dragons were hosting the Last Call Rack Pack. The Dragons shot out of the gate with 2 wins from Steve H., 2 wins from Micah, and a 3-winner from Aaron Smith. So it was 7-2 Dragons three matches in. Aaron and Micah even got the beer frame against Mike D. and Kevin L., 2-1. But as crazy as it sounds, those 7 point were all the Dragons ended up with. The 'Pack went on a 12-0 run and ended the night a winner 14-7, on the road at the Oasis! Matt, Mike, Gary, and Pat all got 3-0 wins in succession from the 4th-7th spots. Whoa!

The Down Lo Damned went on the road and beat the Eagles 12-9. All the matches were of the 2-1 variety, the damned just had a few more. Even the beer frame was 2-1: David Napier and James Skellenger beat Pat and Rob for the Eagles beer frame win (FTBFW).

The Bankers and the Bulldogs were both at home at the Oasis facing each other in an Oasis duel. I'll put it this way: Mark E. and Barney each got 1 point for their club. That was it. Keith, Brennon, Dennis, and Ed each had 3-0 wins (Chris and Ty 'only' got 2 wins). The Bankers didn't have a 7th shooter so the 'Dogs got 3 free ones. Final score: Bulldogs 19, Bankers 2. Rich and Barney did get the beer frame, though - beating Steve and Robbie 2-0.

The Duffy's crew were home welcoming in the short-handed Empire Club. A couple players for the Durham team were apparently left in Durham. They still played well with 5 players, getting 9 points to Duffy's 12. Curt got a 3-0 victory for his Durhamites. Baback didn't get all 3 of his games, but one of his wins was via an (according to some spectators) amazing 8-ball break and run. Ed and that Baback guy got the beer frame, too, beating Casey and Matt Vernoga 2-1.

The Down Lo Stickmen were taking on their bar mates, the Playa's, last week. It was a close match all the way through. The Stickmen were up 7-5 at the break thanks to Cal and Brian Norman's 3-0 wins. Rusty started the night out with three of his own for the Playa's. Tom Leclaire and Dave Kaplan beat Madsack and Wheez in the beer frame 2-1. It was back and forth in the bottom half and the Stickmen got to the proverbial hill, up 10-8. Tom Leclaire had to win all 3 for his team to claim victory, and he did. Sweeping the last match gave the Playa's a close 11-10 win. 

Still no word on the Tackle Box scores as they played the Oasis O-Team at home. I still need more player's dues, bar sponsor fee, team roster, and last week's scoresheet from the Alligator Humpers. I've been under pressure from other captains and players to impose penalties, either point or monetary, since many other teams have paid themselves over a month ago. Most of those penalties are described clearly under our league rules. More information will be posted soon as it becomes available. 

The Outlaws were on the bye week last week, the Stickmen have the week off this time. Wheez said he's ready to play for money - we'll be at the Down Lo tonight if you want to join us when you're done. Paul Wall's birthday is Friday I believe. Hard to believe he's 41. Good luck this week!


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