Chico Mens Pool League
Monday September 16 2024 
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since October 14, 2009

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Oct 23, 2022, 10:24 pm

Matches start on October 27th - see the schedule here online, click on 'Game Schedule' in the left-hand column. The Bulldogs, last year's champs, get the bye week for week #1. They'll start their season on November 3rd versus the Eagles.

Binders will soon be available for Captains to pick up at the Oasis - soon. Let's say Tuesday they will be available, pending any unforeseen difficulties. 

Please read the updated Chico Pool League Info and Procedures 'rules' sheet that has been updated for this year. It can be downloaded in the "Downloads" section in the left-hand column, or it will be in the binders - soon. There are new procedure changes, rules, fees, requirements, etc. - be aware!

Good luck - pay your captains so they can pay me, without any game point penalties. All team dues need to be paid by the Tuesday after Week #2 (November 8th). It's about $25 per player, per year. $10 for alternates (those that play less than 4 nights this season). Again, see the Info and Procedures packet for more details.



Sep 23, 2022, 5:38 pm


2022-2023 Chico Pool League - Captains Meeting!


It's that time of year again - football is in full swing, the A's and Giants are missing the playoffs again, the temperature has left the 100's, leaves are turning, political voting signs are planted, Lowe's has Christmas decorations out, and... it's time for Pool League!

Our annual Captain's Meeting is scheduled for October 6th, 7:00pm, at the Oasis. The usual consortment of topics will be brought up to be discussed at length - again. The main topic will be whether to keep the nightly matches at 6, with a one-game "beer frame" tie breaker (as we did last season) or go back to 7 matches and a best-out-of-three "beer frame". I think the beer in the beer frame might be a thing of the past, but we'll see. Leaving the bar before last call was really nice last season - I'm pushing/hoping/praying it stays at 6 again. Next would be season dues - last year we did a reduced rate because I had overflow money from the COVID year before, but now we're back to square one and need to get our dues back to where they were. I think it was $25/player in 2018/2019. Definitley doing one lump team rate the captain is responsible paying/collecting for. $250 a team? $200? $300? That would cover the team of 11 or so for the year, with adds and drops extra? Max roster size of...?

We'll discuss these things and I'm sure other topics that night. If you have a point or suggestion, let your captain know to bring it up. Captains can bring one co-captain, but all votes will be counted by the team captain (or delegate) only. Might be some new teams or moves as well, by the way. Durham might be back? We'll see...

Email me if you have any questions: or


See you soon on the practice table!


Pool Party 2022!
Jul 8, 2022, 5:08 pm

Jun 16, 2022, 6:03 pm

Top Shooter Brackets

June 30th - 7:00pm - Oasis Bar & Grill



May 18, 2022, 5:32 pm

Apr 28, 2022, 1:40 pm

2022 Winter Open Tournament
Jan 27, 2022, 3:27 pm

Coming soon! February 5th-6th at the Down Lo, our 6th Annual Chico Winter Open 8-Ball Memorial Tournament! Doors should hopefully open around 11am for warm-up/practice/late sign-ups, tournament should start around 1:00pm. No outside food or drink is allowed inside the Down Lo - please use their bar and awesome kitchen. Contact Scott Andrews or Kevin Cibart to pay your entry fee - $20 each, cash or venmo. Limited to the first 64 contestants. Most info should be on the flier posted here (click on it to open in .PDF), let us know if you have any other questions. See you there!




Click the flier above to enlarge/view/print/download in .PDF format

Oct 21, 2021, 1:00 pm

CMPL Captains - 2021-2022 league binders have been assembled and left at the Oasis, behind the bar - ask a bartneder or Stacy. They include your score sheets, schedules, rosters, rules, etc. Also note that the schedule has started to be updated on the league website (remember, new web address): The schedule is a work in progress on the website, but the first 1/3 of the season is posted - it just takes a little time to input each match. Note that Durham/Empire didn't field a team so there is one bye week per team per half of the season (13 teams). So first night: October 28th. Except for the Dragons - they have the first bye week.

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