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End of the Regular Season Results
May 12, 2013, 11:40 pm

Updated play off information at the end.

Here's what happened on the last day of the regular season...

The Stickmen were home taking on the Rack Pack at the Down Lo. The Stickmen were up 7-5 at the break, and went on to win 12-9. Brian Norman was the sole 3-0 winner for both teams. Nickas and Gary beat Sam and Kris in the beer frame for a free road beer. Both teams are still in the bottom 6 and will actually face each other in the Wild Card Playoff on Thursday in the first round.

The Oasis Bulldogs were home as the Tackle Box visited to close out the regular season. The Bulldogs won 14-7 as Kieth and Brennon each got 3-0 wins. Richie and Trevor did get the beer frame though for the Tackle Box, beating Ed and Steve 2-1. The Bulldogs settled in 3rd place this year, as they crept past the idle O-Team by 2 points. The Bulldogs will play the Dragons in the first round of the regular playoffs, May 23rd at Oasis. The O-Team will host the Down Lo Damned Loungers that same night (4 seed vs. 5 seed).

The Empire Club was home in Durham taking on the Oasis Bankers. I just recently got the individual results from the match. Empire won 11-10 even though they were short a player. A lot of feast or famine games. Jon and Bill each got 3 for the Bankers. Paul, James, and Troy got 3 for the Empire. Eric was the only shooter (and his opponent) to record something besides a 3 or 0. James and Bob Cody won the beer frame, causing Jon and Barney to buy the rounds. Since James Williams got all 3 of his games, he will head out of the season and into the Top Shooter Tournament as the #1 seed at an amazing 81.8%. As it stands, the Empire finished in 9th place and will face the Bankers again in the wild card playoff this Thursday at the Oasis.

The Damned Loungers were at home as they had the 'visiting' Down Lo Diamondbacks on their table. Before the results, need to mention that D-Back Ricky had a break and run last week against the Bulldogs, but it failed to make it on the home team's score sheet and make it to me. So good job Run Out Ricky. The Damned had their hands full as the D-Backs won big: 17-4. Rusty, Kenny, Greg, and Izzy all got 3-0 wins. Mike Karol and Greg (who both snuck into the top shooter tournament with the minimum required games played) beat Stephen W. and Yuli in the beer frame, 2-0. The Diamondbacks finish the season in 2nd place and will play the 7th seed team in the first round of the regular playoffs May 23rd, at the Down Lo.

The other playoff spots that were still to be determined was the important 7th and 8th spot. 7th place you’re in the playoffs, 8th place you have to fight your way in via the wild card matches. The 2 teams fighting for it were Duffy's Tavern and the Eagles.

Duffy's Tavern had the pleasure of playing The Playa's in the final regular season night. They needed 8 points to stay in a tie at 7th place. Unfortunately they came up 1 point short and got 7 to the Playa's 14. Charles and Leo each had 3-0 games for the Down Lo, and Kevin and Leland got the beer frame. So Duffy's will be in the wild card playoff as the highest seed taking on the Tackle Box Thursday night at the Oasis. The Playa's will be the top seed and have to wait and see who wins the wild card playoff matches to see who they play the next week.

The Eagles were home in an important game against the Dragons of Oasis. The Eagles were up 7-5 at the break thanks to Robin's 3-0 win. Jeff and Kenny got the beer frame from Terry and James, 2-0. Larry got 2 in the 5th spot for the Eagles, but the biggest points of the night were from Chuck and Jon - they each got 'only' 1 point, but those 2 points gave them 1 more point than Duffy's Tavern - so the Eagles are officially the 7th and final regular playoff seed! So the Eagles play the Diamondbacks on May 23rd, and again, the Dragons will be playing the Bulldogs the following week.

