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April 9th Update
Apr 9, 2018, 4:47 pm

April 9th - 5:00pm


All score sheets are entered, and the website is up to date.

Once I have a little bit more time, I'll print up and email the usual documents. Hopefully I'll have time for recaps and the online Top Shooter list as well.

More info to come....


Week #18 and Week #19 updates
Mar 20, 2018, 9:56 pm

"This game is cruel. It's not going to give you the right to feel good. You're going to have to go earn it." Curtis Brown (on hockey, but easily relatable to pool)

Still waiting for a score sheet from a March 15th match - the Oasis Original O's vs the Oasis Dragons (2 home teams 20 feet from the score sheet box)....

 I got two weeks to catch up and report on in the meantime....

March 8th Matches:

I Cue was home and lost to the Original O's, 9-12. The I Cue had an 8-4 lead in the first half, but they lost the beer frame 2-1 as Sean Higgins and Howie couldn't beat Joel and Dave Beck. After that, the O rattled off 6 wins with 3-0 victories by Dave Beck and Tommy. One of Tommy's wins was via an 8-ball break-and-run. Paul Wall got 1 against Joel in the final match for the lone point on the bottom of the scoresheet.

Over at the Tackle Box, the Oasis Bulldogs pulled off the equivalent of a baseball no-hitter as they completely blanked the hosts 21-0. Obviously all the Bulldogs got 3-0 wins - Keith, Brennon, Chris, Ed, Phylicia, Dennis, and Ty. To make it worse, the Bulldogs swept the beer frame 2-0 as Dennis and Brennon beat Joe and Charlie. 

It was a Down Lo match up as the Playa's were 'home' versus the Stickmen. The teams were tied 6-6 at the break. Cele led off the night in the first spot with a very big 3-0 win, but Jason Colabove equalized that by kicking Scott's ass 3-0. Larry and Kevin beat Santos and Keith in the beer frame. In the bottom half, Santos led off with 2 wins in the 5th spot to put the Stickmen in the lead 8-7, but good ole' Kevin Cibart and Leo shot 6th and 7th and got all 3 of their matches to put the Playa's up for good, 13-8. One of Kevin's matches was an 8-ball break-and-run - his 2nd of the season.

Duffy's was in a dog fight with the Down Lo Damned as the Damned took a 150 foot road trip to the one-and-only Duffy's Tavern. Teams were tied 6-6 at the break. Most first-half matches were 2-1, but Sean K. got all 3 of his matches. Derek and Sean beat Ed and Prana in the Beer Frame 2-1 to get the road win. Derek got all 3 of his games in the 6th spot to get his Damned to the hill and 10 points to Duffy's 8 points. The night came down to Steve Swim and Casey Jo's 7th frame. Steve got the first 2 games to tie it at 10-10, but Casey Jo came through in the 21st game to get her Damned to 11 points. Duffy's ended with 10.

 The Outlaws welcomed in the Eagles over at the Oasis on March 8th. The Outlaws were up big at the half, 10-2. Tree and Kevin Lombard got 3-0 wins in the top half, while Izzy and Mike Brandt got 2-1 victories. Chris and Chuck pulled out the road Beer Frame win against Mike Karol and DJ, beating them 2-1. In the bottom-half, the Eagles made it very respectable as Chuck got 1 and Bobbo got 2 out of 3. The Outlaws failed to field a 7th player so 3 free points to the Eagles. Final score: Outlaws 13, Eagles 8. 

Team Chaos was 'home' as they hosted the 'visiting' Oasis Dragons. Walter and Steve had 3-0 wins for the Dragons during the night. Rich and Russ beat Steve and Walt in the Beer Frame, 2-0. Final score: Dragons 13, Chaos 8.

The Rack Pack were on their 2nd and final bye week for March 8th.


March 15th Matches: 

The I Cue were on the road over at the Eagles Clubhouse last week. The hosts were very generous and gave the I Cue just 12 points to their 9. Dave got 3 for the 'Cue in the 3rd spot but Terry came back and got all 3 of his matches for the Eagles making it 8-4 I Cue at the break. Bobby V. and Alan made Paul get his wallet out as they got the home win against Matt V. and Kai in the Beer Frame, 2-1. Donny got all 3 of his games in the 6th spot to help his team get to 9 points.

The Stickmen were home at the Down Lo hosting the Oasis Team Chaos. The Stickmen were up big in the first half, 9-3, thanks to Cele's 3-0 win in the leadoff spot, and Wheeze's 3-0 win in the 3rd spot. Madsack and Santos couldn't beat Bill and Russ in the Beer Frame, 2-0. The Chaos fought back in the bottom half as Bill and Barney got 2-1 wins, but Madsack finished things off with his own 2-1 win. Final score: Stickmen 13, Chaos 8.

The Down Lo Playa's were hosting the Duffy's Tavern on March 15th. The Playa's handled Duffy's pretty well, beating them 14-7. Charles got his usual 3-0 win leading things off for the Down Lo. The only other 3-0 win didn't come until the final match as Leo got his opponent 3-0. Jason and Kevin beat Kevin K. and Ice Cream 2-1 for the home Beer Frame win.

The Outlaws were home at the Oasis hosting the Down Lo Rack Pack last week. It was pretty close at the half as the Outlaws were only up 7-5. Kenny Duff led off with a 3-0 victory, but Rack Pack Pat got all 3 of his games in the 3rd spot making it much closer. Tree and Mike Brandt beat Gary and Mike D. 2-1 for the Beer Frame honors. In the bottom-half, Tree, Mike B., and Mike K. each got 2-1 victories to get the Outlaws a 13-8 win at home.

