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Week of 2/28/13
Mar 7, 2013, 12:17 am

Sorry about the late posting, but I was up in Reno with Cele, Brian Vignon, Steve Hambek, and a few others for the 20th Annual BCAPL Bar Table Championships at the Grand Sierra Resort. Cele, Steve, and I competed individually in the 8-ball division against some of the world's best (Corey Deuel, Francisco Bustamante, Oscar and Ernesto Dominguez, Vivian Villa Real, Shane Von Boening, Darren Appleton, and others to name a few). We played well, maybe to the best of our abilities, but came up short in the competition, but had an absolute blast. We saw a ton of great matches, probably the best was Corey Deuel vs. Francisco Bustamante (Bustamante won 5-4 in a race to 5). We're definitely heading back next year to do better - as we hope you come with us next time as well. Here's a couple pictures of our trip:



Here's what happened last week (in Chico)...

The Bankers were at home, but they opened the door to a monster - aka the Diamondbacks. Kenny, Ricky, Mike B and Mike K, and Rusty all got 3-0 wins. Barney and Mark M. were the only bankers to salvage a win. Final score: 19-2 D-Backs. Mike K. and Izzy got the beer frame, too - beating Bill and George 2-0.

The Bulldogs were also at home, taking on the Playa's. They didn't do too much better than the Bankers as they scored 7 to the Playa's 14. Kevin was the only 3-0 winner for the Down Lo squad, but almost everyone else got 2 wins each. Ed and Steve from the Bulldogs did get the beer frame from Kevin and Leland, 2-0.

The Stickmen were home at the Down Lo last week hosting the Empire Club of Durham. Cele shot first and went 0-3 against James, and Scott went second and got all 3 of his. They then took off on the road to Reno that night to practice before they played in the Bar Table Championships the next morning, leaving the rest of their squad to take on the Empire. It was all Durham as the visiting club won 14-7. Kris and Sundy lost the beer frame to Bob and Mike 2-0. Eric Monlux and Bob Cody went 3-0 for the Empire.

Duffy's was home versus the Oasis O-Team. The Duffers were down 4-8 at the break, thanks to Sean W.'s 3-0 win for the O. That's when the tides turned, though. Shawn Bell and Ice Cream won the beer frame 2-0 against Mike and Aaron. Shawn then got 3 in the 5th spot, Prana got 2 in the 6th spot, and Steve Swim got the final 3 in the 7th spot giving the Duffy's Tavern a 12 -9 victory. They scored 8 of the possible 9 points in the 2nd half for the win. 

Also down at the Down Lo, the Damned Loungers were taking on the Oasis Dragons. The Damned were down 5-7 at the break, but came on Duffy's-style getting 8 of the final 9 possible points and pulling out a 13-8 victory. Yang got 3, Yuli got 2, and Steve McGrill got 3 wins to wrap up the night in style. Aaron and John couldn't handle the Chinese connection as Yuli and Yang got the beer frame 2-0.

The Eagles were home hosting the Tackle Box last Thursday. The Eagles soared to an 8-4 lead at the half, and piled on another 8 points in the back half to make the final score 16-5 Eagles. Bobbo, Chuck, and Jon got 3 wins each for their club. Robin and Terry beat Zook and Jonny for the beer frame - 2-1. 

Good luck next week - the Stickmen are on their bye week, but will be down at the Down Lo in case you want to play for some money. Sorry, Wheez won't be there for obvious (???) reasons. 


February 21st Games
Feb 28, 2013, 11:24 am

Here's what happened last week:

The Tackle Box Alligator Humpers (their new name) hosted the Playa's but came out on the losing end - going down 14-7. Tom and Leo each got 3-0 wins, and Kevin and Leland beat Trevor and Bruce in the beer frame, 2-1.

At the Down Lo, the Damned Loungers were home against the Oasis Bulldogs. The 'Dogs were up 7-5 at the break thanks to Dennis and his 3-0 win. The two Steves from the Damned beat Ed and Brian in the beer frame. Final score: 12-9 Bulldogs.