So here's the matchup on Thursday, May 16th at the Oasis for the Wild Card Playoff:

Main table by the bar: Duffy's vs. Tackle Box

Table 3: Bankers vs. Empire Club

Table 4: Stickmen vs. Rack Pack

Race to 7 points - everything else the same as a normal league night, no beer frame. Single elimination. Highest seed is the 'home' team. The team with the biggest win differential (say 7-2) in the first round will receive a bye to the championship game. The other 2 teams (say with 7-5 and 7-6 scores) will play each other again that same night, same format, to see who plays that aforementioned bye team in the championship. That championship round will be a normal race to 11 points (no beer frame) played on a mutually decided day and time at the Oasis (before the following Thursday). 


Here's the playoff schedule for the Regular Playoffs, May 23rd:

(8) TBD Wild Card Champ at the (1) Down Lo Playa's [Table 10]

(7) Eagles at the (2) Down Lo Diamondbacks [Table 5]

(6) Oasis Dragons at the (3) Oasis Bulldogs [Table 1, 3 or 4 – I’ll let you know soon]

(5) Down Lo Damned Loungers at the (4) Oasis O-Team [Table 1, 3 or 4 – I’ll let you know soon]

Single elimination. No beer frames. Race to 11 like usual. Winners play the following week, May 30th, at the highest seeds home bar. More info to come...

See you all at The Oasis this Thursday at 7:00pm sharp!


Week #25 Results
May 8, 2013, 12:48 am

Here's what happened last week... and look for important playoff info at the end (in RED)!

The Last Call Rack Pack played their final regular season home match last week against the Playa's. Besides Pat C. getting 2 of his 3 games for the 'Pack, it was all Playa's. Leland, Charles, Larry, and Leo all got 3 games a piece. I heard Larry had an amazing masse shot to get out in one game. Ask him about it and I'm sure he'll tell - I already got a play-by-play from Tom Leclaire. Maybe we should have these guys wear Go-Pro helmet cams so we can see what happened after the fact! Would love to post some video on the site if anyone's interested! Kevin and Leland also got the beer frame as usual, beating Curtass and Nicky Tits 2-1. Final score 17-4 Last Call. I mean Down Lo.

The Oasis Dragons hosted the Duffy's Tavern last week. The Oasis was up 7-5 at the break. Jeff and John lost the beer frame to Prana and Shawn Bell, 2-0. In the bottom half, Evan got 2 for the Duffers, Prana stepped up and got all 3, then, as the teams were tied at 10, Steve Swim got the final win of the night to put Duffy's in the win column, 11-10. 

Also at the Oasis, the Bulldogs were home hosting the Down Lo Diamondbacks. These teams flip-flopped wins in the first half as Keith and Frank got 2 wins each in the 1st and 2nd spot, but then Jimmy Scott came back with a 2-spot in the 3rd frame, and Izzy got all 3 in the 4th spot. 7-5 Bulldogs at the break. Mike Brandt and Kenny Duff got the beer frame 2-1 against Steve and Ed. In the bottom half of the score sheet it was all D-Backs as they got 8 of the final 9 points. Mike Brandt and Ricky Martin each got 3 wins, and Mike Karol got the final 2 of the night. We'll see if that 2 pointer keeps Mike in the Top Shooter 1st place position... Final score: 13-8 Diamondbacks.

The Stickmen actually held their own pretty good against the Oasis O-Team at the Down Lo. It started off ugly (at least for the Stickmen) as the O-Team was up 9-3 at the break. Stacy and Mike started off the night with 3 wins each. Cele and Keith beat Joel and Slade in the beer frame, 2-0. In the 2nd half the Stickmen pitched a come back. Cele got 1, but Scott and Keith got 2 and 3, respectively, to make the final score 12-9 Oasis. The O-Team is on the final bye this week so they will rest or practice and see how the playoff standings shake out this Thursday.

