Chico Mens Pool League
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Week #3 Results
Nov 6, 2014, 7:01 pm

Congratulations are in order - two of the coolest people in town are now married, and also two of the best pool players in town now share the last name - Congratulations to Kevin and Kelly Cibart! Despite the rumors, no, a pool table was not used as an altar, and Kevin did not chalk the ring before slipping it on Kelly's finger. Now the rumor of them spending the night shooting pool in southern California on their honeymoon night has not been confirmed nor denied. 


Here's my attempt at a brief recap of last week's matchups:

Stickmen versus Empire, at the Down Lo. 3-0 winners: Brian Norman. Beer frame winners: Paul and Scott. Beer frame losers: Chris and DJ. Final score: 13-8 Stickmen


Duffy's versus the Oasis O-Team, at Duffy's. 3-0 winners: Brian Vignon, Prana, and Joel Russo. Beer frame winners: Ed and Prana. Beer frame losers: Mike and Stacy. Final score: 12-9 Oasis O-Team


Bulldogs versus the Playa's, at Oasis. 3-0 winners: Brenon, Larry, Dennis. Dennis also had 2 break and runs in his match! Beer frame winners: Ed and Rob. Beer frame losers: Kyle and Dave. Final score: 12-9 Oasis Bulldogs


Bankers versus the Oasis Outlaws, at Oasis. 3-0 winners: Greggy Bear, Kenny. Beer frame winners: Bankers - Mark E. and Russ. Beer frame losers: Greggy Bear and Ricky. Final score: 16-5 Oasis Outlaws


Eagles versus the Tackle Box, at Eagles. 3-0 winners: David Napier, Donny, Kent. Beer frame winners: Tackle Box - Cody and Joe. Beer frame losers: Mike D and Craig. Final score: 12-9 Eagles. Tackle box still needs to pay the remainder of their dues, turn in a roster, and pay the bar sponsorship fee.


Down Lo Damned versus the Oasis Dragons, at Down Lo. 3-0 winners: Stephen W., Krad. Beer frame winners: Dragons - Steve Hambek and Aaron Smith. Beer frame losers: Rob C and Steve McGrill. Final score: 11-10 Dragons.

The Rack Pack were on the bye week. The Outlaws are on the bye this week.

Good luck. 



Oct 30, 2014, 4:11 pm

Happy Birthday, Izzy!

Week #2 Results
Oct 29, 2014, 1:02 am

Here's what happened in Week #2:

Da' Eagles were on the road visiting the News & Review's 2014 Best of Chico 'Best Bar'. As we all know, that bar is, of course, hands down, Duffy's Tavern. The teams were tied at 6-6 at the break. Evan got all 3 of his for Duffy's to lead off the night, and Bobbo got all 3 of his for the 2nd week in a row. COX and Mike Daniels beat Kevin and Baback 2-1 for the beer frame win (here out known as 'FTBFW'). Robin shot in the 5th spot and got all 3 of his, the first one by way of an 8-ball break-and-run. Bobby and James cleaned it up to give the Eagles a 12-9 road victory.

 The Rack Pack of Last Call were home as they welcomed in the Bankers of Oasis. The Rack Pack were up big in the top-half as they held an 8-4 lead going into the beer frame. 'Packer Mike Dowd got all 3 of his to help the cause. Matt and Rob beat the Banker's George and Mark Edwards for the... wait, FTBFW. The 'Pack doubled their first half output with another 8 points out of 9 in the bottom-half to reach a final score of 16-5. Bryan got 2, Pat got 3, and Matt got 3 to finish it (and the Bankers) off. 

The Stickmen were on the road visiting the Oasis Bulldogs. The 'Dogs were up 7-5 at the break thanks to Keith's 3-0 win, one of them via an 8-ball break-and-run. Scott and Sundy lost the beer frame to Captain Steve and Robbie, 2-1. Still in this thang, those thuggish Stickmen held on thanks to Paul's 2 wins. Robbie got 2 for the Oasis which got the Bulldogs on the proverbial hill, 10-8. Some guy named Scott showed up and came through with 3 wins and the last second come-from-behind win. Final score Stickmen 11, Bulldogs 10. 

