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Top Shooter - Kevin Cibart
May 20, 2011, 6:52 pm



Kevin Cibart

2010-2011 Top Shooter

After an exciting Top Shooter Tournament, Kevin Cibart came out on top. In a thrilling final match, Kevin got the final deciding game by beating his teammate, Charles Lintz. Kevin was up 2-0 in the race to three format, but Charles stormed back and tied it up 2-2. Charles had a run, but missed a tough shot leaving Kevin to clean up, which he did. Kevin won the $100 bill and will receive his Top Shooter trophy at the pool party on June 4th at the Oasis. Congratulations Kevin and good job to all the other contestants.

Again, despite rumors (by me) of a possible change, the Pool Party and awards ceremony REMAINS on June 4th like the schedules state. I won't be able to make it, but everything will be under the Women's League's control, as well as other Men's League delegates. As always, free beer will be flowing, free food will be served, table tournaments will be played, awards will be passed out, and the always popular raffle will be happening with awesome prizes. Leland got me a pair of Tuscan Ridge golf rounds because he works there - ask your business if they can help out - either prizes or cash. 

2010-2011 Champions - Oasis Nuggets!
May 13, 2011, 3:21 pm

Congratulations to the Oasis Nuggets - the Chico Mens Pool League 2010-2011 team champions!

In an awesome battle, both teams played very well, were complete sportsmen, and had a great time. At the half, the underdog Nuggets were up 7-5. Matt and Bill won the Beer Frame for the Nuggets, beating Ray and Ed 2-1. Frank started the second-half with 2 wins, making it 8-7 Nuggets. Izzy came to the table and got 2 for his squad, making it 10-8 Nugs. Paul came up, took care of business, and got the final deciding point - giving his Nuggets an 11-8 win.

Hats off to the defending champs - the Oasis Bulldogs. They didn't quite repeat, put came pretty damn close. After talking to many of the 'Dogs afterwards, they were glad the Nuggets were the ones to beat them. They agreed unanimously - the Bulldogs are a great team with great players - if anyone deserves it, they do. As Izzy said, Nuggets founder, Eric, was looking down and smiling for his Boys.

Okay - Top Shooter Tournament is next! Come see the best of the best battle it out to see who can claim the title - 2010-2011 Top Shooter!

...and don't forget - Pool Party! June 4th at the Oasis. Free food, free beer. Raffle prizes, pool tournaments, awards - all that good stuff. I still need some raffle prize help - if you got anything we can use, let me know. If you have any business owner friends, see if you can hit them up for a gift certificate or something. Everybody knows somebody - just takes a little effort. I would really appreciate it.


Down to the Final Match!
May 10, 2011, 4:31 pm

Hey Everyone-

I was in Orlando for a vacation last week, so I'm late posting the results for the Final Four matches on April 28th as well as the 3rd/4th place match on May 5th. So here, finally, is the results:

Final Four results - April 28th:

The Down Lo Playa's were the 'home' team taking on the Oasis Nuggets. After a back-and-forth first half, the teams entered the Beer Frame tied 6-6. Kevin and Gregg beat Bill and Matt in the Beer Frame, winning it for the Playa's. Izzy got 2 out of 3 in the 5th match making it 8-7 Nugs. Mike Brandt Jr. came up huge in the 6th match getting all 3 of his games, giving the Nuggets an 11-7 victory. The Nuggets are into the Championship match on May 12th. The Playa's were sent to the 3rd/4th place match on May 5th.

In an intra-bar matchup, the Bulldogs were facing the Oasis O's. Again, both teams were tied at the break, 6-6, with help from Josh V's 3-0 victory. Frank and Brian won the Beer Frame for the 'Dogs against Joel and James, 2-1. Joel got 2 for the O's putting his team out front 8-7. The Bulldog's Henry came up big and got all 3 of his games putting the 'Dogs up 10-8. Slade was up last and had to get all 3 for the victory. He got the first one, but Steve won the second frame giving his Bulldogs the win, 11-9. The Bulldogs now go to the Finals to face the Nuggets, and the Original O's were on to the 3rd/4th place game against Down Lo.

3rd/4th Place Game Results - May 5th:

The Down Lo Playa's were taking on the Oasis Original O's to see who gets the 3rd place trophy. In yet another close first half, the two teams were tied 6-6 at the Beer Frame. Charles got all 3 for his club, and James got all 3 for the O's. I didn't have information on the Beer Frame, but I think Stacy said his guys won, for whatever it's worth. In the 5th match, Jason came out and got 2 out of 3 putting the Down Lo up 8-7. Troy was up next and got all 3 of his games, making it 10-8 O's. Unfortunately the Playa's didn't have a final Playa', so they forfeited the last frame and the O's got the winning point by default, making the final score Oasis O's 11, Down Lo Playa's 8. Congratulations to the Oasis O's - the 2010-2011 3rd Place Team!