The Damned Loungers were also at the Down Lo, welcoming in the Oasis Bankers - to their trap on table 10. There's 2 highlights for the Bankers - Jim and Russ got 1 win each. (Jim got his via an 8-ball break-and-run, by the way). The Loungers had 19 highlights as David, Pat A., Yang, Yuli, and Tom all got 3-win hat tricks. The Chinese connection of Yuli and Yang got the beer frame as well, rubbing salt in Barney and George's wounds. In case you didn't catch that - 19-2 Down Lo.

The Eagles were at their clubhouse last Thursday night as the visiting Empire Club was buzzed in. Unfortunately only 6 players got to sign the guest book as the Empire left a shooter in Durham. The Eagles used those 3 free points to help propel them to a 14-7 victory. Jon and David got the beer frame from Eric and Bob Cody, 2-1. Robin and Bobbo sported the two 3-0 wins for the Eagles. The Eagles were glad for those extra few points as that put them just 3 points behind Duffy's and out of the magic 7th playoff spot - no wild card playoff necessary. 

So as the Eagles and Duffy's jockey for the 7th spot, it looks like the Empire, Stickmen, Rack Pack, Bankers, and Tackle Box will be playing in the 8th Seed Wild Card Playoff - a new twist for this season - On Thursday night, May 16th at the Oasis. Whoever wins this mini playoff gets the 8th seed and gets the joy of taking on the Playa's in the real playoffs. NEW WILD CARD PLAYOFF INFORMATION: the first round will be 3 different (bracketed) matches between the 6 teams, each a race to 7 points. The next round will be the 2 teams with the closest wins in the first round. In other words, the biggest point differential winner in the first round gets a bye to the championship. Whoever wins that 2nd round game (race to 7), plays that aforementioned bye team in the Championship (on a different day/night determined by the winning captains) in a race to 11 (just like a normal league night). I'll be contacting the involved captains this week. So that means the rest of the regular playoffs are pushed out one week (sorry), starting May 23rd. So teams 1-7 have a 'bye' until then. Check the online calendar for an accurate schedule - pretty much ignore the yellow hard copy in your binder for the playoffs. Come down and watch these other teams battle for playoff rights, at the Oasis, at 7:00pm. The pool party is STILL on June 22nd at the Empire Club in Durham!

Most playoff spots are not totally set - the O-Team has a bye, so the Bulldogs could move past them with a big win (12+ points), or even the Damned Loungers. With that huge win last week that moves them only 2 points out of 4th and 14 points out of 3rd place. And like I mentioned, the pressure is on Duffys and Eagles to get out of that Wild Card playoff situation.

Good luck!




Results from Week #24
May 1, 2013, 11:56 pm

Okay - here's the scoop on the friggin' Wild Card playoff for the 8th playoff spot. I got input from various captains regarding the date, time, and match format. I got good input, but it all varied. So... having to make an executive decision, this is what we are doing for playoffs this year:


Thursday, May 16th - 7pm-12mid.(?) - Oasis  - Wild Card Playoff - at least the first 2 rounds. The 3rd and final round will have to be on a different night due to time constraints.

That night will be determined between the teams that make it to that final round.

Thursday, May 23rd - First round of regular playoffs

Thursday, May 30th - 2nd round of regular playoffs

Thursday, June 6th - 3rd/4th place match

Thursday, June 13th - Championship match

Sunday, June 16th - Top Shooter Tournament at the Down Lo - Time TBD

Saturday, June 22nd - 1pm - ? - Pool Party & Awards Banquet - Empire Club (Durham)


This of course differs from the yellow schedule copies so please adjust as necessary. Please note - the Top Shooter Tourney is scheduled for a SUNDAY now, not a Thursday.

The Wild Card playoffs will happen like this: first 3 matches (1 vs. 6 seed, 2 vs. 5 seed, and 3 vs. 4 seed) will play in a team race to 7. Just like normal nights except a race to 7 instead of 11. The second round will be the same format, same location. The third round (played on a different day/night - same location) will be a standard race to 11. Winner of that is the #8 seed and plays in the regular playoffs the following Thursday, May 23rd.