The Playa's were down low at the Down Lo taking on the formidable Oasis Outlaws. The two teams were tied 6-6 after four matches. Leland got all 3 of his games. He and Kyle couldn't win the beer frame, though, as Kenny and Jimmy Scott scored the free beer, winning 2-1. Kevin Cibart got 2 but it didn't help much as Kenny got 3 in the 6th match, and Jimmy wrapped it up with 2 more in the 7th match. Final score: 12-9 Outlaws.

The Tackle Box Alligator Humpers were home as the Oasis Dragons were visiting, chomping on peanuts I'm sure. It was all Dragons as they won big, 17-4. Steve Matthei, Walter, and Sid each had 3-0 hat tricks. Aaron, Micah, Krad, and Chris each had 2-1 wins. But, the Pops/Bob Cody tandem was able to salvage the beer frame win versus Captain Jeffe (sorry, no accent mark for the 'e') and Micah, 2-1. Still no individual player dues, roster, or bar sponsor fees for the Tackle Box, so still no stats for them.

Over on table 2 at the Oasis, the O-Team were hosting the Empire Club for the Durham squad's first match of the year (they had the week #1 bye). These teams were locked up in a 6-6 tie at the break. Russ got three for the O to start the night off, but DJ struck right back and tied it back up with 3 of his own. Chuck then got 2, but Casey came back with 2 for the Durhamites. Mike Clarke and Stacy beat from Matt V. and Casey 2-1 FTBFW. It was pretty much all O-Team in the bottom-half as they got 7 of the final 9 points for an Oasis victory, 13-8. Casey still needs to get his dues, roster, and sponsor fees in, but he's had a little extra time for starting the season late. I need to get those before individual stats are counted.

This is week #3. Good luck everyone. The Rack Pack have an early trick or treat with a bye week. Thanks to everyone for getting those score sheets in on time, and paying up (Outlaws stats are now current.)

Note: on the 'Statistics' page/tab, as always, for some reason, when you sort it by percentage (clicking on the '%' tab once or twice) those with 100% are somehow automatically listed near the bottom of the list. It somehow thinks '100' is less than 10% for example, but more than 0%. Again, see the 'President's Corner' note at the top right of the home page for instructions on viewing the complete stats list on one page, not just the first 100 then a second page for those 100+ players. Sorry, it's a built-in thing with the website that they can't change, supposedly. There is that work-around, though. But it still shows the 100%ers down near the bottom.


Week #1 Results
Oct 22, 2014, 9:56 am

One week down, a bunch more to's what happened last Thursday:

The Bankers were home taking on the Duffy's crew. Both teams wanted to get off to a good start this year, and it showed as both teams fought hard and it came down to the wire. Jim and Mark Edwards each got 3-0 wins for the Bankers, and Captain Ed got all 3 of his. Russ and Barney beat Kevin and Woot in the beer frame, 2-1. Teams were tied at 10-10, but Banker Barney got the final deciding game to give his squad the 11-10 win.

The Outlaws were also at the Oasis, as they took on the Last Call Rack Pack. It was all Outlaws as they got 3-0 wins from Kenny Duff, Mike Brandt, and Jimmy Scott. Last Call Uncle Pat and Mike D got the beer frame though, beating Bulldog and Matt 2-1. The Outlaws still need to pay their individual league dues, except for Ricky, so their stats are still unofficial and not entered.

The third table was in play at the ‘O in week #1 as the O-Team played their intra-bar buddies, the Oasis Dragons. The final score was 16-5 O-Team. The O-Boyz had 3-0 wins from Russ, Chuck, Joel, and Mike. Those last 3 guys swept the bottom half of the score sheet, 9-0. Aaron and Jeff did get the beer frame from Joel and Chuck, 2-0. I errantly said the Dragons hadn't paid, but they had. And now the O-Team is paid so they are both all square.

