Chico Mens Pool League
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And they're off!
Nov 5, 2019, 10:52 pm

Week #1 - In the Books!

The Eagles were home taking on the Hateful 8 of the Oasis two weeks ago. Terry started the night on the right foot for the Eagles, getting 2 out of 3, but the Hateful 8 stormed back with 2 from Sam, Carlos with 3, Paul Eggers with 3, and Larry Hiller with 3. That made it 12-3 Oasis after the 5th match. Mike Daniels did come back with a 2-spot, but Izzy wrapped it up with 3 wins in the final frame. Donny and Mike did beat Larry and Evan in the beer frame to force the Oasis to buy a round on the road. Final score, 16-5 Hateful 8.

The Damned started the year off against the Playa's in a Down Lo exhibition. The Damned were up 8-4 at the break thanks to Philo's 3-spot. Goran and Tony chipped in 2 wins each as well. But the tide turned at the Beer Frame as Kevin Cibart and Jason beat Satyr and Sean Krueger 2-1 for free beer. Jason stayed at the table and got all 3 of his games. Kevin got 2 of his to make it 9-9 going into the final frame. Derek got 2 wins in a row - the 2nd win via an 8-ball break-and-run to emphatically get his team their winning 11th point. Final score: Damned 11, Playa's 10. 

In another close match at the Down Lo, the Last Place squad (the team formerly known as Rack Pack) were home hosting the Oasis Bankers (the team formerly known as Team Chaos, and formerly-formerly known as the Bankers). Similarly, it was 8-4 Bankers at the half - Rich Jr. got 3 wins to start the night off right, Jim Wilson and Kevin Langstaff each got 2 of their own before the beer frame. In the beer frame, Rich Jr. got the required wins with his partner Russ, as they beat Jeff Wozena and Krad. In the bottom frames, Wozena and Martin got their team to an 8-10 deficit going into the final match, but Russ got the important 11th point to seal the win. Krad did get the next 2 points to make it a close 11-10 Team Chaos Bankers win against the Down Lo Rack Pack Last Place.

 The Stickmen were the third Down Lo team at home, as they hosted the Tackle Box Alligator Humpers (I think their name is the same). Cele started the night off with 3 quick wins, then Michael Hampton kept it rolling with 3 of his own. Tackle Boxer Jeff R. got 2 back for his squad, as did Bob Cody just before the beer frame. The Stickmen were up 8-4. Scott and Madsack lost the home beer frame match to Cody and Jesse. Santos got 2 in the 5th spot, Madsack got 2 more in the 6th spot. Scott wrapped up the night with 3 wins to get the final score to a 15-6 Stickmen win.

Meanwhile, over at the Oasis, the Dragons were home hosting the I Cue squad. The Dragons got out to a 7-5 lead at the break - Rob C. got all 3, and Jeff Brun started the night with 2 wins of his own. Jeremy and Matt each got 2 wins for their team to keep it close. Jeremy and new I Cue member Phylica beat Aaron and Staci for the road beer frame win. But in the bottom-half it was pretty much all Dragons - 2 wins each for Staci, Steve Stull, and John Chamberlain. Final score: Dragons 13, I Cue 8.

The Bulldogs were also home at the Oasis taking on the Duffy's gang. The first 4 Duffy's shooters were hanging right there with the 'Dogs - Urbach got 2, but then Woot got 2. Daniel got 2 more for Duffy's, but Brenon came back and got all 3 of his matches to make the beer frame score 7-5 Oasis. Brenon and Dennis beat Kevin and Ed 2-1 for the beer frame honors. In the bottom-half, it was all Bulldogs. Dennis got 2 out of 3, Robbie got all 3, and Ty finished the night with 3 more. The final score saw the Bulldogs pulling away with a 15-6 win.