The Championship - May 12th:

The final match of the season will decide our 2010-2011 Champion and 2nd Place team. The Bulldog's will be looking to repeat as Champions as they take on their bar mates, the Oasis Nuggets. Come watch this great matchup on Thursday, May 12th. Good luck to both teams - it should be fun! See you there!


1st Round Playoff Results
Apr 25, 2011, 12:27 am

Here's a brief recap of the Playoffs, round 1:

The Playa's beat the 8-Ballers

The Bulldogs beat the Towne Lounge I

The Nuggets beat the Dragons

The Original O's beat the Towne Lounge II

So, this week the round 2 schedule will be this:

Playa's vs. Nuggets - back table at the Oasis

Bulldogs vs. Original O's - on the front/main table at the Oasis.


Both games start at 7:00pm, Thursday April 29th - one bar, two playoff games - come check it out!


Final Week results!
Apr 18, 2011, 11:24 am

The 2010-2011 Regular Season is in the books! Here's what happened in the crazy final week:

The first-place Down Lo Playa's went upstairs to finish their spectacular season against the Towne Lounge I team who were in 6th place. Walter and Kevin each got 3-0 wins in the 1st half, but so did Fahd for the Lounge - which will turn out to be BIG. It was 8-4 at the half. Jason C. and Charles teamed up for the Beer Frame against Jason Jones and Steve Wells. The Playa's won 2-1, and with it earned the title of 2010-2011 Beer Frame Champions. The Playa's won 17 out of 20 Beer Frames this year! In the second half, Jason Colabove stayed at the table and got 3 for his Playa's, then Captain Mike got 3 more, putting the Down Lo team up 14-4. It was Charles' turn, but the Lounge couldn't field a 7th shooter making the final score 17-4 Playa's. This put the team at risk for being the #8 seed (which would have to play the Playa's), or worse, not making the playoffs at all. Luckily, as I said earlier Fahd got a big 3 wins which put the Lounge I team in a tie with the 8-Ballers for 7th/8th seed at 196 total points. If Fahd would have lost all 3, or even 2, the Empire would have jumped them into the Playoffs! In a tie breaker (which was how many nights the teams won, and also head-to-head scores), it was determined that the Lounge I team gets the 7th seed (and plays the Bulldogs in the playoffs), and the 8-Ballers get the 8th seed and are fortunate enough to play the #1 seed Playa's. Whoa.

The Empire Club had plans to sneak into the playoffs. They were on the bubble, and as it turns out they needed 10 points to join the tie at 8th place, or 11 points to safely secure a seat at the dance. The teams were close at the break, but thanks to Chris U.'s 3-0 showing, his team was up 7-5. The Empire's Pat and Ian shot the Beer Frame against Brian and Steve, and won 2-0. In the second half, Pat and Ian gave the Empire a 9-9 tie going into the final frame, but Keith Whitworth got the final 3 points to give the Bulldogs a 12-9 win on the road. With Keith's hat trick, he secured himself as the #8 seed in the Top Shooter Tournament. The 9 points by the Empire left them 1 or 2 points shy of the playoffs and knocking out the 8-Ballers or Lounge I. Unfortunately, the Empire is done for the season and the Bulldogs will take on the Lounge I squad in the playoffs.

The Oasis 8-Ballers, another bubble team, were at home playing their bar mates, the Oasis Original O's. It was close in the first half as the O's were up 7-5. Josh and Troy got the Beer Frame from Rob and Brian, 2-1. In the second half, Brian V. came out and got all 3 of his, but James and Joel each got 2 wins to give the O's an 11-10 win. Unfortunately, the one loss Joel suffered knocked him out of the Top Shooter standings. Sorry Joel - you were my dark horse in the tournament. As I said earlier, the 8-Ballers scored enough to make the playoffs as the #8 seed. They get to play the Playa's on Thursday.

The Dragons, who were in the middle of the Playoff seedings, were at home ready to take on the Last Call Hammer Heads. It was pretty ugly, especially since the Hammer Heads only had 6 shooters. The final score was 18-3 Dragons. Brenon, Aaron and Steve Hambek got all 3 of their games. On a positive note to end a season to forget, Sean and Jerry did win the Beer Frame for Last Call, beating Brennon and John 2-0. Some rumors are coming out of the Last Call camp that they might not have a team next year - hopefully that's not the case. I think Jerry is their last hope to keep it together, as supposedly Sean W. is heading to the Oasis next year, and the Rich Boelen Sr. and Jr. tandem might be headed to Durham. We'll see... The Dragons ended up being the #5 seed and will play against the #4 seed Nuggets on Thursday. The Nuggets were in 2nd place, but they had a bye the final week and 2 teams leap frogged them in the standings.