Sorry if this doesn't fit everyones's schedule or preferences, but we will adjust it for next year after discussion at October's captain's meeting.


Here's what happened on April 25th...

In a very close match out in Durham, the Playa's had to come from behind and win it in the final match. Teams were tied at 6 going into the beer frame thanks to Leland's 3-pointer, and Empire Troy's 3-win showing. Leland and Kevin beat Rick and Bob Cody 2-1 in the aforementioned match. In the bottom half Jason got 2 for the Down Lo to give them a 1-point lead, but James got all 3 of his to make it 10-8 Empire. Larry got the final 3 points in the 7th match to make it a close 11-10 Playa's victory.

The Damned Loungers beat the Last Call Rat Pack 13-8 last week. Stephen Wells and Yuli each got 3-wins, as did Nick for the 'Pack. Stephen and Yang beat Mike and Pat in the beer frame 2-1 for the honors. 

The Bankers were home as they took on the 'visiting' Oasis O-Team. The 'O jumped out to a 9-3 lead at the half thanks to James V.'s 3-0 win. Mike and Joel got the beer frame from Barney and Bill 2-0. Joel came back to the table and got all 3 in the 5th match, and Mike Clarke chipped in 2 more to help the score get to 15-6 O-Team.

The Diamondbacks were home against the visiting Tackle Box Alligator Humpers last week. The D-Backs must have felt completely comfortable at home as they beat the 'Box 18-3. Rusty, Mike Karol, and Ricky got all 3 of their games. Ricky and Greg also got the beer frame 2-1 against Trevor and Bob S.

The Down Lo Stickmen were on the road taking on the Oasis Dragons on April 25th. Paul Wall, Wheezel Dogg, and Keith each got hat tricks as the Stickmen beat the Dragons 12-9. Steve Hambek got all 3 of his games for the home team to keep the score close. Aaron and Micah beat Kris and Madsack in the beer frame, 2-0.

Upstairs at Duffy's, the home team was taking on the Oasis Bulldogs. It was all Bulldogs as they went on to win 14-7. Dennis and Paul Airth each got 3 wins to help the cause, and Chris Urbach got 'only' 2, but one of them was via an 8-ball break-and-run. Steve Swim did the most damage on the Duffy's side of the table as he got all 3 of his games in the 6th spot. The Duffers did squeak out a beer frame win as Shawn and Steve beat Ed and Mario 2-1 for the free beer.

The Eagles were on the bye last week, and this week it is the Tackle Box's turn to stay stagnant in the standings. FYI - the Oasis O-Team has the final bye week so their match on Thursday May 2nd will be their last one of the season. They will then be in the regular playoffs beginning May 23rd, most likely at home.

Sorry again about the playoff confusion, as well as the long season. Next year we will have it nailed down and shorten the season in one way or another. Good luck this week.


Week #22 Results
Apr 17, 2013, 12:51 am

Before we get to last week's results, here's some very important information regarding the end of the season:


Hard to believe, but we are down to our final month of regular season games. I'm working now on finalizing our "Wild Card" playoff schedule for the 8th-13th place teams. Remember, they will all be battling for the final 8th playoff spot. It's going to be tough to schedule a night (or nights?) between the last regular season game (May 9th) and the first real playoff start night (May 16th), but it will have to be on a night(s) other than a Thursday - I'm thinking Sunday and/or Monday night (May 12th/13th?). Only other option would be to push the playoffs out a week and do this on May 16th or so, and start playoffs on the 23rd, which pushes everything else out, too - Top Shooter, Pool Party, etc. It will either have to be at the Oasis or Down Lo because of the number of tables available - 6 teams will be competing at the same time. 3 rounds will be required. It might be a different, faster format - maybe only 4 players or less in a race to 7(?) to speed up the process. We never finalized all this at the captain's meeting way back in October, so I'm kinda doing this on the fly and will definitely need input from other captains, especially those involved. Give me your suggestions...