The final match of week #1 was an Oasis vs. Oasis match-up - the Original O's vs. the Outlaws. It was all O-Team in the first-half as they went up 8-4 early. Returning player Mike Clarke got 2, Joel got 3, and Brian V. got 2 for the O's. Kevin Lombard got 2 for the Outlaws. Stacy and Dave got the beer frame from Ricky and Mike Karol, 2-1. But in the bottom-half the Outlaws took over. DJ got 3 wins in the 5th spot, and Ricky got 2 wins in the 6th spot. That made it a 9-9 tie going into the final match between Stacy and Mike Karol. Mike got the first game, Stacy the 2nd, to make it 10-10. Mike Karol got the final point in the final frame for the 11-10 Outlaw win.

That was week #1 - week #2 is coming up here on Thursday. Week #2 also signifies the point at which all dues need to be paid before penalties start being enforced. So just cough up that $25 to your captain - quick like a Band-Aid - and be done with any payments until the Pool Party raffle in June. Do it and enjoy your free beer. I'll be at the Down Lo with my receipt book, and I'll probably make a trip over to the Oasis as well at some point, to collect those final team's dues. Thank you to the other half that already paid - enjoy your night, I will not be bugging you.

Good luck in week #2 - only 25 more weeks to go before playoffs!


Welcome to the 2019-2020 Season!
Oct 17, 2019, 11:13 pm

Welcome to the 2019-2020 Chico Mens Pool League Season!

The schedule is posted (still needing a proof, though - making sure there are no errors), but it's UP! Week #1 is a go for sure - October 24th, 7:00pm.

The team's rosters have been cleared except for the Captain and/or Co-Captain. The teams and their players will be populated as I receive money from your captain (or you!). 

Don't forget to check the 'Downloads' section (green, left-hand column). The score sheets are there for you, updated rules (coming soon) will be there, roster sheets, etc.

Binders will be available for Captains to pick up here shortly. I'll let everyone know when I drop them off at the Oasis. 

PAY YOUR DUES - it's just $25 one-time for the whole season, and a free beer each week! Pay either your captain, me, or Stacy at the Oasis.

Schedules are posted at the Oasis, and will be available for your team in your binder (when available).

More info to come....


2019-2020 Captains Meeting!
Sep 30, 2019, 5:52 pm


Calling all Captains!

Meeting: October 3rd, 2019 - 7:00pm - Eagles Hall

First Games: October 24th, 2019 - 7:00pm


It's that time of year again - leaves are turning, football is in full-swing, Costco has Christmas decorations out, hockey is back, and Thursday Night Chico Mens Pool League is just around the corner!


But before we can start the season, we need to have our annual Captains Meeting to see who's in, who's out, what changes need to be made, what we can do better, and of course argue about pointless topics ad nauseam.


So Captains, start getting your rosters ready. I'll have downloadable roster sheets available on this website soon. The cost should be the same ridiculously-low rate of $25 per season, per player. Again, just with the free beer we get each week, that alone adds up to over $70. So even if you never played a game you'd get 20-something free drinks for 25 bucks. Um, logic - where are you? And yet every year we have players and teams unpaid for weeks. Again, ridiculous, but somehow amusing.

So again, Captain's meeting - Thursday, October 3rd, 7:00pm, Eagles. All captains are required to attend. Captains can bring an assistant, but when it comes to voting, only one vote per team. If you can bring a roster and team payment to the meeting, I would truly appreciate it! 

Non-captains: talk to your captain about what you want differently for the upcoming season so they can properly represent their team and the league.

Captains and players can contact me at anytime - (530) 966-5632, text or call. Or via email:

See you then!


Top Shooter!
Jul 30, 2019, 3:50 pm



Congratulations to our 2019 Charles Lintz Top Shooter Champion - Charles Lintz!






2018-2019 Champions!
Jun 26, 2019, 1:54 pm

It's official - the Down Lo Playa's are your 2018-2019 CMPL Champions!

In what started as a lopsided match, the Playa's were up 5 to 1 after Charles got 3 wins and Kevin got 2. Soon it was 10-2 Playa's and it looked like it was over. But the Outlaws didn't think so. Mike Karol came to the table and got all 3 of his games. Then it was Gregg's turn - he got all three of his games to get the outlaws back to 10-8. Next up was Ricky vs. Bill Durham. Ricky won the first match to get it to 10-9! Bill came back strong in game 2 and won it and got the championship point. So we had an actual drama--free, professional, gentlemanly finals everyone could enjoy. It was a great match, both teams played incredible.

