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Week #11 Results
Jan 25, 2012, 3:49 pm

Here are (some) of the results from week #11:

The Oasis O-Team and The Oasis Bankers duked it out at their battle-of-the-bar match last Thursday. James and Mike Clarke stepped up and won 3 each, back-to-back, in the first half for the O-Team, but so did Mark for the Bankers. That made the score 8-4 O-Team at the break. Aaron and Sean were scotch doubles partners against Bill and Jim of the Bankers. Aaron and Sean won the frame 2-0. In the bottomhalf, teams traded wins and ended the night as a 13-8 Oasis O-Team victory.

Downtown, the Stickmen were hosting one of Stacy's other teams, the Dragons. This game was also 8-4 at the break, advantage Stickmen. Wheez shot in the 4th spot and got all 3 of his games. The Stickmen had their 2-game beer frame win streak snapped as Scott and Sundy lost to Micah and Krad. In the bottom half, the Stickmen put the hammer down getting 8 of the final 9 matches. Scott got 2, Keith got 3, and Madsack got 3. Final score: Stickmen 16, Dragons 5.

Back at the Oasis, the Bulldogs were home hosting the Towne Lounge II squad. These 2 teams battled all the way down to the final frame, but the Bulldog's Brian Augustine came up big in the final spot and got 2 out of 3 giving his Bulldogs a narrow 11-10 victory. Keith got 3 wins for the 'Dogs, and Ed got 3 wins for his Loungers. Ed and Greg beat Steve and Ed in the beer frame, 2-0 Lounge.

The Playa's were home as well hosting the Empire Club of Durham. The Playa's were also up 8-4 in the first half, thanks to Kevin's 3-0 showing with a break-and-run to boot. Leland and Kevin weren't able to beat the Empire's Paul and Troy, as the visiting club drank for free. As with the Stickmen, it was all Playa's in the bottom frames, scoring 8 of a possible 9. Larry got 2, Jason got 3, and Graham "won" 3 of his by forfeit (no final Empire shooter). Final score: Playa's 16, Empire 5.

I still (as of Wed., 1/25) have not received a Jan. 19th score sheet from the Towne Lounge I team for their game against the visiting Last Call Pocket Raiders, as well as the Tackle Box Spinners for their game versus the Diamondbacks. Therefore the standings are inaccurate, stats are incomplete, beer frame tracker is off, and the Top Shooter list has not been updated (again).

That's it - the grace period is over. I'm sick of driving back and forth to the Oasis hunting down score sheets after the Monday they were due. I've been leniant this first half, letting captains slide multiple times, especially the new teams/captains, but not anymore. As per our rules (the rules that were discussed with all captains at the Captain's Meeting in October), states:

9(a) - "...The home team is responsible for handing in the score sheet no later than 5:00pm the following Monday at the Oasis... Late score sheets will be accepted with a late fee of $1 per home team point. If not received by the following Wednesday, the home team will (additionally) forfeit their games/wins and the opponents score will remain as-is." Penalty fees not paid by the start of the playoffs will result in that team not eligible to attend the year-end party and awards banquet.

It is completely unfair for those that follow the rules, to have those that don't follow them go unpunished. Other teams are dependent on these scores to see where they are in the standings and/or statistically, and the top shooter list is dependent on these results. I can't update these without the scores. CMPL players shouldn't be penalized for the home team's captain's laziness. Not to mention the time wasted for me, hunting the sheets down and having to enter and re-enter information for the web site throughout the week. These captains knew the responsibilities when they signed up and took the role. If it's too much, they need to find someone else to do their jobs. These penalties will hopefully increase the need to get these in on time, and will also help the pool party and help me offset some of the gas fees I incur.

If your captain is computer/email deficient, please pass this message on to him since it affects your whole team.

Good luck in week #12. Tackle Box is on the bye.