Few things for all captains (and players) regarding the playoffs:

1) Players who compete in the playoffs (including the Wild Card matches), must have played at least 3 nights during the regular season (9 games minimum),

2) Players cannot add for the rest of the season (it's within the one month deadline),

3) Double check your team's stats/points before May 10th (the Friday after the last regular season games). After that day, stats and points are final, regardless if they are right or wrong,

4) To be eligible for the Top Shooter Tournament, you must be in the top 8 in win percentage AND have played in at least 75% of the total games possible during the season (not counting playoffs). It will be 54 games (or more) played out of 72 possible to be eligible.

Okay, here's the results from Thursday, April 11th...

The Down Lo Diamondbacks were home hosting the Eagles last week. The D-Backs jumped out to a 9-3 lead at the break thanks to Mike Brandt's 3-0 win, and Rusty, Kenny, and Ricky getting 2 each. Mike Karol and Rusty won the home beer frame, beating David and Donny 2-0. Mike Karol got 3 as well in the 6th spot to help the score reach 15-6 Down Lo.

The Stickmen were also at home on table 10 taking on the visiting Bankers of Oasis. Bill and George got the Bankers to 8 at the break thanks to their 3-0 showings, but Cele kept the Down Lo in it with 3 of his own. Sam and Paul couldn't beat Barney and Bill in the beer frame, losing a close one 2-1. The Stickmen made a small comeback in the bottom half but couldn't catch up, losing 12-9.

Meanwhile, the Oasis O-Team was out visiting the Last Call Rack Pack. James V. got 3 for his O-Team to help his squad to a 7-5 lead. Mike and Joel got the beer frame from Mike and Matt., 2-1. The O-Team got 7 of the final 9 points, including Slade's 3 wins, to make the final score 14-7 Oasis.

The Bulldog's were the 'home' team as they faced off against their barmates, the Oasis Dragons. Dennis and Chris U. helped their team get to an 8-4 lead with their 3-0 wins, and Captain Steve chipped in a hat trick in the 5th spot to help the Bulldogs get a 15-6 win. Steve and Mario lost to Krad and Jon in the beer frame, 2-1.

The Alligator Humpers were home as Duffy's Tavern made the trip out to the Tackle Box. The teams were tied at 6 at the break, and again at 10 going into the final frame. Shawn Bell had already won the first two games in the 7th match, and got the final 11th point to make the final score 11-10 Duffy's. Jonny and Trevor couldn't win the beer frame against Prana and Shawn as they lost 2-0.

I know the score (I think) of the Empire versus Damned Loungers match out in Durham. Mike Dixon told me it was 11-10, but now I forgot which way. Mike didn't turn a score sheet in yet. I think he said he won, and that's the way I recorded it, but I'll update the stats and correct it (if necessary) once I get the score sheet tomorrow night. Or unless Lounger captain Stephen wants to send me a copy before then (hint, hint..).

Good luck this week - except for the Oasis Dragons - they are on their bye week. And just for those standings-watchers, after the Dragons, the Eagles, Tackle Box, and finally the Oasis O-Team will have their bye weeks, so take that into account when studying the standings.

I WILL have a print out of current stats and standings emailed and posted after I get the score sheet from Mike Dixon, and update the Tackle Boxes individual stat results from March 21st and 28th now that I have their roster figured out. Hoping for Wednesday night, Thursday morning. Team standings ARE correct and current on the website as of today. 

Official - longest post ever. Sorry! I didn't even get to begging for Pool Party prize donations. Something to look forward to in the following weeks I guess...


Week #21 Results
Apr 9, 2013, 11:20 pm

Had some score sheet malfunctions last week so I wasn't able to print reports or post results. They have now been acquired and the stats have been updated. I DID get all score sheets this week perfectly, so here's the results from April 4th...and new reports will be printed/emailed/posted this week...

