Chico Mens Pool League
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Everything Up To Date
May 8, 2019, 12:31 am

Not sure what I suck more at - pool, or pool league management. I'm thinking the latter somehow.

Sorry, I've been ultra busy and haven't been able to keep up, but alas, I finally found a few minutes to get it done.

So it's done for now - all entered and current.

Three weeks left. Remember, the last two weeks are make up weeks from November 8th and 15th. They will be played May 16th and 23rd.

Good luck this week - go Sharks!


February 27th Update
Feb 28, 2019, 6:12 pm

Everthing is in from last week, February 21st so it's all current. Half the teams won, the other half lost.

Good luck!


February 17th Update
Feb 17, 2019, 8:02 pm

I wanted to do a more personal and complete posting for this player, but I'm still waiting for some pictures and details to make it complete and worth the time it deserves. But the more I wait, the further it gets behind. I need to pass on the sad news that Bob Burleson has passed away at 90 years of age. He left us on January 8th, 2019 here in Chico. Besides being an amazing person, his accomplishments on the pool table - both competing and teaching - have gone unmatched. He was a long time manager and instructor at the Down Lo (aka Players, Dino's, etc.). I was only able to see him for a fairly short time at the beginning of my pool years, so I'm sure there are many who have started after me who may not know who he is or what he has done for our sport here locally. He was a true professional, leader, and ambassador for our sport in the Northstate. You would have to talk to some of the seasoned veterans in our league to truly get the details I can't begin to list here. Talking just to Charles alone gave me plenty of insights to who he was for our sport. I'm sure there are many more who would chime in, so please - in respect to Mr. Burleson - honor his memory by asking those veterans in our league what he meant to them.

Rest in peace, Bob. 


Current League News - February 17th Update

Scores are all in! We are 100% up to date, except for the Tackle Boxes individual stats, which is next on my list. Team standings are current, as well as the individual leaderboards.

Top teams: The Outlaws are starting to pull away just a little bit. They now have a narrow 7 point separation from the 2nd place team(s) with 166 points. Those four teams behind them are essentially in a tie for 2nd place. They are only separated by 5 points between all of them. Bulldogs at 159, Playa's at 158, Oasis O's at 157, and The Damned right there at 154 points - in 5th place but just a dozen points away from 1st! Then comes the next tier: Duffy's in 6th, Stickmen in 7th, and I Cue in the 8th spot. 

Top shooters: Kevin Cibart sits at the top with an amazing 96.7% win percentage! Unheard of for this late in the season. And it's not that he's only played a handful of matches - he's played 10 nights out of a maximum 12 nights. He's only lost one game (29/30). Charles Lintz has played in every game this year, which is amazing in itself. He sits in second place currently at 86.1% (31/36), Kenny Duff at 83.3% in third (25/30), Celestino in 4th place at 80.6% (all 12 nights - 29/36), Dennis Bruch in 5th - 80% (24/30), Kelly T Cibart in 6th - 76.7% (23/30), Goran and Kevin Lombard tied for 7th place - 74.1% (20/27), and Sean Krueger of The Damned in 8th place - 73.3% (22/30). Granted this lists skips a couple of shooters just out of the 75% played requirement (9 nights), which could change as soon as next week. 

Break-and-Runners: We had three 8-ball break-and-runs last week, and they all happened downtown - two happened on the same table. Surprisingly it doesn't happen more often at Duffy's with their large pockets, but Kevin Kinnell of Duffy's and Scott of the Stickmen each had one to add to their stat sheet column. No, they weren't playing each other, but it did help the night go by faster! Kevin got one of his own downstairs at the Down Lo versus the Bulldogs.

Hope everyone had a good Valentine's Day last Thursday, but now it's back to pool. No more Thursday night 'holidays' until the end of the season. We've also now crossed into the 2nd half of the season - the February 7th matches were the first on the 'downslope' of the schedule. We'll now play the same opponents and same schedule, just at the opposite bar (if applicable). We will also have some matches we haven't had yet due to the Camp fire cancellations in November. Again, those nights (2 weeks of matches) will be added to the end of the season. So I guess technically we’re not quite halfway yet, but close. The calendar will be updated soon with the additional nights, and the push-out of the playoffs/top shooter/pool party/etc.

Good luck this week!



January 23rd Update
Jan 23, 2019, 6:30 pm

Ok, got all the scores in. Stats are pretty close to complete - just waiting to get in a few more players and their dues, then they will be in the system/website. Either way, team scores and standings are 100% current.

Top teams: The standings show almost a tie between the top 3 teams. Bulldogs in front (barely) at 125 points, Original O's and Outlaws right behind them, tied for 2nd place at 124 points. Playa's are not too far back, at 118 points. Now they actually have a full team (@Troy Martin) so they won't be giving away as many freebies. The Damned hold the 5th spot at 116 points, Duffy's and The Stickmen are in 6th and 7th (98 and 96 points, respectively). The Dragons are in the final playoff spot, 8th place, with 91 points.

