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Week #4 Results
Nov 21, 2013, 3:05 am

Just a reminder - this Saturday, November 23rd is Frank Jarvis' Celebration of Life party at the Oasis. There will be a 50/50 pool tournament starting at 1:00pm with a $10 buy in. Feel free to come early for practice. This tournament should be well attended, and many if not all of the top players in Chico should be present. I would imagine it is a double-elimination format, possibly a single game match (?). There will also be a raffle at 3:00pm. It will be a pot luck event so please bring a side dish to share.


Here's what happened in Week #4:

The Oasis Outlaws were home hosting the Durham Empire Club. The 2 teams were tied at 6 points at the break as teams traded 2-1 matches. Mike Karol and Kenny beat James and Andy in the beer frame, 2-1. The Outlaws came out big in the second half getting 7 of the possible 9 points. Mike Karol got all 3 of his games. Empire captain Casey got one of his wins with an 8-ball break and run. Final score: 13-8 Outlaws.

The Bulldogs were also home at the Oasis taking on their bar mates, the Oasis O-Team. The Bulldogs were up big (9-3) at the beer frame thanks to Keith and Dennis' 3-0 victories. But the momentum shifted in the beer frame as Joel and Brian V. beat Mario and Ed 2-1 for an O-Team victory. Joel kept his record a perfect 12-0 on the year as he scored 3 wins, as did James V. This propelled the O-Team into a 9-9 tie going to the final match. Slade got the first game to put the O-Team up 10-9. But Bulldog captain Steve got the final 2 games to put the Bulldogs back on top for good, sending them to an 11-10 victory. 

And the final game at the Oasis was the Bankers versus the Dragons. This one was all Dragons as they won 16-5. Steve H., Micah, and Jeff Brun each got 3 wins for the Dragons. Aaron and Jason beat Alec and Russ 2-0 for the Dragon beer frame victory. Props to the Bankers George for getting 2 of the Team’s total 5 points. 

Below the streets of downtown Chico, the Down Lo Damned hosted the Tackle Box squad last Thursday. The Down Lo was up 8-4 at the break thanks to Tony and Yuli's 3-0 wins. Joe helped the Tackle Box cause with 3 of his own. Joe kept his hot-hand at the table as Charlie joined him for the beer frame against Steve McGrill and Tony. The Damned won 2-1. The Alligator Humpers fought back in the 2nd half as Pops got 2 and Kent got 3. That tied the score at 9 with one match to go. Steve McGrill took care of business and got all 3 of his games to give the Down Lo Damned a 12-9 victory.

The Last Call Rack Pack headed downtown and met the Duffy's squad in their back pool room. The Last Call was all over Duffy's as they were up 8-4 at the break. Kevin L. and Sam Miller each got 3 wins for the 'Pack, as Duffy's Shawn started the night 3-0. Mike D. and Matt A. got the road beer frame win against Prana and Ice Cream, 2-1. But in another comeback story, Duffy's came back in the end and got 7 out of the final 9 points, but only after Matt A. got the 'Pack to 10 points. Ice Cream got 3 wins, as Ed and Prana got 2 each. Ed got the crucial final 2 wins to put Duffy's on top for good 11-10. 

The Down Lo Playa's went over to the Eagles house for week #4. Kevin Cibart and Leo each got 3-0 wins to help their team win 13-8. Leland 'only' got 2 wins, but one of them was via an 8-ball break and run. He and Kevin got the beer frame win, beating Donny and Robin 2-0 for the on-the-road free beers. The Playa's must have left a shooter behind at the Down Lo as they failed to field a 7th shooter. Eagle Chuck was quoted saying "Yeah, I would have smoked that guy anyways." He got his team 3 points, but unfortunately none for his personal stats. 

The Stickmen were on the bye last week. The Outlaws get to start their Thanksgiving break a little early as they have this week off for a bye, and next week off like the rest of us for Turkey Day. At least they will be able to play in the Frank Jarvis Tournament THIS SATURDAY, from 1:00pm to ??? at the Oasis. Bring a dish (with food on it)!

See you there!


Week #3 Results
Nov 14, 2013, 2:59 am

Here's what happened last week (November 7th):

The Oasis Dragons were home hosting the Down Lo Damned. It was a close one, but the Dragons came out on top thanks to Kenny's 2 out of 3 match in the final spot. Kenny paired up with Steve Hambek to get the beer frame from the Damned's Yuli and Yang, 2-0. Yang was the lone 3-0 winner on the night for both teams.