Week #10 Results
Jan 17, 2012, 3:53 pm

Here's the results from week #10:

The Eagles were home hosting the Oasis Bankers. The Bankers were up 8-4 at the break, thanks to Bill Ide's 3-0 showing, but the Eagles roared back in the bottom frames, scoring 8 of the final 9 points, to come back and win their first match of the season 12-9. Terry got 2, Jon Cox got 3, and Robin got 3 to wrap it up. Mark and Bill did get the beer frame, defeating Jon and Mike B.

Over at the Oasis, the Bulldogs welcomed in the Empire Club. It was also 8-4 at the break in favor of the Bulldogs, thanks to Chris Urbach's 3-0 victory. Frank and Brian beat the Bobs (Cody and Lithgow) in the beer frame for a Bulldogs win. Frank got all 3 of his games, as did Bob Lithgow for the Empire, making the final score 13-8 Bulldogs.

The Stickmen were on the road - all the way up the stairs to face the Towne Lounge I crew. It was ugly to start the night - the Loungers ran off 11 wins in a row to win it by the beer frame. Tony, Pat, and Stephen Wells each got 3. Kevin chipped in 2 more to give the 11-1 halftime score. Scott and Madsack teamed up to beat Jason Jones and Steve McGrill in the exhibition, winning 2-0. In the bottom half the Stickmen fought back hard. Keith shot in the 6 spot and got all 3, Scott and Mike shot in the 6 and 7 spots and each got 2, averting disaster and making the final score a much more respectable 13-8 win for the Lounge I.

Back downstairs, the Diamondbacks were home hosting the Towne Lounge II squad. It was 10-2 D-Backs at the break, thanks to Kenny's break-and-run 2-win effort, and Izzy and Mike Brandt's 3-0 victories. Ed and Matt beat 'M'? and Lee in the beer frame giving the Lounge II some free drinks. The Diamondbacks scored another 6 wins, with the help of Rusty's 3-0 hat trick in the 7-spot, making the final score 16-5 Down Lo.

The Playa's were also at home, taking on the visiting Oasis O-Team. Charles and Kevin each got 3-0 wins helping their team to a 9-3 halftime score. Jason joined Kevin at the table for the scotch doubles match, as they took on Mike Clarke and James. The Down Lo team took the frame 2-0. In the final matches, it was all Playa's. Jason C. and Mike L. each got 3-0 wins, and Larry chipped in 2 more, making the final score 17-4 Playa's.

Still haven't received a score sheet from the Last Call Pocket Raiders for their game versus the Tackle Box Spinners. Once I receive it, I will post the results.

Good luck in week #11, unless you are a pool-playing Eagle - you are on a bye this week.


Week #9 Results
Jan 11, 2012, 6:02 pm

Thanks everyone for getting the scoresheets in on time - I appreciate it! Because of the recent delays, I haven't been able to update the Top-Shooters list. Now we're good - Top Shooter list, standings, stats, and beer frame tracker all up to date as of 1/6/12!

Here's the results:

Last Call was home vs. the Oasis O-Team. James got all 3 of his games to give his Oasis squad an 8-4 lead at the break. Kevin L. and Matt H. or A. beat Mike Clarke and Troy for beer honors. In the bottom half, Oasis stayed strong and finished the night with a 13-8 victory on the road.

Over at the Oasis, there was an in-house battle between the Dragons and the Bulldogs, and it came down to the wire. The Dragons were up 7-5 at the beer frame, thanks to Rob's 3-0 effort. Bulldog Keith started the night off with a 3-0 victory keeping it close. Ed and Dennis beat John and Jeff in the beer frame, 2-1. In the bottom-half, Krad got them to match point (10), and the Bulldogs clawed back to get to 8 points. It was up to Captain Steve to get all 3 for the win - and he did. Giving the Bulldogs a come-from-behind 11-10 victory.

Back in the corner at the Oasis, the Stickmen were in the house facing the Bankers. The Bankers were up 7-5 at the beer frame, thanks to George's 3-0 victory against Wheezel Dogg. In the bottom-half, the Stickmen stepped it up and won the final 7 of 9 games, including 3 from Keith, to make the final score 12-9 Stickmen. But the biggest news of the night has to be from the beer frame - the Stickmen won a beer frame! Cele and Mark were the magic combination the team's been looking for, as they beat George and Hugh and finally enjoy a free cold one.