The Stickmen were on the road at the Eagles Club. In a tight match, the Eagles pulled out an 11-10 victory. Cele got all 3 of his games to start the night, and Keith got all 3 of his to end the night. For the Eagles, David Napier and Chuck each got a hat trick as well. Robin and Donny beat Sundy and Paul Wall in the beer frame.

The Bankers also had a close home match against Duffy's. Jon Akerson got a 3-0 win for the Bankers, as did SteveSwim and the Woot for Duffy's. Prana and Steve couldn't get the beer frame from Bill Ide and Jim Wilson. Final score: Bankers 11, Duffy's 10.

In a battle at the Oasis, the O-Team were all over the Dragons last week. Slade, Jimmy, and Sean Wasson each got 3-0 wins for the O-Team. Stacy and Brian also got the beer frame as they beat Krad and Micah. Final score: O-Team 16, Dragons 5.

 The Diamondbacks were home downstairs at the Down Lo as the Last Call Rack Pack made the trip South for the night. The Diamondbacks were victorious, winning 15-6. The D-Backs got 3-0 wins from Mike Brandt, Sr. and Izzy. Mike also got one of his wins via an 8-ball break-and-run. Adding to his great night, Mike Sr. and Bulldog got the beer frame, too - beating Matt A. and Kevin.

Good luck this week. And good luck to Brian Vignon, Cele, and myself - we're heading up to Reno to compete in the 20th Annual US Bar Table Championship at the Grand Sierra! 

The Last Call has the bye this week.


Top Shooter Page updated!
Feb 22, 2013, 9:45 pm

Okay, now that we are in the second half and the Top Shooters list has stabilized, I've updated the list to reflect all the games and stats up to February 19th (through February 7th games). Remember - you must have played in 75% of the total games so far to be eligible. The total games possibly played (as of Feb. 7th) was 39 games, and 30 games out of 39 is about 77%. I'll try to keep up on this list better coming down the stretch of the season.


Other Leagues and Tournaments
Feb 17, 2013, 8:24 pm

We've got pool leagues and tournaments all over town right now. As mentioned, Jackie has moved her leagues, tournaments, pro shop, and lessons from The Down Lo to The Oasis. Her newest 9-ball league starts on February 25th, and sign-ups begin now. If you want to sign up and play some free pool (until 9:00pm), go find her at The Oasis tomorrow night, February 18th.


At the Down Lo, Kevin Cibart wanted me to pass on some downtown tournament information. He's got 9-ball and and 8-ball weekly tournaments already started:


So if my calculations are correct, you can play 9-ball at The Oasis on Mondays, practice on Tuesdays, 8-ball league at the Oasis on Wednesdays or the Down Lo 8-ball tournament, Thursday CMPL (best league ever), party on Friday night, 9-ball Down Lo tournament on Saturday, and then see your distant family on Sundays after free pool at the Down Lo.



Week #14 Results - 2nd Half!
Feb 13, 2013, 2:17 am

Here's what happened last week, Feb. 7th:

The Diamondbacks were home as the Oasis O-Team travelled downstairs. It was all Down Lo in the first half as they went into the beer frame up 10-2, thanks to red-hot Matt Fields and Kenny Duff - they each got 3 wins. Jimmy Scott and Ricky Martin beat Joel and James in the beer frame, 2-0. Joel stayed at the table and held off the inevitable defeat for one match as he got all 3 of his, but Rusty was up next and got 2 to put the D-Backs over the hill. Mike Karol put up a rare 1 out of 3 to get his team's score to 13. The O-Team ended up with 8.

The Down Lo Stickmen were on the road out at the Tackle Box. After a few frog legs and kangaroo burgers, the Stickmen went to work and were up 8-4 at the break, thanks to Brian Norman's 3-0 win. Madsack and Dunes couldn't get past Trevor and Joe, as the 'Box got the beer frame 2-1. Scott, Paul, and Keith got 8 of the final 9 points (Paul Wall and Keith got 3 wins each), making the final score 16-5 Stickmen.