The Stickmen, still mathematically in the hunt for the playoffs, were at home wrapping up the season against the Towne Lounge II team. The first half belonged to the Lounge as they entered the Beer Frame up 7-5, thanks to Ed's 3-0 hat trick. Mike Madsack and Larry teamed up for the Beer Frame and beat Shawn and Rusty, 2-0. In the second half, Leo and Larry each won 2 games, leaving the score tied at 9 going into the 7th match. Shawn Bell got 'er dun and won 3 out of 3 to give the Lounge II a final score of 12-9. This officially knocked out the Stickmen from the playoffs (see 'ya next year), and left the Lounge II team ahead of their senior bar mates, the Lounge I, in 6th place. They get to play the hot Oasis Original O's on Thursday night.

So there you have it - the Playoffs are set. Only variable yet to decide is where the Playa's are going to play their Playoff games. They can't play their 'home' games at the Down Lo on their non coin-op tables. So they need to play at the opposing bar's table, or they can elect to play at a different bar as their 'home' bar throughout the playoffs. I'm still waiting to hear back from the Playa's captain, Mike. As it stands, all the playoff games will be at the Oasis this Thursday, so if you are one of those shooters whose team is on a bye throughout the Playoffs, come down and watch.

The 'Game Schedule' page has all the details on the playoff locations and teams.

Good luck to everyone in the playoffs!


EDIT: Some discussion have been reported regarding the fact that possibly all 4 playoff matches (at least 3) would be happening at the same time at the Oasis, leaving just one table for all players to practice on. After discussing options with other captains involved, moving a game or two to another night (Wednesday), would not work out well. Starting some games early and others later would be an inconvenience as well. So, if practice room is the sole shortcoming, Stacy has generously offered free practice time on many, if not all, of the tables starting at 5:00pm, for involved players and teams. So if you need practice on Thursday, get there early, or get in line for the practice table during the matches. Sorry for the inconvenience, but this is one of the scenarios that is possible every year, especially with the voted rule of Down Lo tables ineligible, and the inherent risks of having four teams from one bar.


Final results
Apr 15, 2011, 5:09 pm

The final standings are in! We have a tie for the 8th spot between the Lounge I and 8-Baller's team. I'm working on the tie breaker to see who is 7 and who is 8. Initially, I'm leaning towards Towne Lounge I as 7, 8-Ballers as 8 seed - Towne Lounge I scored more points between the team's two matchups (24-18 cumulative), and the Lounge I team has one more win than the 8-Ballers (8-7). I'll post the official decision well as the recaps...and the Top Shooter list...


EDIT: All right, it's official - Towne Lounge #7 seed. 8-Ballers #8 seed. Playoffs start this Thursday. Schedule has been posted... only bad thing is that every game is supposed to be at the Oasis (good for Stacy). The Playa's do have the option, according to our rules, as the home team with non-coin-op tables to play at an alternate location throughout the playoffs, as their substitute 'home' bar. I need to talk to Mike and the boys and find out what they want to do. I'll post an update...

Week #21 Results
Apr 12, 2011, 11:28 pm

'Sup Guys - Here's the scoop from the second to last week of the season!

The Oasis 8-Ballers were at home hosting the Durham Empire last Thursday. In a back and forth first half, the two teams were tied 6-6 going into the Beer Frame. In a long and tightly contested 'Frame, the 8-Baller tandem of Pops and Krad came away victorious against Pat and Julius, 2-1. In the bottom-half, the Empire got the upper hand and wrapped up the night, winning 12-9. Props to Empire Club James and Pat, and the 'Baller's Matt G. for getting all 3 of their games.

Back at the 'Lounge, the Lounge II squad was hosting the visiting Oasis Dragons. The Lounge was in control early as Steve Hale started the night with a 3-0 win, then Rusty, Ed, and Shawn each got 2 wins, putting the Home team up big at the break, 9-3. Micah and Aaron Scotched up a Beer Frame win, beating Paul and Steve Hale 2-0. In the second half, the Dragon awoke from its slumber and had it's way with the Lounge - in what could be the biggest come back of the year, the Dragons won 8 of their final 9 games for the come-from-behind 11-10 victory. Aaron got 3 wins, Jeff Brun got 3 wins, and Nate got the critical final 2 games to put them on top for good.

The other Lounge team, Lounge I, was over at the Oasis - they had their hands full as the Oasis O's went nuts on them! Stacy, Cap'n Mike, and Leland won 7 of the first 9 games - Leland got all 3 of his, and James chipped one in to make the halftime score 8-4, Oasis. Steve and Fahd did get the Beer Frame, beating Josh and Slade 2-0. In the bottom half, though, it was all Oasis. Josh got a 3-0 win, then Slade got a 3-0 win, and Joel wrapped it up with 2 more, giving the Oasis 8 of the final 9 possible points, and a final score of 16-5. Whoa!