At the Down Lo, the Playa's were up against the Oasis Bulldogs in another close match. Thanks to Leland's 2 out of 3 performance in the final match, the Playa's won 11-10. In a close contest, neither team had 3-0 winners. Leo and Leland got the beer frame, beating Steve and Dennis 2-0.

Out in Durham, the revamped Empire Club just got a little better as they signed the free agent James Williams to a one-year deal. The Stickmen (namely Scott) was 'lucky' enough to be his first victim of the season. In an approximately 6 minute match, James won 3-0, with an 8-ball break and run in the 2nd match. Every other match on the night was a 2-1 contest and the Durhamites came out on top, 12-9. Casey and Tom beat Brian (Doc) and Sam for the beer frame victory, 2-1.

The Alligator Humpers of the Tackle Box were home as the Eagles made the trip to the south side of town. The Eagles soared in ready to play as they were up on the 'Box 9-3 at the break. Donny got all 3 of his to help out their cause. Trevor and Charlie got the home beer frame win as they beat Bobby and James 2-1. Kent stormed back in the 5th spot with a 3-0 win for the Humpers, but Terry got 2 and Chuck finished the night with 3 to make the final score 14-7 Eagles.

There was an Oasis vs. Oasis match as the Outlaws took on the Bankers last Thursday. It was pretty much all Outlaws as they came out victorious 17-4. The Outlaws got 3-0 wins from Kenny Duff, Mike Brandt, Matt Fields, and Rusty Piazza. Jon Akerson was the big winner for the Bankers as he got 2 out of 3. Ricky and Mike Karol lost the beer frame to some undisclosed players, 2-0. 

Unfortunately it was one of the few nights that there had to be three matches at the Oasis. It was just the way the schedule had to be, given that there are 5 teams calling the Oasis home. The final match in the crowded bar was between the O-Team and Duffy's. In a close contest, the teams were knotted up 6-6 at the break. Sean Wasson got all 3 of his for the O, and Matt Gabbard went 3-0 for Duffy's. The O-Team's Mike and Brian beat Matt and Shawn for the beer frame, 2-1. Joel got the next 3 games for the Oasis, then Mike Clarke got the necessary 2 points to give the O the necessary 11 points. Steve Swim made it close by getting all 3 of his in the final match, but it was too little too late. Final score: 11-10 Oasis. 

Last Call was on the bye in week #3. The Down Lo Stickmen are off this week. Next week, November 21st, there are games as usual. The following week, November 28th, is Thanksgiving so no matches obviously that night.

Good luck in week #4!


Frank Jarvis Celebration of Life
Nov 11, 2013, 7:28 pm

It looks like we'll have a chance to get together and remember Frank the way he probably would have wanted us to - as friends, family, and teammates together in one location. Remembering and reminiscing about Frank and his life might be one of the things we have all been doing the past few weeks, but the theme of this get together is actually being called a 'Celebration of Life' - a chance for us to celebrate the fact that we were lucky enough to have Frank in our lives one way or another, and to share those experiences with others who knew him.

If I have the information correct, it will be at the Oasis on Saturday, November 23rd at 1:00pm. It will be a pot luck style event, with the possible addition of a BBQ'd main course. We will also be having multiple 50/50 drawings and pool tournaments throughout the afternoon, with the proceeds going to Carolyn and the Jarvis family to help with the many details they now have to deal with. Of course, other donations will be gladly accepted if you don't want to be involved in the tournaments or raffle. Please see the previous post (below) regarding Frank for ways to directly donate to the memorial fund that has been set up through Tri Counties bank if you can't make this event.

Feel free to bring anything you might have to celebrate Frank's life with (pictures, mementos, articles) and of course memories.

I have received a little (more) information on Frank's official memorial service, including the date, time, and location. The family has decided to cremate Frank so an urn will be on display during a Visitation at Newton-Bracewell Funeral Home (680 Camellia Way, Chico) on Friday November 15th from 5-8pm. Frank's obituary can be viewed and an online guest book can be signed by following this link: CLICK HERE


Frank Jarvis
Nov 3, 2013, 7:41 pm

Frank Jarvis



Unfortunately I have to post another one of these. Last week we lost a member of the Chico Mens Pool League in a truck accident. Frank Jarvis was driving his rig down Highway 70 when it struck a boulder in the road, which caused him to crash into the side of the hill. According to reports he died on scene early Tuesday morning, October 29th. 