The Bulldogs were hosts to the Eagles and won decisively 14-7. Five of the seven Bulldogs got 2 wins each, Dennis got all 3 of his. Conversely, five of the seven Eagles got 1 win, except for David Napier who got 2 wins. Chris and Ed of the Oasis got the beer frame from David and Donny, 2-1. Robin only got 1 win, but it was with an 8-ball break-and-run.

The Empire would be having a decent season right now if they could just get enough players each week. Again, they only had 6 players and had to forfeit their final 3 points against the visiting Last Call Rack Pack. Even with those 3 gimmees, they made it respectable but lost 13-8. Gary was the big winner of the night getting all 3 of his games. Matt and Kevin (Nickas?) got the beer frame from Bob and Cody and enjoyed some free BIG beers.

The Playa's were on the road taking on the Oasis Dragons last week. In a great match, the Dragons came out on top 12-9. It was tied 6-6 entering the beer frame as the two teams traded 2-1 wins back and forth. Aaron started the separation as he went big and got all 3 of his games in the fifth spot. Jason followed with one win in the sixth spot. And Jon Chamberlin was the hero as he got the winning 11th and final 12th point of the match shooting last. Kevin and Charles did get the beer frame, though - beating Steve and Aaron 2-0. 

Still waiting for Stephen of the Damned Loungers to get his score sheet in for their home match against Duffy's. Once it's in-hand, I'll post the results.

Once I have his scores, I will update the Top Shooter standings on the web site. Again, the top 8 shooters make the tournament, but they must have played in 75% of the total available matches. Keep checking the green column on the left under 'Top Shooters'. I'll keep it up to date on (hopefully) a weekly basis, now that we have entered the 2nd half of the season. The Beer Frame standings need to be adjusted as well - they are off somehow on the printouts, and I'll get them cleaned up and accurate here this week.

Speaking of this week, it's Valentine's Day this Thursday so I decided to keep everyone out of hot water and give everyone the week off to do something special with someone special. 

Games resume on the 21st, except for the Empire Club who will be on the bye. Hopefully they will be looking to recruit some players! Maybe if you aren't getting the playing time you want/deserve, give Mike Dixon a call and play out in Durham, possibly every night! Let me know and I'll get you in contact with him.

Good luck-


Week #13 Results
Feb 7, 2013, 1:38 am

Just to clarify, there is/was a riff between Jackie "Angel of Billiards" Karol and the Down Lo management. She has taken her pro shop, lessons, and leagues across town to the Oasis. So everything Jackie related has moved shop, but as far as the CMPL is concerned, it's business as usual at the Down Lo. Games are all as scheduled.

Here's what went down last week, Jan. 31st - 

The Down Lo Playa's went upstairs to take on the Duffy's Tavern crew. Charles, Dwayne, and Leo got all 3 of their games to help the Down Lo to a 13-8 victory. Leo and Leland beat Ed and Shawn in the beer frame, 2-1.

The Oasis Dragons welcomed in the traveling Eagles last week out at the Oasis. The Dragons came out on top 11-10 in a very close match. The Dragons were up 7-5 at the break as Jason, Jon, and Aaron got 2 out of 3 in their matches. Aaron and Steve beat Jon and Bobbo 2-1 in the beer frame. In the second half Steve and Krad each got 2 for the Dragons (Krad's 2nd win was the deal sealer), but Jon Cox came back with 3 in the last frame to make it a close 11-10 Dragons win.

The Tackle Box were the hosts as the Oasis Bulldogs made it across town. Keith and Dennis got all 3 of their games for the Bulldogs. Bryan and Steve beat Trevor and Jonny in the beer frame, 2-0. Final score: B-Dogs 16, Spinners 5.

The Last Call Rack Pack went to work against the Down Lo Stickmen last Thursday. The 'Pack had all the answers as they beat the Stickmen 15-6. Pat and Gary got all 3 for the home team, as Nicky Tits got the final 2 points to bring them to 15. Sundy and Brian couldn't win a game versus Kevin Nickas and Mike Dowd in the beer frame.