Top shooters: Kevin Cibart sits at the top at 95.2 friggin' percent - he's only lost one game all year (20/21), Charles at 88.9% (24/27), Keny Duff at 81% (17/21), Celestino in 4th place at 77.8%, Joel, Kelly, and Dennis Bruch are tied in 5th position with 76.2%. 6 other players are tied at 71.4%. 

Don't forget - Memorial 8-Ball Tournament at Oasis this weekend (BOTH days), the 26th and 27th. 2:00pm start time.

Good luck this week-



Happy New Year
Jan 2, 2019, 10:39 am

Happy New Year - glad that 2018 thing is over!

Hello, some of you may remember me. My name is Scott. I used to run the Chico Men’s Pool League on a much more constant basis, but recently work/kids/life made things busier than normal and the constant attention to the league website suffered. But, alas, I've got a breather and everything is almost up to date. 

With the time off, I was trying to get caught up on a few teams that were behind on dues payments. After they were paid, their names would be entered and stats would be updated. The Outlaws are now all up to date and their scores/stats are current. Still waiting for the Tackle Box and Eagles, and a few stragglers from the Hateful 8. I'm hoping we can start January off with all teams paid and stats current. Right now all team scores are current as well as the current team standings. Once I have all names entered and paid, I can work on Top Shooter lists. I'll keep everyone updated.

As far as the skipped weeks in November, I haven't pulled the string yet, but if there aren't any objections I will move those weeks to the end of the season and push out playoffs, party, Top Shooter tourney, etc., into the summer more.

Thanks for everyone being patient with the stats/website. I'll make another announcement once every team is current and the stats are up to date.


Here's what happened on Thursday, December 20th:

The Outlaws were home against the Damned in a very close match. Kenny Duff and Kevin each got 3-0 matches to help make the score 8-4 Outlaws at the break. Satyr and Derek beat DJ and Bulldog in the beer frame, 2-1. In the bottom-half, the Damned made a great comeback - getting 2 each from Derek, Chris Pratt, and Satyr to tie it at 10-10. Mike Karol and Satyr went down to the last game - Satyr got the first 2, Mike got the win-clinching final 11th point. Final score: 11-10 Outlaws.

The Playa's were hosting the Hateful 8 downstairs, downtown. It was all Playa's - 18-3. Charles, Kelly, Jason, Mike, and Kevin all had 3-0 matches. Evan was the MVP of the hateful 8 - getting 2 of his team's 3 points. Jason and Kevin beat Izzy and Joe for the beer frame honors, 2-0.

The Eagles were at the Oasis taking on the Dragons last week. This one was all Dragons, 17-4. Micah, Steve H., and Johnny all got 3-0 victories. Krad and Johnny also beat Terry and Mike in the beer frame, 2-0.

The Stickmen made their first trip to the Oasis this year to take on the Oasis Chaotics. Mark started it off with 3 for his Oasis club, but Cowboy Rob came right back with 3 for the Stickmen. At the break it was 7-5 Team Chaos. Russ and Rich Jr. beat Wheeze and Keith in the beer frame, 2-1. Cele got all 3 in the 5th spot to take the lead back, but Ken F. got all 3 of his games to take the lead back and put Oasis on the hill. Russ came up clutch in the end getting 2 out of 3 to put his team up for good 12-9.

The O-Team hosted the Down Lo Rack Pack on the 20th, but only 4 'Packers showed up. Stacey and Brian Vignon got 3-0 wins in the top half, Joel and Dave got 2 each. That made the halfway score 10-2. Since no other Rack Pack players showed, the O's got the final 9 points for free, making it a 19-2 victory. Aaron and Brian beat Gary and Jacob in the beer frame, 2-0.

Over at the Tackle Box, the Humpers welcomed in the Duffy's crew. It was 7-5 Duffy's at the break as teams traded 2-1 matches. Bob Cody and Xedric beat Kevin and Ice Cream in the beer frame, 2-1. Duffy's piled it on in the bottom rounds as Ed and Kevin got 3-0 wins and Steve Swim got 2 out of 3. Final score: Duffy's 13, Tackle Box 8.

The I Cues were at home hosting the Oasis Bulldogs. It was 9-3 at the break in favor of the Oasis squad - Ed and Brenon each got 3 for their team. Paul Thurman kept his team alive by getting 2 out of 3 just before the half. Paul and Jeremy beat Phylicia and Dennis in the beer frame, 2-1. Phylicia stayed at the table and got all 3 of her games to get the win, making the final score 15-6 Bulldogs.