The Oasis Bankers were the home team as the Tackle Box Alligator Humpers were the visitors. The Tackle Box players came in with a little spring in their step - April and May are prime months during the Alligator mating season, and it carried over to their pool game on April 4th. It was a very close match in which the Humpers came out victorious in the end - winning 11-10. Jim Wilson started the night with a 3-0 win for the Bankers, but then Kent and Pops got 2, and a player named Schmidt got all 3 for the visitors. Bankers Barney and Bill beat Trevor and Frank in the beer frame, 2-0. Russ got 2 for the Oasis, and Joe got 2 for the 'Box to make it 10-8 Alligator Humpers going into the last match. Zook took care of business quickly getting the winning 11th point in his first game, but Bill got the final 2 to make it a close 11-10 T-Box victory.

The Dragons beat the Empire 13-8 over at the Oasis Bar and Grill. The teams were tied 6-6 at the break as teams traded 2-1 games. Steve H. and Aaron Smith got the beer frame for the Dragons defeating Rick and Bob Cody 2-1. The Dragons then took control of the 2nd half starting with Steve's 3-0 match. Jason and Aaron finished the night with 2-1 wins.

The Eagles were home hosting the Oasis O-Team last week and the two teams got as close as you can get. These teams were also tied at 6 going into the beer frame. Robin got all 3 for the Eagles, and Brian Vignon swept his match 3-0 as well. David and Jon did win the beer frame for the home Eagles, beating Mike and Joel of the Oasis. Joel got 2 to start the second half, but David Napier got 3 right back for the Eagles. This got the Eagles to the hill with 10 points. They needed just one more for the win, but Oasis Slade came in and peed in the Eagle's punch and got all 3 games in the final match for the come-from-behind 11-10 victory.

Out at the Last Call, the Rack Pack were home welcoming in the always fun Oasis Bulldogs. Dennis, Steve, and Ty each got 3-0 wins for the B-Dogs, as Mike Dowd and Matty Ice got 3-0 wins for the home club. Steve and Dennis beat Nickas and Gary 2-0 in the beer frame to get a free round on the road. Welcome back to the league Mario Aguilar as he re-joins the Oasis club.

Downstairs at the Down Lo, all 4 of the clubs were home taking on each other in a Down Lo royal rumble. Or rumble royale for the European folk. The Damned Loungers were fortunate enough to take on the Playa's, and fortunate to get 4 points to their 17. Here's the Playa's playas: Charles, Dwayne, Larry, and Leo each got 3 wins to their opponent's 0. Kevin and Leland beat Yuli and Stephen for the beer frame honors, 2-1.

The Stickmen didn't fare much better as they took on the Diamondbacks. Greg, Kenny, and Bulldog got all 3 of their matches. The best the Stickmen got was 2 each from Cele and Scott. But those 2 couldn't do jack in the beer frame as they lost to Izzy and Jimmy Scott in the beer frame, 2-0. 

It's hard to believe, but we're heading down the final stretch in this 2012-2013 season. Time to start thinking about the playoffs! Don't forget: teams placed 1-7 are in the post season, teams 8-13 will battle for that 8th and final playoff spot. So no one is out, and very few are safe. Play hard and good luck! Only 4 or 5 games left - only 4 for the Playa's because they are on their bye week this week.


Week #19 Results
Mar 27, 2013, 4:18 pm

Here's what happened last week...

At the Down Lo, the Bankers strolled in looking to have a nice, fun night out playing pool. They left not too happy. The Playa's ripped them 20-1. In the Bankers defense, they didn't have their 7th player so they forfeited 3 right there. Props to Jon Akerson for getting their 1 point and thwarting the dreaded shut out. Of course that means a ton of Playa's got 3-0 wins - here's the roll call: Charles, Kevin, Leland, Dwayne, and Leo. Tom got 3 by default, but not for reals. Hopefully the Diamondbacks can slow them down as they play each other this week. 

