Chico Mens Pool League
Monday September 16 2024 
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Schedule Change
Mar 17, 2024, 2:32 pm

Just a heads up for the schedule. 

I had to put two matches (four teams) playing at the Tackle Box three different nights this season just due to the fact of logistics and tables available at the packed Oasis. We got through the first night in the first half of the season, but we have two more nights coming up. Rich has let me know that the 2nd table at the Tackle Box really isn't playable, or at least doesn't meet the minimum standards of other tables in the league. So the two Tackle Box teams have agreed to play at a neutral site (the Down Lo) on those upcoming nights. So here is the new schedule for those matches:

Thursday, March 21st: Tackle Box Two vs The Hateful 8, Down Lo Table 5

Thursday, May 2nd: Tackle Box Alligator Humpers vs The Dragons, Down Lo Table 10 

Sorry for the confusion - please let your teammates know if you are on one of those 4 teams.


Missing Cues
Mar 7, 2024, 6:31 pm

Hey Everyone-

As you're unpacking your stuff tonight, double-check and make sure you don't have any extra cues or the wrong cue. We're on at least cue #2 that has been probably stolen at the Oasis.

Collin from the Damned had his come up missing a while back and still hasn't recovered it yet, even though I think a reward has been offered. He also has a GoFundMe page set up to help offset the cost of a new cue, even though as we all know, it's not just a simple 'get-a-new-cue' thing, we all have our relationships with our current loved one.

Now last Thursday, February 29th, Aaron Smith of the Dragons had his break(jump?) cue lifted from the Oasis as well. He has had it for 20+ years. Some of you remember Bob Burgoyne - he helped Aaron with that cue. So even more so for sentimental value, he NEEDS to get it back. The only distinguishable features I have to post here is that it had a Scorpion logo on the bottom. I'll try to post a picture here. 

So tonight take a good look around, talk to others who were at the Oasis last night, maybe your own teammates, and see if they remember anything.  If you see Aaron or Collin, check with them for any leads or descriptions that could help them locate them again. 

Finally, when you are at the Oasis (or any pool hall), watch your stuff. It may not even be intentional theft - someone might 'borrow' and relocate it. We had PT's cue somehow stuck in my cue case a few weeks ago at the Down Lo. I was putting my other cues away and ran out of room and found the cue he was hunting for all night. My case wasn't even left in the same spot, meaning someone could have lifted all my stuff, and his cue, and we wouldn't have noticed until it was way too late. So don't take for granted your stuff will be fine, or even if someone you know is near by it. It only takes a second!

For Aaron, he found my cue a long time back and I owe him to help as much as possible to retrieve it. I'm even willing to kick in a finder's fee if it comes up - for Aaron or Collin's cue. No questions asked - even leave a text where I can find it and I'll get it back to its home, and get you some cash.

It's a small pool community - these sacred cues usually get found (ask Cele - it was in the Down Lo attic for four years, literally), but if it was a case of theft, karma is a bitch and I would hate to be the person who is found in possession of it - I know Aaron's pretty hot! So if you have to, deal with me, and we'll get this case closed.

Thank you!


UPDATE: Right after this post was made and published, I arrived at the Oasis to find that we have a successful recovery! One of Russ's teammates accidentally put Aaron's cue in his own cue case, or someone else did(?), and didn't realize it until tonight's match. So nothing nefariuos - just a simple mistake - this time. Still, watch your cues, and watch what your putting in your bag! Now we need to find Collin's.... 

Feb 5, 2024, 7:07 pm

Wow - what a weekend! Through all the wind and rain we found a way to work in our 8th Annual Chico Winter Memorial 8-Ball Tournament at the Down Lo - man, was it worth it!

With our biggest field ever, we found a bracket full of 64 players - we even had a waiting list to get in (and each one was able to play)! With that full bracket of 64 players, that maxed out the payouts to $1600! The prize money definitely helped attract out-of-the-area talent. We had players from Sacramento, Yuba City, Marysville, Oroville, and of course Chico in the mix. Even with 8 tables at the Down Lo it took two days to complete. When it was all said and done we had our final two battle it out for the top prize of $750.

Congratulations to our 2024 1st and 2nd Place contestants!

1st Place: Johnny Porcayo (right)


2nd Place: Reggie Samples (left)



Here's how the rest of the payouts and results shook out:

3rd Place: Dennis Bruch - $175

4th Place: Jurij Potocnik - $115

5th Place: Mike Delzell & Scott Andrews - $75 ea

6th Place: Kevin Lombard & Leo Oviedo - $30 ea


Congratulations to Dennis Bruch as the top Chico finisher!

Johnny and Reggie battled it out on Down Lo's table 8 in the final matchup. It went back and forth to start, but eventually Johnny pulled away and won 5-2 in the race-to-five finale. Thanks to them and all of the other contestants who traveled in a stormy weekend to make this a very memorable tournament. Talks are already under way for doing this tournament again in the late Spring or Summer, so watch here or on Facebook (Chico Area Pool Players group) for more information.

Thank you to the Down Lo for letting us host the event here, and giving up so many tables for so many hours, and providing some awesome staff - Hailey, Jessica, Collin, and Chef Osbert. 

Also thanks to Kevin Cibart and Rita Salama for help with the brackets and the 50/50 raffle. The 50/50 raffle was won by Koro Mitchell, I believe he took home about $175!

Oct 13, 2023, 2:35 pm

First Games! Thursday, October 19th - 7:00pm!