Over at the Eagle's club house, the Diamondbacks were the visiting team. On that power-packed line-up, only Izzy was able to score a 3-0 hat trick. Almost everyone else on the team got 2 wins, though. The final score was 14-7 D-Backs. Scotch doubles partners Mike Karol and Matt Fields got the free beer cans against the Eagle's Terry and Mike B., 2-1.

The Towne Lounge II crew were home hosting the south-side Tackle Boxers. Lounge I shooters Mike Von Ritter and Steve Hale got 3-0 victories in the 3 and 4 spot, as did Matt Gabbard and Shawn Bell, in the 5 and 7 spot. Prana and Matt also got the beer frame, 2-0, from Zook and Tevor. Unfortunately, Bob still hasn't paid his dues yet (the ones that were due in October), so he and his Spinners lost the 2 points he had won, making the final score not 15-6 but 15-4. Somebody loan this guy some cash!

Out in Durham, the Empire hosted the Towne Lounge I shooters. In between giant mugs-o-beer, a game was played. The Loungers were up 8-4 at halftime, and cruised on to win 14-7. Steve McGrill gets the gold star of the night - he got all 3 of his games. Steve and Jason Jones had a scotch doubles victory against Bob and Eric, winning 2-1. Rumor has it that all players made it back from the sleepy little town.

The Playa's were on a bye, but now they are ready to go in week #10. Those "DRAG-OWNS" of the Oasis will have the week off this time. If you are a standings-watcher, note that the Dragons, Eagles, Tackle Box, and O-Team still haven't had their bye weeks yet, so they all have "zeros" coming up in the next few weeks. FYI.

Good luck in Week #10!


Week #8 Results
Jan 5, 2012, 12:11 am

I seem to be missing some scoresheets - I did not receive one from the Oasis O-Team in their game vs. the Eagles, or one from the Empire and their game vs. the Dragons, or the Tackle Box and their game vs. the Bankers. Because I didn't have these scores, the Top Shooter standings have not been updated, and the team scores/positions are subject to change. If you have a score sheet from these matches, even if you are the visiting team, please forward me a copy so I can get things updated. Call me if you need to and I can get it from you over the phone. Email is best, though.

Over at the Oasis, the Bulldogs were hosts to the Last Call Pocket Raiders, but they were anything but hospitable. Every Bulldog got 3 out of 3 except one shooter (who got 2 out of 3), making the Bulldog total 20 points. Keith, Dennis, Steve, Chris, Frank, and Ty each got 3 wins. The Pocket Raiders of course only got one win, thanks to Robby. The Bulldogs also got the beer frame as Chris and Ed beat Kevin 'Smith' and Matt 'Jones'. Again, no last names provided for the 2 players with the same first names.

All 3 Down Lo teams were at home. On the back table the Playa's were home versus the upstairs neighbors, Towne Lounge I. Charles, Leland, and Kevin each got 3 wins, and Gregg got 2, giving the Playa's a first half win. They were up 11-1 at the break. Leland and Jason got the beer frame from Pat and Tony, 2-0. In the bottom half, Jason stayed at the table and got 3 more wins, but the Loungers got 4 of the final 6 games making the final score 16-5, Playa's.

On Table #5, the other 2 Down Lo teams faced off - the Diamondbacks vs. the Stickmen. A similar score was the final - 16-5 Diamondbacks. Paul, Kenny, and Jimmy Scott got all 3 of their matches. Paul and Jimmy beat Scott and Keith in the beer frame for the Scotch Doubles honors.

Again, still waiting for the other 3 score sheets. If you know the results, let me know!