The Oasis Dragons were home taking on those aforementioned Diamondbacks. The teams were knotted at 6 at the beer frame, but the D-backs poured it on in the second half getting 2 from Jimmy and Kenny, and 3 from Mike Karol. Mike Brandt also got 3 for the Down Lo in the first half. Steve and Aaron did get the beer frame though as they beat Mike Karol and Ricky Martin 2-1.

The Oasis O-Team was home as well, playing on the main table against the Down Lo Damned. These teams were also tied at 6 points heading into the beer frame, thanks to Stephen's 3-0 win for the Damned and James V.'s 3-0 win for the O. Stephen and Yuli beat James and Jimmy in the beer frame, 2-0. The teams traded 2-1 matches in the 5th and 6th spot and were tied heading to the final 7th spot, but no drama here. The Loungers didn't have a 7th player so they gifted 3 free games and the night's win to the Oasis, 12-9.

The Down Lo Stickmen were home hosting their upstairs neighbors, Duffy's Tavern. It was all Tavern all the time. Cele started the night with 3 wins, but Duffy's countered with 3-win efforts from Ed, Ice Cream, Prana, and Shawn Bell. Shawn and Prana got the beer frame, too - beating Sam and Madsack 2-0. Final score 15-6 Duffy's. 

The Alligator Humpers of the Tackle Box headed out to Durham to take on the Empire. James started the night (as usual) with 3 wins (as usual) to help his team to an early 8-4 lead. Eric and Bob Cody won the beer frame for the home team, beating Joe and Rob 2-0. Captain Mike got 2 more, Bob Cody got 3 more, and by the 'Box not having a 7th player, they received 3 the easy way to make it 16-5 Empire in the end. 

Just got these results: The Last Call Rack Pack were in a close match versus the visiting Eagles. The 'Pack was up 7-5 at the beer frame thanks to 2-1 victories by Kevin, Matt, and Nicky Tits. Nicky and Matty also won the beer frame, beating Donny and Terry 2-0. In the bottom-half though the Eagles brought it back to a tie thanks to Jon and Tino's 2-1 wins in the 5th and 6th spot. It was all up to Robin and Gary's match to find a winner. Robin got the first one, then Gary got the second one to make it tied again at 10. In the final game, Robin came out on top to give his Eagles a slim 1 point win, 11-10. 

Good luck to everyone this week, except the Damned Loungers - they are on their bye week.


Results from Week #18
Mar 20, 2013, 5:11 pm

Here's what happened last week around town...

The Oasis Dragons welcomed the Last Call Rack Pack into the Oasis last week. The Dragons were on fire in the first half winning 10 out of the first 12. Aaron and Jeff each got 3 wins a piece. In the second half, the Pack made it a little more respectable by getting 5 of the final 9 points. Steve and Krad teamed up for the beer frame win against Mike and Gary. Final score: 14-7 Dragons.

The Eagles were also at home as they hosted the Down Lo Damned Loungers. The Eagles were down 4-8 at the half way point. The Damned must have thought they had this one in the bag, especially getting 3 wins from Tony and Pat. Robin got 3 for his squad to keep them in the game. But the momentum swang starting in the beer frame when David and Jon teamed up against the Chinese Connection - Yuli and Yang. The Eagles got it 2-1, and stayed hot from there. David stayed at the table and got 3 wins (with a broken foot), then Chuck got 2, and Captain Jon wrapped it up with a bow and a 3-0 victory. With the Eagles scoring 8 of the final 9 points, they swept into the lead and won 12-9.

Duffy's was home at the Tavern hosting the Empire of Durham. Thanks to Ice Cream's 3-0 win, the 'Duff was up 9-3 at the break. Rick and Eric won the beer frame for the Empire, beating Evan and Kevin 2-1. Kevin Kinell stayed at the table and got all 3 of his games, but that was the last they were going to score. Rick and Bob Cody swept the last 2 games with 3-0 wins to get the Empire back to a semi-close 12-9 loss.