Frank was an amazing guy. He was one of the few opponents you see every few weeks and whether you were playing against him or with him, he would be the one guy you knew for sure would respond to your 'hi' with a genuine smile and sincere "Hey, how are you?", always with direct and honest eye contact, usually accompanied by a firm 'down-home' handshake. When you start looking up these adjectives to describe Frank, it's ironic that one of those words in the synonym list is, of course, 'frank'. He was one of those guys you actually looked forward to playing against. Not because you would have a good chance of beating him, which essentially nobody in our league could realistically and consistantly believe, but that you knew it would be a good, clean, fair match. When you came up on the losing end against him, you knew you would get an honest and humble acknowledgement at the end that he appreciated playing against you. Over the years, Frank had become one of those upper-level players that would regularly show up on the Top Shooters List. In fact, I think he won his first 15 games to start last season or the year before. 

I can't say that I knew Frank any more than a good acquaintance but he was one of those people that you could almost consider a friend, even with limited interaction. I don't know his wife, Carolyn, that well. We just met a couple of times, but I know she is going through a very rough time and I want to ensure her and her family that they are in my thoughts and prayers, as well as the hearts and prayers of hundreds of others in our Pool League brotherhood and beyond. We are all very sorry for her great loss.

Some of the initial newscasts of the accident mentioned the driver, Frank, as being 48 years old. Of course, they were a decade off - he was 58. But just hearing the age of 48, even though it was untrue, still rang a few bells in my head as well as others I have talked to in the league. Some of us 'veterans' of the CMPL are reaching those ages of 48, or 58, or 68 and this reminds us of how much we have acquired over these years and what we have to lose. Not material acquisitions, but more acquired friends and acquaintances over the years, more relatives and in-laws, more kids and grandkids, more life experiences. Through these discussions I had, one thing was universal - you never know when it is going to be 'your day' and all these people you've acquired are going to miss you when you're gone. They will all say the same - I wish I could have talked to him/her one more time, or seen him/her more often. We all decided that we would try to do things different in light of Frank's death. Maybe call that friend you haven't seen in a while, or say a few more 'I love you's', maybe take a few more pictures with your friends and teammates. 'Film' is cheap these days - we all have camera phones. Snap away! Definitely stop taking this game we play for fun so seriously. We are all involved in a sport or hobby that we each enjoy so much. We are all brothers and sisters in a similar activity - a relationship and a love for the game of pool that 'outsiders' just don't understand. So take time and spend it with your teammates and/or your opponent for the night - we all don't know if we will see them the next time on the schedule.

Rest in peace, Frank. 


Sean and Ronda Wasson of the CMPL and CWPL have set up a memorial fund for Frank Jarvis at Tri-Counties Bank. Hopefully with enough of our support and donations, the tough time Carolyn and the Jarvis family are facing can be a little less daunting. There are also donation cans at various bars around town. I know the Eagles donation can had to be emptied at least once already – keep it up! The CMPL as a whole will be donating to the fund from our account. If you want to make a cash or check donation directly through the bank, you can do so at any Tri Counties Bank location using the following deposit account number: 290029995. You can also write a check directly to ‘Ronda Wasson’, but be sure to write ‘Frank Jarvis Memorial Fund’ in the memo field. She can be reached at (530) 321-7835 if you have any questions. A copy of the poster/flier that the Wassons have put up around town can be found at the CMPL website ( in the ‘Downloads’ section, in case your bar or workplace needs one.


Week #2 Results
Oct 30, 2013, 12:27 am

Here's what happened in Week #2:

The Duffy's Tavern shooters were home taking on the Oasis Bankers. The Bankers, who were playing their first match of the year, almost made the improbable comeback last week. Ice Cream and Ed each got 3 wins for Duffy's in the first half, and along with Evan's 2 wins and Woot's 1 win, Duffy's was up 9-3 at the beer frame. Kevin and Ed won the beer frame for Duffy's 2-0 versus Jim and Bill. That must have got the Bankers fired up as they fired back at the 'Tavern like they were a bad check. Like a $35 bank fee, Jim W. got all 3 of his. Then, Banker Bill retaliated with an interest-rate-raising 3-0 win of his own. Captain Ed noted that Bill made not 1, but 2, back-to-back do-or-die clutch bank shots to win. If either of his bank shots missed, his opponent had sure-fire outs in hand. This tied the game at 9-9 going into the final match. But Mr. Clutch himself, Matt Gabbard of the Duffy's squad, fired back with a bank-robbing 3-0 win to seal the deal at 12-9.