The Playa’s were on the road to start the season and they headed south to the Tackle Box. The Alligator Humpers put up a good fight – it was 7-5 Playa’s at the break, thanks to Leland’s 3-0 match. Charlie got 2 out of 3 in the 5th frame to make it a one-point game, 8-7 Playa’s. But Dave Kaplan and Kevin Cibart stopped that comeback cold in the last 2 matches with a pair of 3-0 wins. Final score: Playa’s 14, T-Box 7. Kevin and Leland got the beer frame against Mike and Kaz (or Raz). Still waiting for a roster, dues, and bar sponsorship from the Tackle Box, so no stats until then.

The Down Lo Stickmen were also on the road at the Eagles Nest. Thanks to Brian Norman, last season’s Most Improved Shooter, and Paul ‘Wall’ Thurman each getting 3-0 wins, the Stickmen were up 8-4 at the break. Bobbo was definitely the Eagles MVP for the night – he got all 3 of his games, nobody else had more than one. Don and Mike of the Eagles did get the beer frame from Scott and Wheez, 2-1. The Stickmen won in the end 14-7.

 Side note: Be careful and avoid any possible conflict on the Eagles table (or any drop-pocket tables) – the Eagle’s actual pockets seem smaller than average and they fill up quickly with dropped balls. Be sure to (carefully) clean out, move, or empty the pockets regularly as you’re shooting. FYI: If any object ball rebounds out of a full pocket and stays on the table in play, it stays out (not pocketed). If it’s the cue ball that rebounds out, it stays pocketed (scratch). If the ball, cue ball or object ball, is sitting on top of a pile and maybe touching the table bed as well, it is considered down (pocketed), if it would have naturally fallen if the pile didn’t stop it. It is the player’s responsibility to keep the pocket’s contents in check. This rule clarification will be added to our CMPL rules (rule #10) immediately (available in the ‘downloads’ section, and part of the printed rules for next year.) Side-side note: the 2014-2016 version of “The Official Rules of CueSports International – As used by the BCAPL and USAPL” is available for download or viewing by clicking HERE, or downloading from the CMPL website’s ‘downloads’ section. This is just for reference and used by me for rulings not covered in our limited CMPL rules.

The Down Lo Damned were home alone as the big bad Oasis Bulldogs came a knockin’. Bulldog Keith, Brenon, and Mario each had 3-0 wins. The other 4 ‘Dogs had 2-1 wins. If you’re keeping track at home, your algebra would yield an answer of 17-4 Oasis. Brenon and Mario got to their 3 wins in style – they each had an 8-ball break-and-run in their final games. All the Steve’s played in the beer fame – Steve Smith and Ed beat Stephen W. and Steve McGrill 2-1 for the honors.

Again, if your name is not listed on the website under your team’s roster, you or your captain have not paid your $20 dues yet and you’re in jeopardy of losing any points or stats earned in week #1. Be sure to talk to him or me as soon as possible.

The Empire Club is now ready to play – they had the bye for week #1. They’ll be starting their season at the Oasis versus Stacy and the boyz. Yes, that was a ‘z’. The Down Lo Damned will have a week off to catch their collective breath as they have the week #2 bye. Everyone else – good luck! The Empire will have a few extra days to get their rosters/money straightened out due to their late start. 


Binders Ready for Captains
Oct 14, 2014, 2:53 pm

Attention Captains-

The 2014-2015 CMPL binders are ready to be picked up at the Oasis now. Just ask Stacy, Barney, or a bartender to get it for you from behind the bar. They should be down by Stacy's desk area if the bartender is unsure, in a box.

First games are now about 48 hours away. Call your teammates and get them ready to play, with their entry fees ($20). 

Small note for Oasis teams and visitors - it doesn't look like Glenn will have the tables all ready by Thursday, and of course we have 3 tables needed on the schedule the first night. Until the tight-pocketed table #4 is replaced, table #4 on the schedule will now be table #3. The O-Team is playing an intra-bar match with the Dragons, so if they both decide to play on table #4 as it is, or even on the new super-tight table 5 (or 0?) in the back room, they can. Until table #4 is done. Maybe Glenn can pull out an all nighter or two and get them done. Either way, they'll figure it out and something will work. Actually after this first week of games, we won't need a third Oasis table until January I think. We use it a lot in the second half.