EDIT: Got two three more scoresheets from 12/15:

The Oasis Dragons headed south to take on The Empire. James Williams shot out of the gate for the Empire getting all 3 games, but in the next match Micah from the Dragons got all 3 of his. At the break, the Dragons were up 7-5. Steve and Jeff beat Paul and Eric in the beer frame, 2-0. The Dragons got 5 more in the second-half giving them the 12-9 victory.

Over at the Tackle Box the Bankers were the visiting team. Rich Sr. got 3 for his team in the first half, as did Jim for the Bankers. It was 7-5 Tackle Box at the break. Jim and Bill won the beer frame for the Oasis club, 2-1. In the bottom half, Bill Ide got 3 wins for the Bankers, and Captain Jonny got 3 for his home team, giving the Tackle Box an un-official 12-9 victory. Unfortunately, the 'Box played Bob who still hasn't paid. He won 2 of his games, but his team and his stats lose them for non-payment, so the official final score is 10-9 Tackle Box.

The Oasis O-Team was home on the 15th taking on the Eagles. The match was all-square heading into the beer frame, 6-6, thanks to Stacy getting all 3 to start the night, and Roben of the Eagles getting all 3 right back in the 2nd frame. Donny and Jon beat Kevin and James in the beer frame, 2-1. In the bottom frames, it was all Oasis as they got 7 of the final 9 matches - Slade got 1, Aaron got 3, and Troy wrapped up the night with 3 of his own, making the final score 13-8 Oasis.

Good luck in week #9. Shake off the Christmas and New Year's rust and come out strokin'! The Playa's will be on the bye this week, but if you want an autograph they will probably still be downstairs, downtown, practicing for next week vs. the O-Team.


Week #7 Results
Dec 13, 2011, 9:36 pm

Here's the results from week #7 (and one from week #6)...

In a power-packed showcase of two of the top teams, the Battle of The Down Lo featured the Playa's and the Diamondbacks. The Playa's were up 8-4 at the break, thanks to Kevin Cibart's 3-0 win. Kevin and Leland beat the D-Back's Paul and Rusty in the scotch doubles frame, 2-0. In the bottom-half, it was mostly the Playa's as they won 6 of the last 9. Mikie had the final say with a 3-0 showing to wrap the night up giving his team a 14-7 victory over the Diamondbacks. Not as close as it looked on paper, given that the two teams had a combined score of 40-2 the prior week. Charles and Jason each had an 8-ball break-and-run, FYI.

At Table 5 at the Down Lo, the Bulldogs were in the house taking on the Stickmen. The Stickmen were off to a good start, up 7-5 before the beer frame, thanks to Brian Norman's 3-0 victory. The Stickmen kept their league-leading beer frame streak alive, losing it for the 6th time in 6 weeks. This time it was Brian and Frank of the Bulldogs downing the Stickmen's Sundy and Mark. In the final 3 matches, the Bulldogs got the last 7 of 9 games. Frank finally lost one, ruining his chance at a perfect season, but Captain Steve got all 3 of his games, one of them via an 8-ball break-and-run. Ty wrapped it up with 2 wins giving the 'Dogs a 12-9 victory on the road.

Over at the Eagle's clubhouse, the Towne Lounge II squad was the visiting team. It was close before the break - the Lounge II team was up 7-5. Ed and Mike Von Ritter got the beer frame, 2 out of 3, against Mike and Jon of the Eagles. In the bottom frames, Steve Swim kept his hot hand going as he won all 3, giving the Lounge II a 13-8 victory.

The Tackle Box Spinners were across town at the Oasis, taking on the Dragons Thursday night. 2's were wild for the Oasis team, as every player got a 2, except for one who got a zero. If you're keeping score at home, that makes 12 points for the Dragons. It also means every Spinner got one point, except for Rich Jr. who got all 3 of his. Math Wizards will know their final score was 9. But, the Tackle Box played Bob again, who still hasn't paid, so he and his team forfeited another point. That officially made the final score Dragons 12, Tacklebox 8. The Spinners also played Zook in the beer frame (which they won), but because Zook isn't paid for either, they lost their beer frame win on paper (no win stats). I'm giving the team some leniancy because they are new, but according to our rules, if you play an illegal player you are supposed to lose ALL of your matches. If either Bob or Zook play another game before paying, the never-before-used rule will be enforced. The Bankers play them next - they might get an early Christmas gift if Zook or Bob plays.