(Except for the Oasis Outlaws, they drew the first bye week)

First half of the 2023-2024 season is posted on this website - click on 'Game Schedule' in the left-hand green column. You can click on 'past games first' button to see the dates sorted in order from current (at the top) to end of the schedule (at the bottom). We have 15 teams this year, an odd number so we have bye weeks again. Two new teams: Tackle Box Two (name coming soon) headed up by Rich Boelens, and the Oasis Makos, headed up by captain Robbie Keillor. Krad has moved his Rat Pack team from the Down Lo to the Oasis and has renamed it the Oasis Bandits. So now we have 8 teams playing at the Oasis, which means some busy league nights (not many practice tables). Just a heads up.

League nights are same as last year: 6 players versus 6 players, with a ONE game scotch doubles tie-breaker point after the 3rd match (not best-out-of-three like last season). Talk to your captain about other changes that were brought up and implemented at the Captain's Meeting.

I'll post the second-half of the schedule soon. FYI, regular season should end on Thursday, May 23rd. Then playoffs, top shooter, party, etc.

We took off November 23rd for Thanksgiving and December 21st for Christmas break.

Note that the annual Winter Classic 8-ball tournament will be on Saturday (& Sunday?) February 3rd (& 4th?), at the Down Lo, the week before the Super Bowl.

If I made a mistake, please let me know!

Rosters coming soon...


2023-2024 Season!
Sep 28, 2023, 6:31 pm


Calling all Captains!

Meeting: Thursday, October 5th, 2023 - 7:00pm - Oasis Bar & Grill

First Games: Thursday, October 19th, 2023 - 7:00pm


It's that time of year again - leaves are turning, football is in full-swing, Lowe's has Christmas decorations out, the A's and Giants are going to miss the playoffs again, political voting signs have been planted, and... Thursday Night Chico Pool League is just around the corner!


But before we can start the season, we need to have our annual Captains Meeting to see who's in, who's out, what changes need to be made, what we can do better, and of course argue about pointless topics ad nauseam.

The usual consortment of topics will be brought up to be discussed at length - again. The most relevant topic will be whether to keep the nightly matches at 6, with a one-game "beer frame" tie breaker (as we did last season) or go back to 7 matches and drop(?) the "beer frame". Leaving the bar before last call was really nice last season - I'm pushing/hoping/praying it stays at 6 matches again. Next would be season dues - last year we did a reduced rate because I had overflow money from the COVID year before, but now we're back to square one and need to get our dues back to where they were. I think it was $25/player in 2022-23. Definitley doing one lump team rate the captain is responsible paying/collecting for. $250 a team? $200? $300? That would cover the team of 11 or so for the year, with adds and drops extra? Max roster size of...?

Might be some new teams or moves as well, by the way. Durham might be back? We'll see...

Set your alarms: Captain's meeting - Thursday, October 5th, 7:00pm, Oasis. All captains are required to attend, or send a delegate. Captains can bring an assistant, but when it comes to voting, only one vote per team. If you can bring a roster and team payment to the meeting, I would truly appreciate it! 

Non-captains: talk to your captain about what you want differently for the upcoming season so they can properly represent their team and the league.

Captains and players can contact me at anytime - (530) 966-5632, text or call. Or via email:

See you then!


2022-2023 Pool Party
Jun 16, 2023, 5:03 pm

Ok - Season, done. Playoffs, done. Top Shooter, done.

All that's left is the best part - our end of the year pool party!

Here's the brief details:

2022-2023 Official Pool Party & Awards Banquet

Where: Down Lo

When: Saturday, June 24th, 1:00pm

Who: Chico Pool League Players!

What: Awards & Trophies, beer, raffle prizes, 10% off food purchases (Sorry - no outside food can be brought into the Down Lo (no pot luck this year!) - see below for free breakfast and potluck at Oasis), pool tournament, and more!

What to Wear: Your lucky shirt!

Why: Do you need a reason? See above!


2022-2023 'Breakfast with Stacy' at the Oasis pre-party!

Oasis Bar & Grill

When: Saturday, June 24th, 10:00am-12noon

Who: Chico Pool League Players!

What: Pool Party Pre Party! Stacy is opening his Oasis doors early for breakfast and pool! Along with a Men's and Women's league pot luck breakfast buffet items, Stacy and crew is providing bacon and egg sandwiches on sourdough or English muffins, with hash browns! This will be provided free of charge to all pool players! Happy Hour Bloody Mary's will be available as well, PLUS - Stacy is throwing in one complimentary glass of champagne! Again, free breakfast pot-luck buffet for all league members - mens and womens - and champagne! Free pool, too!

What to Wear: Your pajamas, your slippers, bring your teddy bear! Stacy said lingerie is totally fine! ;)

Why: Uhhh... please read the above - no "why's" are needed - you had me at free breakfast and champagne!


Don't miss these festivities! This is where your pool money dues go - free breakfast, free beer, raffle prizes, trophies, etc.! This is the Down Lo and Oasis's chance to thank YOU for your patronage throughout the pool year - be sure to thank them for letting us bring our crews down every Thursday and dealing with us!

Pass the word!





2022-2023 Top Shooter
Jun 16, 2023, 4:44 pm


Congratulations to Kevin Cibart - this year's Charles Lintz Top Shooter!

Jun 16, 2023, 4:40 pm

Congratulations to the Oasis Outlaws - the 2022-2023 Chico Pool League Champions!

The Outlaws prevailed in a close match versus the Oasis Bulldogs last Thursday night. The Bulldogs, last year's champions, hung in there until the end, but Greggy Bear sealed the deal for the Outlaws!

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