Let me know if you have any questions. Good luck this week!


Season Starters...
Oct 10, 2014, 12:38 pm


The 2014-2015 CMPL schedule has been printed and will be posted at the Oasis, and the rough draft will be taken down. You can download/print it in .PDF form by clicking on 'Downloads' in the green left-hand column. It has been entered online as well (click on 'Game Schedule' in the green, left-hand column). The schedule is and was a bitch to put together. Straight up sucked. But the one I made a few years ago was good - it was balanced (homes vs. aways, no long home or away streaks, no over-crowded bars, etc.). So I used the same one a few times over. But now it's over-used - teams would have the same bye weeks, same rotation of opponents, etc. So this year it has been mixed up and randomized, and tweaked some more. Hopefully I didn't go too far and mess it up. I entered it late last night, match by match, so I'm hoping it's all been inputted correctly. It's a butt-load of small details and lots of data. I still need to proof it, but it should be good. Give me 72 hours before you start making vacation plans around it. If someone else out there doesn't mind comparing the two for me and check for errors, I would appreciate it. Just let me know if it's good or what's wrong. EDIT: There was one error that was fixed - I gave the wrong week off for the Reno Bar Table Championship tournament. Now the games for February 19th (the week of the tourney) were moved to February 26th (previously omitted).


Captains Meeting:

Okay, the captains meeting was completed without incident. Here's some of the results:

NEW: Mid-year Chico Memorial Pool Tournament - At Down Lo, sometime around mid-season, a tournament open to all (women, men, non-league members, etc.). Small $5 buy in, race to 2 and race to 1, probably 8-ball. It will also be a remembrance for those pool players we have lost along the way. A 50/50 raffle will also be included. Most of the income will go to the tournament prize money awards, some will go back to the CMPL fund. Plus an 8-ball break contest: enter the contest at the beginning with $5 in this 'side bet' and at anytime during the tournament you make the 8-ball on the break you win the pot (first to do so, that is).

* All 13 teams returning from last year - no new teams or bars

* Awards banquet and pool party for 2015 - at the Oasis

* Top Shooter Tournament - at the Oasis. Now officially named 'The Charles Lintz Top Shooter Tournament' in honor of Charles and his 20+ years of excellence in the CMPL. The top 8 players will be playing for the inaugural 'Chucky' trophy.

* To be eligible in the playoffs you must now compete in 6 nights of the season, either as a match player of 3 games or a beer frame shooter, or any combination there of. 

* Same format as last year - "A Trophy" for top 8 seeded teams, "Best of the Rest trophy" for teams seeded 9-13. Team seeded 9th would have a bye, teams 10-13 would battle first.

* Is the season too long? We have some ideas to shorten it, but we need to first get a consensus on what the player thinks. Do we need to address this in some way or not? Let your captain know in the next few weeks, and next year we will take measures to do so. One of those measures would include using this years standings, so we need input ASAP to know if we are moving forward and time to start thinking about your position at the end of this year for next year.

Your captain will fill in the rest THIS THURSDAY, OCTOBER 16th at your FIRST MATCH OF THE 2014-2015 CMPL SEASON! Unless you're the Empire Club - you've got the first bye week. Bring your money for your captain for your league dues if you haven't already done so - $20 per player.

Good luck this season - I'm excited, hopefully you are too! Thanks for letting me be president of this great league/club/family/society one more time.


Sep 30, 2014, 12:04 am
 Welcome to the 2014-2015 CMPL Season!
Okay, time to get Kevin's ugly mug off the top of the news feed...


It's POOL TIME again! But just to be clear, not that kinda pool - Thursday Night CMPL Pool starts in just a few weeks! It looks like the season will start on October 16th, maybe October 9th if we can get our shit together.