The Oasis O-Team were also home at the 'O taking on the Durham Empire. Stacy, also hot this season, won all 3 of his to start the night, and his teammates chipped in 6 more to give them a 9-3 lead at the break. James and Slade won the beer frame for Stacy, as they defeated Jeff and Bob, 2-0. The Empire struck back in the bottom-half, as Bob got 3 wins in the #5 spot. #6 shooter Jeff got 2 for the Durhamites, but they left a player in Durham and had to forfeit the #7 slot, giving the Oasis 3 free points and a final score of 13-8.

Mike at the Oasis was kind enough to give me scoresheet from the 12/1 game when they were visiting the Towne Lounge I team. The official score sheet still has not been turned in by Lounge I captain, Steve, giving them a very short leash on future score sheet turn-ins. For the lack of effort, the Towne Lounge I team will now be donating an extra $9 towards the end of year Pool Party ($1 per win). As mentioned, the Lounge had a final score of 9, the Oasis 12. Jason Jones was hot again as he won his 3 games and helped to win the beer frame with Pat, as they beat Brian and Slade 2-0. 

It was a busy night at the Oasis as three matches took place there on Thursday the 8th. The Bankers were also home taking on the Last Call Pocket Raiders. It was tied 6-6 at the beer frame, thanks to Matt A. getting all 3 of his for the Raiders. Matt couldn't get the beer frame with Kevin L., though, as Barney and Jim W. took the honors 2-0. Jim W. did keep the momentum going in the second-half, getting all 3 of his games. Hugh and Bill chipped in the final 3 wins, giving the Bankers a 12-9 victory.

The Towne Lounge I had the bye last week, and now it's turn for their barmates, the Lounge II'ers. They will be starting their holiday break a week early on the bye. This is the last week before the fore-mentioned holiday break - no games 12/22 and 12/29. So end the year on a good note and kick some ass!


CMPL - Week #6 Results
Dec 7, 2011, 6:05 pm

Okay. There's 24 matches a season for each team. Half of those are home games - 12. One of those home games is against my team, the Stickmen. That makes 11. Four teams play at the Oasis. That makes 7. Nine of the teams play in or near the Oasis or the Down Lo, where I am at more than half of the time. So if my calculations are right, any given captain (or delegate there of) needs to make at the most 7 special trips to the Oasis to drop off the score score sheet, within 4 days of their home match, over a 7-month season. I need to make 26 Monday night trips to the Oasis in a season at a minimum. If there are scoresheets missing, I need to come back the next day, and/or the next day, and/or the next day... Gas is over $3.50 a gallon. Hopefully captains out there are catching my drift - I need scoresheets turned in on time, which is Monday at 5:00 in the Oasis box, or faxed to 343-0416, or emailed to You caqn leave it with me at the Down Lo since I am down there most Thursdays. If I'm not at the Down Lo, odds are I will be playing one of the Oasis teams. Or - if you want to trust an Oasis captain you just played, you can give it to him to turn it in if he is heading back to the O. Last year was almost problem-free, but this year is off to a bad start. Please help a brother out - get 'em in on time. Penalties will begin next week - $1 a point you earned, and/or forfeited points. Read the rules for more info.

(stepping down from my soap box and catching a breath...)

All right - here's the results I have for week #6:

The Eagles were home hosting the Last Call Pocket Raiders last Thursday. Both teams were tied at 6 heading into the beer frame. Pocket Raider Gary got all 3 of his games helping the cause. Kevin and Matt A. won the beer frame for the visiting club against Terry and Robin. In the bottom-half, Kevin "2", Matt H., and Tim finished the night off getting 7 of a possible 9 points. Hatt H. got all 3 of his. The Pocket Raiders played an un-paid player who got one point, so it has been deducted from their totals. Final score: Last Call 12, Eagles 8. 