We'll award the Playa's their 1st place trophy on Saturday, the Outlaws will get their 2nd place trophy, and the Bulldogs (who beat the Original O's) will get their 3rd place trophy.

Next up is the Charles Lintz Top Shooter tournament. It's on Thursday, June 27th, at the Down Lo starting at 7pm. Kenny can't make it this year, so the first alternate Jeff Jacobsen, moves from the 9th spot into the tournament. So here's the matchups for Thursday:

Charles vs. Jeff Jacobsen

Kevin vs. Dave Back

Dennis Bruch vs. Joel Russo

Cele vs. Goran

Again, Down Lo - 7pm - Thursday 6/27


Pool Party and Awards Banquet!

THIS Saturday, June 29th - 1:00pm, Down Lo!

'Samoan Joe' is on the food, Down Lo's got the free beer, and Meredith and I have the great prizes. I even have a brand new Predator cue with a Revo shaft! Plus of course many other prizes. If you have a donation for the raffle,please let me know or bring it on Saturday.


See you Thursday and Saturday!




Jun 20, 2019, 12:18 am

Round #2 Playoff Recap:

There will be a new Champion this year. The Down Lo Playa's (#1 Seed) soundly beat last year's champions the Original O's of Oasis (#4 seed) at the Down Lo by a score of 11-3. Charles got all 3 again off of Aaron Rooney, Troy got all 3 off Stacy, and Bill got the first game in the 3rd match to get the Playa's out to a 7-0 start. Dave Napier came back and got the next two off of Bill, but that was pretty much Oasis' lone highlight. Kevin got 2 out of 3 against Dave B., one via an 8-ball break-and-run, and Jason wrapped things up against Joel, 2-0 (one by a break-and-run). Playa's to the Championship, Original O's to the 3rd/4th place match.

Over at the Oasis, it was an opposite story - it was as close as it can get - down to the final ball in the final 7th match. The Outlaws (#2 seed) were taking on the #3 seed Bulldogs. Neither team had a 3-0 shooter - every game went 2-1. Urbach beat Ricky, Dennis beat Lombard, Kenny beat Brenon, Tree defeated Phylicia (Tree had a break-and-run), Bulldog beat Ed, Ty beat Gregg, and Mike Karol beat Steve Smith in a finale captain vs. captain match which, again, came down to both players on the 8 ball in the final game. Mike Karol got it giving them an 11-10 win and moving the Outlaws on to the Championship vs. The Playa's. The Bulldogs take on the Original O's for 3rd place.


So here's the final night's lineup, Thursday June 20th:


#1 Seed Playa's vs. #2 Seed Outlaws - Down Lo, 7:00pm, Table #10


3rd/4th Place Match

#3 Seed Bulldogs vs. #4 Seed Original O's - Oasis, 7:00pm, Table #1



Top Shooter Tournament - June 27th at the Down Lo, 7:00pm

Pool Party - June 29th at the Down Lo, 1:00pm



Good luck to the shooters, everyone else - come down and watch!



Playoffs - Round 1 Update
Jun 12, 2019, 5:06 pm

Round #1 of the playoffs is in the books. Here's what happened:

The #1 Seed Playa's beat the #8 seed Dragons 11-5. They did it so efficiently Kevin Cibart didn't even have to play. Jeff was the only player on the night to get all 3 games. Charles, Bill, and Jason all got 2 out of 3. Joe Gall got 1 out of 1 to win it for Down Lo. The Playa's now go on to play against the Oasis Original O's at the Down Lo Thursday night.

The #2 seed Outlaws were playing against their in-bar rival the #7 seed Hateful 8. The Outlaws won 11-6 to get them into the 2nd round. The Outlaws now go on to play the Oasis Bulldogs.