The Oasis Bankers welcomed in the Empire Club, and the 2 teams duked it out in a close battle. The Empire came up a point or two short as they lost 11-10, but they also didn't have a 7th player to shoot. They forfeited the 9th, 10th, and 11th point to the Oasis because they only had 6 players. The visiting squad got 3 games from James to start it off, and 3 points from Bob Cody in the 6th frame to finish it - 1 point short from a win. Bill Ide won all 3 of his games in the 4th spot, and stayed at the table in the beer frame as Mark Edwards joined him to beat Bob and Troy 2-1. 

In an inter-bar matchup at the Down Lo, the Diamondbacks were the 'home' team as they faced the surging Down Lo Damned Loungers. The Loungers were up 7-5 at the break, as Tony, David, and Steve McGrill got 2 out of 3. Jimmy Scott got 2 of his 3 in the 4th spot for the D-Backs. Matt and Rusty beat Jason Jones and Steve McGrill 2-0 in the beer frame. Jason stayed at the table and got 2 out of 3. Yuli was next and got 3 wins - the second was the important 11th for the team. Mike Karol stayed red-hot and got another 3-0 win and got his team to 9 points. Final score: Loungers 12, Diamondbacks 9.

Okay - for everyone ready for a fresh start, it's time for the second half of the season. It all starts over again - same schedule as the first half, but the home team is swapped. As was the first week of the season, the Bankers start the second-half on the bye week.

Good luck to everyone else.


Results from Week #12
Jan 31, 2013, 1:33 am

Here's what happened last week, Jan. 24th:

The Diamondbacks were in a dog fight with the Oasis Bulldogs downstairs at the Down Lo. The Bulldogs ended the Diamondback's bid for a perfect season, as the Oasis came out on top 11-10 in the end thanks to Frank's 3-0 victory. Mike Karol shot last and got it to within one point with his 3-0 victory. This puts Mike Karol at an amazing 95% as he's won 20 out of 21 matches! Greg and Ricky beat Brennon and Ed in the beer frame, 2-0. 

The Bankers were home as the Damned Loungers made the trip over to the West side of town. The Down Lo squad scored all 2's except for Dave Larabee who got 3 out of 3. Yang and Stephen won the beer frame 2-0, beating Jim and Bill 2-0. Final score Loungers 15, Bankers 6.

The Playa's were over at the Last Call taking on the Rack Pack. Apparently there was no karaoke to distract the Playa's as they won big, 18-3. Charles, Kevin, Larry, and Amer got all 3 of their matches. Everyone else 'only' got 2 each. Kevin and Leland got the beer frame, beating Pat and Matt 2-0.

The Duffy's crew were in a close one with the Oasis Dragons. Duffy's came up just short as the Dragons won 11-10. Steve and Jeff got all 3 of their games for the Dragons, and Steve and Micah got the beer frame, beating Steve Swim and Kevin Kinell 2-0. 

The Down Lo Stickmen were in a relatively close match with the Oasis O-Team last week. Teams traded 2-1 wins in the first half and the O-Team was up 7-5 at the break. Scott and Paul Wall couldn't beat James and Joel in the beer frame, as the O won 2-1. Joel got all 3 of his games to get the Oasis to 10 points, and Brian and Slade finished off the night with 3 points combined to put the score at 13-8 Oasis. 

The Empire played host to the Eagles Club out in Durham. The Empire owned the first half as they mounted a 9-3 lead going into the beer frame. Mike Dixon went big with a 3-0 win in the 4th spot. The beer frame info was not filled in on the score sheet so I can't tell you who won or even played for the Eagles (CAPTAINS: READ THE SCORESHEET BEFORE SIGNING!). All I know is James and Eric played somebody, I assume. I do know that David Napier got all 3 of his games for the Eagles as they were ready for a comeback. But Troy shut that door as he came right back with 3 of his own for the Empire, putting them over 11 points. Final score: Empire 13, Eagles 8.