It looks like Charles is on top of his own Top Shooter list at 94.4% - he's only lost one out of 18 games. Kevin Cibart is in 2nd - he's only lost one of his 15 games. And Kenny Duff is in 3rd - he's only lost one of his 12 games. Either way, they are all over 90%!

In team standings, it's close at the top: Original O's at 87 points in first, Outlaws and Bulldogs tied for 2nd at 86 points, and Playa's 'way back' in 3rd place at 83 points.

I have to mention this at least once a year, especially for the new players, here's how to see everyone on the statistics page, instead of the first 100 on page 1, the rest on page 2:

1. Trust me. This is the way you have to do it – step by step.

2. Click on statistics

3. Click on team filter. Select any team.

4. After that team loads, click on filter again and select 'all teams' at the top.

5. All 123 (current and paid) players will be on one page and can be sorted by clicking once or twice the column header you want to sort them by (Winning percentage, run outs, beer frame wins, etc.)

6. Sorry for the work around - just a website limitation. Save these instructions somewhere, or refer to them on the home page in the upper right hand side in the 'President's Corner' box.


Good luck this week, and I hope everyone's 2019 is 100 times better than 2018, which shouldn't be too hard to accomplish.


League Information
Nov 13, 2018, 10:18 pm

Hey Everyone-


We had a captain's group text message which went pretty much how you'd expect, very similar to a captain's meeting. But we did eventually come to two conclusions:

1. Thursday Chico Mens Pool League will be suspended until after Thanksgiving. Next matches will be on November 29th. The schedule will stay the same as it is - November 29th's games will be as listed, the missed weeks (November 2nd and November 9th) will tentatively be added to the end of the season, unless we decide to do something different.

2. We want to help the victims of the Camp Fire. With so many resources in place, and as much relief efforts that are being made, we want to help those that we know from our pool family first and foremost. I think we would all feel better giving hundreds, hopefully thousands, of dollars to people we know and love, in favor of giving cents to thousands. Granted it all adds up, but it's nice seeing your efforts and it's immediate influence.


Addressing conclusion #2, we are encouraging all CMPL and CWPL players to attend and participate in Wednesday, Nov. 14th's fundraising tournament at the Down Lo starting at 7:00pm. It will be a $20 entry fee - 100% of the entry fees, plus all donations, will be donated directly to a GoFundMe site set up to help our friends in the pool community - including, but not limited to - Kenny Duff, Mike Karol, Bulldog & Crystal, Heidi, and Steve Smith. Again, my apologies if I missed someone. That GoFundMe site can be visited by clicking HERE. The top-placed shooters will not receive cash, but bragging rights, gift certificates, a pitcher of beer, who knows. It's designed more to be an easy way to donate and have a get together with your pool family, including those listed above. So come and play - or at least hang out. Throw some cash in the donation bucket. Or go to the GoFundMe site - CLICK HERE!


Thanks to Izzy and Joe (and ?) for their efforts this past weekend - they provided free barbeque meals to evacuees at Wal Mart and other locations. We'll post some pictures when they're available. Feel good knowing that the CMPL did donate to their efforts to help buy food and supplies, but definitely buy them a beer for their time and sacrifice.


See you tomorrow!




League Cancelled Tonight - 11/8/18
Nov 8, 2018, 5:42 pm

After talking with a majority of the captains and a few players, due to the Paradise fire and the implications it's having on CMPL players who live on the Ridge, Chico residents hosting evacuees, players with family and friends whose whereabouts might still be unknown, and traffic in the city the way it is, we've decided to cancel tonight's pool league matches. We're praying that everyone in our pool community, and beyond, are safe tonight.


Schedule Posted
Oct 19, 2018, 12:43 pm

Schedule has been added online - click on 'Game Schedule' in left-hand column.

Paper schedules (downloadable PDF's), the same ones that will be in the binders are also available to download. Just go to the 'Downloads' section to grab it, or roster sheets, spare score sheets, rules, etc.

2018-2019 updated rules and 2018-2019 updated CMPL info/procedures can be downloaded as well. Highly encouraged for each person to read and understand! Copies will be available in your binders, too.

Binders should be available this Sunday night at the Oasis, behind the bar. Maybe Monday. I'll let the captains know when it gets dropped off.

Games start Thursday evening, October 25th, at 7:00pm. No bye weeks this year - Joe has started a new 14th team, Oasis Hateful 8. Schedule ends the same day as last year - pool party on June 15th. We skipped Valentine's night, and moved the 3rd/4th place game to the same night as the Championship - probably the same location, same time, if possible.

Get your super-low yearly dues ($25 this year) to your captain or me as soon as possible. Captains (and players) be sure to get a receipt from me for every transaction - I tend to get things mixed up this crazy time of year, and paper trails work wonders.

I'll post more news as it becomes available. Thanks for your patience!


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