The #3 seed Bulldogs beat the #6 seed Duffy's Tavern by an impressive 11-2 margin. Prana and Ian were the only Duffy's players to score a point, while Phylicia and Brenon won all three of their matches, and Ed Bowers and Urbach got 2 out of 3. Ty Kaye got 1 out of 1 with the clinching game winner. 

The #4 and #5 seed matchup was the closest of the night. It featured last year's champions in a barn-burner against the Down Lo Damned. They needed all the frames and all 7 players. The O-Team was up 10-8 needing just one more win in the final show down - James V. vs. Derek S. The Damned's Derek got the first game to make it 11-9 Down Lo, but James came back in game 2 with a win to seal the deal and send the O-Team on to fight another day. 

So Thursday, June 13th looks like this:

#1 seed Playa's vs #4 seed Original O's at Down Lo, Table #10, 7:00pm

#2 seed Outlaws vs. #3 seed Bulldogs at Oasis, Table #1, 7:00pm


The winners play each other in the Championship, the losers play each other for 3rd/4th place honors, both on June 20th.

The Charles Lintz Top Shooter Tournament will be on Thursday, June 27th, at the Down Lo.

The End-of-the-year Pool Party is still on the same date: Saturday, June 29th, at the Down Lo, 1:00pm.


Come down and catch the excitement Thursday night at the bar of your choice - Oasis or Down Lo.


May 29, 2019, 5:01 pm



It's playoff time!

Believe it or not, but the website has been updated with all the final matches entered! The green, left-hand column has all the links to the updated sections: statistics, final standings, Top Shooter list, and beer frame leaders (soon). I emailed everyone on my list this same post and included a final printout of the individual stats, top shooter list, and final standings you can print/view yourself.

The final week went down to the wire as teams were fighting to get in the top 8 or to stay in the top 8. Luckily, we didn't end up with any tied teams or individual Top Shooters to have to deal with. The Stickmen were on the bubble in the 8th spot, with a 7 point lead over the Oasis Dragons in the 9th spot. The Stickmen had to have a decent night against the Oasis Bulldogs, and the Dragons had to have a medium/poor night at Duffy's to keep things the same. The Stickmen ended up having the sucky night (just 5 wins) and the Dragons came through with a huge 15-6 win over Duffy's, catapulting the Dragons into the playoffs and subsequently knocking the Stickmen 3 points out of 8th place. Staci Owens might have been elected MVP of the night as she scored 3 wins herself to get that needed seperation.

The Dragons now have the honor of playing the #1 Seed Down Lo Playa's, who ended up with a 2-point standings lead over the Oasis Outlaws. The #2 Outlaws will play the #7 seed Oasis Hateful 8. The aforementioned Duffy's Tavern stayed in their #6 seed spot despite the big loss, and will play the #3 seed Oasis Bulldogs. The final pairing will be last year's Champs - the #4 seed Oasis Original O's taking on the #5 seed Down Lo Damned. Here's how it looks:

Round 1 - Thursday, May 30th - 7:00pm:

#1 Seed Playa's vs. #8 Seed Dragons -  Down Lo - Table #10
#2 Seed Outlaws vs. #7 Seed Hateful 8 - Oasis - Table #1
#3 Seed Bulldogs vs. #6 Seed Duffy's - Oasis - Table #2
#4 Seed Original O's vs. #5 Seed Damned - Oasis - Table #4

I'll be asking around more, but a lot of people have brought up concerns over having the playoffs (Round 2) on June 6th - Chico High and PV Grad nights. Some players even have their own kids graduating, or work will be very busy for them because of it being grad night. So it's being proposed that we move the playoffs out one week, as well as the Top Shooter Tournament, but keep the pool party the same - on June 29th. I'll ask around and see what the consensus is, and let everyone know. But tentatively, skipping June 6th seems the best idea. But we'll see.

If you're out of the playoffs, like us, come down and have a beer on Wheezel. We'll be watching from the sidelines at Down Lo and Oasis, cheering on our favorite team(s) - come and do the same! For those in the playoffs - good luck and keep it clean - COMMUNICATE with your opponent to avoid huge problems - i.e. ASK before picking up a ball in hand.



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