The captains meeting will take place THIS THURSDAY, Oct. 2nd, at the Oasis, at 7:00pm. Just like last year, only one captain OR delegate from each team may attend. Handling 13 suggestions and complaints is a lot better than 26. So voice your concerns to your captain (or delegate) and have them heard this Thursday at 7:00pm. Or, maybe your complaint IS your captain, lol. If so, you can always email me here:, or 966-5632, and I'll address it. Don't forget, there is a 'forum' section on the website for general discussion and suggestions. I check it regularly for input. You might have to be registered through the CMPL website to post, but it's free and painless.
The player fee was raised from $17 to $20 last season, so I really don't see a reason to raise it more this year. It's a nice, round number. But if anything changes at the captains meeting I'll let you know. Compared to other leagues, it's an absolute steal - $20 bucks total (no weekly green fees) = weekly practice time, 3 matches and maybe a beer frame, a free beer each week, time with your friends, and a kick-ass party at the end of the year. Nice. It used to be $5 total just like 10 years ago! "Back in my day,..."
By the way the pool party and awards banquet, which is on a yearly rotation, will be at the Oasis this year. Perfect timing, too - Stacy and Jackie have got the place looking immaculate. New paint, new chairs, new carpet. And of course the most critical - the 'new' tables - completely re-done from the feet up - and frickin' amazing. Glen was on a mission to make sure the Oasis had the best tables in town. And he has succeeded, hands down. Stacy got a great deal and made the obviously perfect choice. Glen has got the tables rolling at a nice pace, perfectly level, the pockets are the right size - not too big, but not ridiculously small, the rails are the right height and consistency. You all know my skill level, or lack of, and I (coincidentally or not) made like 5 banks in a row (non-successively, just through a few matches) with Cele last week. Watch out for the Oasis Bankers this year! Stacy has even removed the smaller bar table upfront and replaced it with an official 7 foot Diamond bar table - the exact one (maybe literally) used in Reno and Vegas for the Championships. Perfect for those getting ready for Reno in February.
Be sure to pay your captain on time. The CMPL website has been reset for the new season. All team members and stats have been zeroed out and removed (except for team captains). Once I receive payment from you, you will be moved from my inactive player list onto your team. If your name shows up on your team, that means your payment has been received. If you are not listed under your team, I have not received anything and it's time to talk to your captain and/or me. Inactive players will be penalized by points and 'pool party donations'.
Want to welcome Meredith as the new Chico Womens Pool League president! It feels like a dictatorship in the CMPL - our presidential tenures are forever compared to the CWPL. I'm sure Meredith will do great things - be sure to support her and the women whenever possible.
So that's that. Captains, again - Thursday October 2nd (3 days from now) at the Oasis. Everyone else, keep your calendars clear on Thursdays from October 16th (or 9th) on.

Jun 18, 2014, 3:31 pm


Kevin Cibart - Down Lo Playa's

 2013-2014 Chico Mens Pool League Top Shooter


Congratulations to Kevin Cibart - this year's Top Shooter! He battled through a tough line-up of shooters at the Oasis last week to claim the top prize. He started off against Steve Smith, then had to face Brian Norman, then on to eventual 2nd place shooter, Mike Karol. He had to beat Mike in a race to 5, and it was close at the halfway point. The turning point could have been when Kevin was up 3-1 (maybe 2-1) and Mike took the table with about 4 or 5 balls left. He ran all those out and had a straight forward shot on the 8 ball, but it rattled in the pocket drawing a huge gasp of "OOH's" from the busy Oasis crowd. Kevin went on to win 5-2 from that point and took home the $100 winner-take-all prize. Once again, good job Kevin.



I've been talking about it for weeks - see prior posts for all the details, but here's the bottom-line:

The Eagles will be getting 2 extra tables in addition to their normal table, so we'll have air-conditioned tournaments all afternoon. FREE BEER! The CWPL will be providing 2 kegs of beer this year. They will also be providing the side dishes to compliment the tri-tip we will be serving. Awards and trophies will be given out, including the inaugural 'B-Trophy'. PLUS - the always fun RAFFLE! There are two ways to help out the CMPL - either donate a raffle prize, or buy lots of tickets. I've been shopping and have some great prizes to give away, but I need more! Hopefully you'll be pleasantly surprised on the quality and quantity of the items this year.

If you can't make it Saturday at 1:00pm, we'll see you in October!


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