The Oasis O-Team was on the road visiting the Alligator Humpers of the Tackle Box. It was close in the first half as the O-Team were up 7-5 thanks to Joel's 3-0 effort (with a break and run) at the half. Mike and Brian won the beer frame on the road against Trevor and Jonny, 2-0. Kent came back with 2 to tie the game at 7-7, but Mike and Slade swept the bottom spots with 3-0 wins to put them ahead for good, 14-7. 

The Stickmen got their asses beat by the Playa's, 16-5. Here's the big 3-0 winners for the Playa's: Charles (with a break and run), Leland, Dwayne, and Leo. For the Stickmen: Scott. The final score was 16-5 Playa's. Leland and Jason also beat Scott and Cele in the beer frame, 2-1. Just like paying taxes, luckily everyone has to play them.

In a battle of the bar, the Oasis Bankers were home versus the 'visiting' Bulldogs. It was all Bulldogs in the first half as Keith, Chris, and Dennis each got 3-0 wins to put the score to 10-2. Steve and Ed got the beer frame against Barney and Mark. In the second half, the Bankers fought back to make it respectable, getting 5 of the final 9 points. Stats still aren't entered for the Bankers for this match - waiting to hear which Marks played when (no last names or initials), which earns the Bankers a $50,000 penalty. Cash, please.

Good luck this week, except for the Bulldogs - they will be on their bye week doing whatever it is they do - probably practicing on their two new big tables at the Oasis. (I haven’t seen them personally, but rumor has it). Now that the Oasis has big tables, that just leaves the Last Call with solely bar-sized tables. We'll see if the arguments/complaints will switch to "The Last Call has the advantage with their small tables, we can't do playoffs there - they'll always win!"


Week of 3/7/13
Mar 13, 2013, 11:52 pm

Here's the scoop from last week...

The Playa's were home at the Down Lo hosting the Eagles Club. Leland and Kevin each got 3 in the first half, and Charles and Dwayne got 2 to get the score to 10-2 Playa's at the break. Kevin and Leland got the beer frame 2-1 against Donny and Robin. Eagle's Jon got 2 in the 5th frame, but Amer and Leo finished the night with 3-0 wins to make the final score 17-4 Playa's.

The Last Call Rack Pack welcomed in the Duffy's Tavern crew, and a close match entailed.  Pat C. got 3 for the home club to help them get to 9-3 at the beer frame, but Steve, Shawn, and Ed stormed back in the bottom half. Steve got 2, Shawn got 3, and Ed got 2. But Gary got 1 in the very last match to put the Rack Pack over the hump and win with a final score of 11-10. Shawn and Ed did get the beer frame, though - beating Nickas and Pat 2-0. 

Out in Durham, the Diamondbacks made the trek out to the 95938 zip code. The teams were tied 6-6 at the beer frame. James got 3 for his squad, and Greg got 3 for his. Kenny and Ricky beat Mike Dixon and Rick in the beer frame 2-0. Rick came back with 2 in the 5th spot, and Mike Dixon got 1 to make the score tied 9-9. But unfortunately the Empire didn't have a 7th player again and gave Izzy and the D-Backs a free 3 points, making the final score 12-9 Diamondbacks.

In a battle at the Oasis, the O-Team was up against the Bulldogs. Jimmy, Stacy, James, and Mike each got 2 wins in the first half making the score 8-4 O-Team at the break. Paul and Steve got the beer frame win for the 'Dogs, beating Joel and Slade 2-0. But Joel and Slade stormed back with 3 wins each in the 5th and 6th spot, and Aaron kicked in 1 more in the 7th spot to make the final score 15-6, a resounding win for the O-Team.

Never got a score sheet from the Tackle Box Alligator Humpers for their match against the Down Lo Damned Loungers. I'll update once the stats come in, but because of the missing data I can't update the stats sheet and top shooter list, and the team standings.

The Diamondbacks are on the bye this week - so everyone else, good luck!



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