At the Down Lo, the Diamondbacks welcomed the Dragons down into their subterainian lair. The Dragons escaped, but with just one win on the night. Thanks to Micah, "no skunk tonight!". Kenny Duff, Mike Karol, Paul, Mike Brandt, Rusty, and Bulldog each won all 3 of their games. Jeff Brun and Jason did manage to steal the beer frame away from Lee and Bulldog. Final score: Diamondbacks 20, Dragons 1.

Also at the Down Lo, the Stickmen were hosting their upstairs neighbors, the Lounge II. It was tied at the break, but the Loungers poured it on in the second half to run away with a 13-8 victory. Ed found a way to win all 3 of his games, and the beer frame with Shawn.

The other Down Lo squad, the Playa's, were on the road at the Oasis taking on one of the first-year teams, the Bankers. It wasn't pretty. George Barstow got the only point for the Bankers as the Playa's crushed the Oasis team 20-1. The Playa's were even mean enough to win the beer frame and drink for free. 'Sup with that? Charles, Kevin, Gregg, Jason, Larry, and Mike all got hat tricks.

Out in Durham, the Empire Club was hosting the other "rookie" team, the Tackle Box Spinners. Mike Dixon, Eric, and Troy each got 3-0 wins for the Empire in the first half, giving them the required 11 at the beer frame. Jeff and Bob Cody won the beer frame against the Spinner's Bobo and Jonny. The Eagles had to forfeit their last match due to not enough players, but still came out on top 13-8. (Actually, 13-6 because a Spinner player played but still hasn't paid yet so he and their team lost 2 points.)

No score sheet was turned in by the Towne Lounge I team for their match against The Oasis O-Team, so both team's stats and points have not been entered. Sorry to those affected. I will post the results once a scoresheet is turned in.

Good luck tomorrow night - unless you are a Towne Lounge I playa'. You've got a bye. For everyone else, I will be at the Down Lo if you want to drop your scoresheet off or any outstanding player dues. 


Nov 30, 2011, 1:37 am

Hope everyone had a good Thanksgiving Break! I spent most of it updating the database outside the website, which helps me double-check and ensure stats are correct, track payments, and most importantly sort top shooters. It was a laborous process that is finally complete and up to date. Click on the Beer Frame Tracker and Top Shooter buttons in the left-hand column to see the results. Hats off to Frank Jarvis - a perfect 15 for 15 so far and the current Top Shooter! Emails which include a .PDF copy of the complete and entire individual rankings, top shooters, and standings were sent out to the email addresses that I have. If you want to be included in the mailings or if you're not getting them and should be, register as a user, or forward me your address:

I was so busy with this I didn't have time for game re-caps and commentaries. If you want to see the scores and games, click on the Game Schedule button. I'll get back to those postings next week.

Only a hand full of players left unpaid - the Tackle Box, Last Call, and Dragons have been notified and their players should be taken care of this week. Points will be deducted if not.

Good luck this week - except for the Bulldogs. They have their bye week.


Nov 18, 2011, 12:29 am

Okay, sorry for the lack of stats and scores. Didn't receive a couple of score sheets until today (Thursday) and I've been watching my 3 kids solo for the past 2 weeks, and trying to do a thing called work at the same time. But now all the stats and scores are in and current up to Thursday afternoon, 11/17.

I'll try to do a re-cap of the past couple weeks this holiday week, and get a top-shooter list posted as well. I'll also be checking rosters and payments (yes, there's still some out there missing - you know who you are) in the down time as well. I'll allow a grace period until Monday (11/21) when I pick up this week's score sheets to get any outstanding money in. On Tuesday, 11/22, I will start deleting points for unpaid players who have played 'illegally'. I've been leniant so far, but the deadline has now been posted. Captains - you have been warned.

Have a good Thanksgiving! Games resume December 1st. Check the standings - they may be adversely affected if player dues are not turned in!


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