Speaking of dominating performances, the Bulldogs were in complete control as they took on the Stickmen of Down Lo. The match was over at half time - 11-1 Bulldogs! But the 'Dogs didn't want to stop there - they went on and got the Beer Frame, as Ray and Frank beat Cele and Keith. Thanks to Larry and Leo of the Stickmen, it wasn't a complete embarrassment, as they each won 2 games, to make the final score an ugly 15-6 Bulldog victory. Congrats to Dennis, Chris, and Henry as they got the Golden Turkey - 3 shutout games in a row.

At the Last Call, the Hammerheads were hosting the Oasis Nuggets. The Nuggets finished the night winning by a final score of 15-6. Kenny Duff, Jimmy Scott, and Izzy all got 3-0 wins to help the cause. Kenny and Mike Karol shot the Beer Frame and won, defeating the Sean and Rich Jr. tandem. The win puts the Nuggets into 2nd place, but because they are on their bye next week, the two other teams behind them can catch or pass them to earn the #2 seed for the playoffs.

Only one week to go! The Oasis Nuggets are on a bye this week. Their playoff position is still up in the air - there's a good battle going on for the #2 spot. Other teams battling are those on the bubble, right around that number 8 spot. It's still up for grabs, too. Good luck in the final regular season game!


Week #20 Results
Apr 6, 2011, 12:20 am

And down the stretch they come...

The Empire were home hosting the Nuggets of Oasis. James, in consecutive weeks, got an 8-Ball Break and Run as he won all 3 games for the Empire to start the night off. But Bill and Kenny Duff roared back and each got 3-gamers themselves, leaving the score 7-5 Oasis at the break. The Nuggets earned free beer as a Mike and Mike duo beat Ty and James 2-1. In the bottom half it was back and forth, but the Oasis ended on top 12-9.

The Stickmen were at the Oasis again as they took on the Dragons this time. The first half was all Dragons, 8-4 at the break, but the Stickmen fought back in the bottom half to close within 1, losing a close one 10-11. Leo was the lone 3-game winner in the match. Sundy and Scott couldn't handle the pressure from Micah and Steve as they benevolently gave them the Beer Frame win.

The Hammerheads had their hands full at home as they hosted the Bulldogs of Oasis. They Bulldogs opened the throttle and handed the Last Call a resounding 18-3 whoopin'. Ed Bowers, Chris, Keith, and Frank all won their games 3-0. Ray and Brian also got the Beer Frame for the visiting squad, beating Sean and Rich Jr.

Their was a battle of the bar at the Towne Lounge as their two teams faced off against each other. In their first meeting this year, the Lounge II got the win 11-10. This time, Steve Hale got the first 3 wins of the night, but then Lounge I Steve got his 3 right back. The next two matches swapped 2-1 scores, so they were tied at 6-6 going into the Beer Frame. The Lounge II won the Beer Frame this time, as Shawn and Ed beat Fahd and Amer, 2-0. The #5 and #6 matches swapped 2-1 games as well, leaving it up to Prana and Howard as they faced off to see who could get 2 out of 3. Prana took care of business getting the first 2 games. Howard got the last one, but his team lost to the Lounge II squad for the second time this year, with the same score - 11-10.

The Down Lo Playa's were on the road this week, taking on the Oasis Original O's. The Playa's were up 8-3 at the break, thanks to Henry and Kevin's 3-0 hat tricks. Congrats to Oasis James - he got 2 out of 3, one of them via an 8-Ball Break and Run! Jason and Kevin beat Josh and Joel in the Beer Frame, giving the visiting team the win, 2-0. Jason won 2 of his, but Joel came back and got all 3 of his games for the Home Team. The Oasis apparently didn't have a 7th player, so they had to forfeit the final games, leaving Tom LeClaire at the table, alone. Word on the street is that he's still there waiting for an opponent. Someone let Tom know that his team won, 14-7.

Only 2 weeks to go! As predicted, the #8 playoff spot is still up for grabs. Now the Stickmen and 8-Ballers are tied for the #8 spot, but the Empire is right there in 10th only 3 points back, and the 6th and 7th teams - Lounge II and Dragons - are within 6 points. The two top teams will have the final 2 byes of the season. This could propel the Bulldogs past the Nuggets into 2nd place. The Playa's have a fairly safe hold of first place, as they are up by 60 over second place.

Good luck in week #21 - the last regular season match for the Nuggets! The Playa's will still be playing pool, just not for league - they've got the bye this week.

Captains (and players) - check the individual and team stats for errors - let me know if you see one before the end of the year - it could affect the playoffs or top shooters.


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