The Rack Pack were home at the Last Call welcoming in the Oasis Outlaws (aka Diamondbacks). The Outlaws were up only 7-5 at the break. Pat Carmichael got all 3 of his games for the 'Pack. Matt Fields got all 3 of his for the Oasis. Mike Karol and Ricky got the beer frame, beating Kevin L. and Rob F. 2-1. In the second-half it was all Outlaws as they got 7 of the final 9 points - Ricky got all 3 of his games. Final score was 14-7 Oasis.

In an inter-bar match at the Oasis, the Dragons were playing the O-Team. The O-Team was up big early, 10-2 at the Beer Frame. James and Brian V. each got 3 wins. But Steve and Kenny came back in the beer frame and beat Mike and Joel 2-0. Joel stayed at the table and won his match 3-0 to put the O up 13-2. But Kenny got 2 and Steve got 3 to get there score to a respectable 7 to the O-Teams 14.

The Playa's were on fire as the Tackle Box played the combustible. Here's the 3-0 winners for the Down Lo: Charles (one via an 8-ball run out), Dwayne, Leland, Kevin, Larry, and Jason. Leo got 'only' 2. That's 20 team points. Here's the Tackle Box game winner: Pops. He got his team 1 point. Leland and Kevin got the beer frame, too, beating Trevor and Bob 2-1.

Also at the Down Lo, the Stickmen were hosting the Eagles on table 5. Cele started out the night with a 3-0 victory. Every other Stickman had at least 1 win. Paul Wall and Dunes couldn't beat the Dave and Terry tandem giving the Eagles the road beer frame win. Final score: 12-9 Stickmen.

The Bulldogs won big versus the Down Lo Damned at the Oasis last week. Keith, Brenon, Dennis, and Mario each got 3-0 wins. Tony got all 3 of his for the Damned. Ed and Rob beat the Stephen/Steve tandem for the beer frame, 2-1. Final score: 16-5 Bulldogs.

Remember - no pool this Thursday (Halloween). The Rack Pack will have a 2-week vacation as they have the bye next week (November 7th).

There will be some very bad news coming to light here very shortly regarding one of our pool playing brothers. I can't say anything yet, but unfortunately you will all hear about it undoubtedly very soon. It's probably a good thing we have this week off. I'll post more once it is official.


Week #1 Results!
Oct 22, 2013, 10:45 pm

(I was watching the iconic 'Pulp Fiction' as I was typing this, so I had to include this adapted picture)

And we're off...

Here are the results from week #1.  I have entered the team scores for all teams, but a few teams haven't paid for their players yet (as of 5:00pm Monday): Empire, Tackle Box, Oasis O-Team (except for Stacy, Mike, Jimmy, and Brian V.), Oasis Outlaws, Oasis Bulldogs, and Last Call. These teams have their team scores entered but no individual stats (until paid). Paid players can be seen by hitting the 'Statistics' button. Penalty money and point subtractions will occur this week if not paid.

The unpaid Bulldogs were home hosting the paid and legit Eagles. The Bulldogs came away victorious with a score of 14-7. Captain Steve played last and got all 3 of his games, but the Bulldogs lost the beer frame - Robin and David beat Ed and Paul 2-1. James Skellenger, the winner of the Meucci cue and case combo at last year's Pool Party, presumably won his first league game with it. Congrats!

The unpaid Rack Pack was playing the unpaid Empire Club at Last Call last Thursday. The visiting, re-vamped Empire Club led by Captain Casey won 12-9. DJ, Tom, and Ian each got 3 wins for the Durham crew. Mike D. got all 3 of his for the 'Pack. Of course, all of these points only stand if they pay this week. DJ and Matt got the beer frame for the Empire as they beat the Rack Pack's Kevin Nickas and Curtis.

The half-unpaid Oasis O-Team squeaked out a win against the soon-to-be-paid Oasis Outlaws (the team formerly known as the Down Lo Diamondbacks). The final score was 11-10 O-Team. The O-Team was down 4-8 at the Beer Frame, thanks to Izzy's 3-0 lead-off win. Stacy's Squad even lost the beer frame as Jimmy and Ricky (I think? Pretty illegible...) beat Joel and Mike 2-1 (I think). But in the second half, Joel started off 3-0. James got 1 putting the O-Team down 8-10. The Outlaws needed just one more win, but Slade came through and got all 3 to come from behind and lead his team to an 11-10 win.