Good luck in the final week of the first half. The Oasis O-Team have the final bye this week. 


Results from Week #11
Jan 22, 2013, 11:05 pm

Updated 1/23/13 -  Got the score sheet from the Diamondbacks/Tackle Box match (details below). The D-Backs won big, 17-4, and those 17 points puts them in a tie for first place with the Playa's. The Diamondbacks are also undefeated at this point - a perfect 10-0. Look out for the Oasis O-Team as well - they are only 4 points behind these two teams!


Here's the report from last Thursday, Jan. 17th...

In a battle of the bar, the Oasis O-Team was 'home' versus the Bankers. The Bankers jumped out to a quick 8-4 lead at the half, thanks to Jim Wilson and Bill Ide's 3-0 wins. Mark E. got it to 8 with his 2-win effort. Lucky for the O-Team, James V. got all 3 of his to keep them in the match. Mike and Brian couldn't get the beer frame as Bankers Barney and Jim got it 2-1. The second half was a different story, though. Brian V. started it off with 2 wins, then Aaron and Slade put up back-to-back 3's to finish the night and make the final score 12-9 Oasis O-Team.

Out at the Last Call, the Down Lo Damned Loungers were the road team, but played it like they were comfortably at home. Yang and David Larabee started the night with back-to-back 3-0 wins, then Tony and Stephen got 2 more each to make it 10-2 at the break. Pat A. and Steve McGrill kept the momentum flowing as they beat Rob and Matt A. in the beer frame for a free road beer. Steve M. stayed at the table to get 2 in the 5th spot, then Jason Jones got all 3 of his, and Yuli wrapped it up with 2 more. Final score Damned Loungers 17, Rack Pack 4.

The Down Lo Stickmen were home hosting the Oasis Dragons last week. In an interesting looking score sheet, it was feast or famine as the teams traded 3-0 wins for the first 5 matches. Kenny started with 3 for the Dragons, then Cele came back with 3. Aaron Smith was next up and got all 3, but Keith tallied 3 right back. Scott and Sundy lost the beer frame to Jeff Brun and Steve Hambek, 2-1. Continuing the pattern, Steve got all 3 in the 5th spot. Scott blew the pattern as he only got 2 in his match, and Jeff only got 2 in his match in the 7th position. For those of you following along and good at math, that made the final score 12-9 Dragons.

Also at the Down Lo, the Playa's were home hosting the Empire Club of Durham. The Playa's were victorious as they won 15-6. Leland got all 3 of his to help his team to an 8-4 lead at the half. He joined Kevin in the beer frame as they beat Troy and Bob 2-0. Worth noting, Kevin and Leland had a Scotch doubles 8 ball break-and-run in their first game. Amer got 3 in the 5th spot to help the score reach 15. 

The Bulldogs were home as Duffy's rolled into the Oasis for a road game. The Bulldogs shot out of the gate as Keith, Brennon, and Chris got 2 of 3 each and Paul chipped in 3 to make it 9-3 at the beer frame. Prana and Shawn were able get the beer frame away from Brian and Ed as Duffy's won 2-0. Prana and Shawn shot well in the bottom half getting 2 out of 3, but captain Steve got all 3 of his in the final match to bring the score to 14-7 B-Dogs.

Out at the Tackle Box, the undefeated Diamondbacks rolled into the joint. The Down Lo squad wasn't messing around as they jumped out to a 10-2 lead at the break. Kenny Duff and Greg got all 3 of their games. Mike Karol and Izzy beat Trevor and Rich Jr. in the beer frame, 2-1. In the bottom-half, the D-Backs stayed hot as Matt and Mike K. got 3-0 victories. Pops was the high scorer for the Spinners as he got half the teams total with a 2-point victory. Final score: 17-4 Down Lo.

The aforementioned Tackle Box will be on the bye this week, then the Oasis O-Team will have the week off in the 12th and final week of the first half. 

Good luck this week!


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