The Stickmen were home at the Down Lo hosting the visiting unpaid Tackle Box Alligator Humpers. The Stickmen were up 8-4 at the break, mainly thanks to newcomer Cal's 3-0 win. Sundy and Sam kept things rolling with a beer frame win against Rich Jr. and Kent, 2-1. In the second half it went back and forth, but the Stickmen came out on top 12-9 (9 points pending the Humper's payment this week).

The always paid and professional Duffy's Tavern was home against the paid and legit Down Lo Damned, aka: Team China. Welcomed to the team for 2013-2014 is the unpaid Wei-Yang, not to be confused with Yang Wang from prior years and current member. The Down Lo came out on top, 11-10. Stephen Wells got all 3 of his games for the Damned, as well as Yuli. Duffy's shooters Prana and Kevin got all 3 of theirs as well. Prana and Kevin got the beer frame 2-0, beating Wei-Yang and Yuli.

Downstairs at the Down Lo, the fully paid Down Lo Playa's were home against the Oasis Dragons (paid in full). The Playa's took up where they left off last year, with a resounding 17-4 victory. Granted, the Dragons only had 6 players. Kevin, Larry, and Jason each got 3 wins for the home team. Oasis Jason had half the Dragons points thanks to his 2-1 win. Leland and Kevin got the beer frame 2-0 against Aaron and Krad.

Thanks to all that paid when you were supposed to. Hopefully you realize how easy you make it for me, and how much I appreciate it. Everyone else: payments are now past due and Week #1's points are in jeopardy. Please pay ASAP, or at least call me with an update. The Bankers, who had a bye in week #1 are already paid even though they haven't played a match yet. The Empire Club has the bye in week #2. Everyone else - good luck!


League Starts THIS Thursday!
Oct 13, 2013, 9:59 pm

Here's the checklist so far - it looks like we are a go for this Thursday night, Oct. 17th:

  • The schedule is available to view and download online, it has been emailed, and it has been posted at the Oasis.
  • In case you didn't hear - the Diamondbacks are now the Oasis Outlaws, the Bankers do have a team, and so does the Empire squad (Casey is now in charge).
  • Captains: Please let your bar owner and bartenders know that the price per drink for the beer frame has been raised from $2.75 to $3.00. This is still probably less than their standard price for a domestic beer or well drink, but at least it gets it a little closer to a realistic norm. And as always - beer frame payments are due THAT NIGHT! It's embarassing getting the calls from the bars after a team skips out, so please do what you signed up to do.
  • 2013-2014 Captain's binders are all stocked with copies of rules, schedules, roster sheets, and score sheets. They are now available at the Oasis behind the bar (ask Stacy or a bartender for yours, they each have the bar clearly visible on them).
  • Online rosters have been started. Those players that have paid will be online at this point (go to 'Teams & Standings' and/or 'Statisitics' to see who is paid so far). So far we have 42 paid players. If you are not on the list, you need to pay your captain this week (mandatory if you play on Thursday) the $20 league fee. If you play this Thursday and you or your captain don't pay me by Monday, October 21st at 6:00pm, the penalty is $8 ($28 total). If you aren't paid by the next Thursday, Oct. 24th, and you play in a match on the 24th, you will be an illegal player and your team will forfeit the entire match.
  • I will be at the Down Lo for my match on Thursday with my receipt book. I might even stop by the Oasis to get any payments there, too. So (captains) if you have payments Thursday night, bring them to me and be done with it. Call me that night to see where I am - 966-5632. 
  • If you aren't part of the weekly email report, or if you want to be notified with everyone else regarding important CMPL details, or if your email address has changed, send me an email at - - so I can add you to the list. Or go to and register as a user. Obviously free and totally spam free.

Well I guess that's all I can do at this point. Make sure you practice these next few nights, especially on the table designated on the schedule.

Good luck, and read the rules!


Schedule Posted!
Oct 11, 2013, 1:52 am

Ok,the 2013-2014 Schedule has been posted online. Simply click on the 'Game Schedule' tab in the left-hand column. You can sort by previous games first or future games first, or even by team.

Please note when playing at the Oasis or Down Lo, the table number you will be playing on is listed in 'match details' or 'match code'. This way you know exactly which table you're playing on to aid in practice sessions.

I'll have the binders and paper schedules ready for the captains this weekend.


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