The Damned won big as they hosted the Tackle Box Alligator Humpers, 17-4. Tony, Curt, Goran, and Sean each had 3-0 wins. Satyr's 2-1 win in the 4th match secured the win in the first half, 11-1. Tony and Satyr beat Joe and Evan in the beer frame, 2-0. 

As mentioned, still waiting for Brian Vignon's score sheet from March 15th. Obviously without these score sheets the standings and statistics are not complete or accurate. I'll update and post once the score sheet is turned in.

The Bulldogs were resting after their 'no-hitter' - they had a bye week March 15th.

The Down Lo Damned have the bye week for March 22nd.

Everyone else - good luck! Drive safely in the rain.

Want to see how the Down Lo's Wednesday night money pool league is going? Interested to see which of your league-mates are playing for the cash? Check out the website by clicking HERE.


March 6th Update
Mar 6, 2018, 8:17 pm

Hey everyone. Hope the season is going well. We're more than half way done, in fact just 9 more games left - just 8 if you haven't had your 2nd-half bye week yet! Dang! I'll start getting things updated more frequently now that scoreboard watching is more important this time of year. Remember, for playoffs, players need to have competed in six (6) nights for your squad to be eligible - any combination of match nights or beer frame nights. And for Top Shooters, you must play in 75% of the year's total games possible. So keep those in mind as the end of the season nears.

Stats and standings are all up-to-date. A copy of the stats and standings will be emailed out as well as posted at the Oasis.

All the matches last week (march 1st) were either at the Oasis or the Down Lo. Here's what happened:

The Bulldogs were home at the Oasis hosting the Duffy's Tavern crew. It was all 'Dogs in the first half as they went into the beer frame with a 10-2 lead. Ice Cream salvaged the 2 points for Duffy's, but Brenon, Keith, and Phylicia got all 3 of their matches. Ed Theis and Kevin beat Steve and Ty for the beer frame win, 2-0. Captain Steve got 2 in the 5th spot and Dennis got all 3 in the 6th to get Oasis to 15. Steve Swim got 2 in the final match to wrap up the night. Final score: 16-5 Bulldogs.

Also at the Oasis, Team Chaos was hosting the I Cue club from Down Lo. I Cue was up huge in the front side, 10-2, thanks to Matt V. and Dave L.'s 3-0 matches. But the tide turned starting in the beer frame as George and Bill beat Paul T. and Jack 2-0. George stayed at the table and got 3 wins for himself, and Russ and Bill finished off the night each with 2-1 matches for Oasis. The final score was much better than it could have been for Team Chaos - 'just' a 12-9 win by the Down Lo kids.

The Outlaws beat the Original O's 13-8 last week in a heavyweight Oasis vs. Oasis match. Izzy and Greggy Bear each had 3-0 wins to help the Outlaws. Tree and DJ beat Stacy and Joel in the beer frame 2-0. Mike Karol finished the night with a 2-1 win to get his team to 13 points. His Outlaws are in 3rd place, just a couple points behind the Bulldogs. Props to Kevin Lombard and Kenny Duff - they each had 8-ball break-and-runs in their match last week versus Team Chaos. 

The Stickmen were one of the 3 Down Lo teams at home last week. They were taking on the Oasis Dragons in a crucial 'middle of the standings' battle. The Stickmen were up 7-5 at the break. Scott got all 3 of his games to help the Stickpeople take the lead. Wendy and Keith teamed up in the beer frame and beat Sid and Johnny 2-1 for the honors. In the bottom half it was Wendy with a 3-0 win, and Keith with a 2-1 victory. The Dragons failed to field a 7th player so they gave the Down Lo 3 free points to make it a 15-6 Stickmen win.

Over on Table 10, the Playa's were 'home' taking on their barmates, the Damned. The Playa's were also up big at the break, leading 10-2. Chef Jason and Larry each got 3-0 victories, Jeff and Charles each got 2-1 wins. In the beer frame, Kevin and Larry beat Satyr and Sean 2-0 for the free beer. Sean and Scott battled back in the 5th and 6th spot, each with 2-1 wins, but Kevin Cibart was anchor and won all 3 of his games. Final score: 15-6 Playa's.

The Rack Pack were also home at the Down Lo, taking on the Tackle Box on table #7. The 'Box was up 8-4 after the first four matches. Bob Cody got all 3 of his games, Ricky and Charlie each got 2-1 wins to help the cause. Samoan Joe and Evan beat Drew and Rob in the beer frame, 2-0. In the bottom-half the Alligator Humpers kept pouring it on - Pops got a 2-1 win, and Evan got all 3 of his games. Paul chipped in 1 more in the last match to make it a 14-7 victory.

The Eagles had their 2nd and final bye last week. The Rack Pack have the night off this week. 

Good luck to everyone else! See you Wednesday or Thursday!



New Wednesday 8-Ball League
Jan 17, 2018, 1:23 am

It's Official - Down Lo Wednesday Night 8-Ball Money League is ON - Starting February 7th!

After talking with the Down Lo, as well as Meredith, Chuck, Chris Singleton, and Kevin Cibart, we are all good and ready to start a new big money league on Wednesday nights at the Down Lo! Games are looking to start on February 7th, 7:00pm. We'll have a pre-season free pick-up and registration night and tournament(?) on the week before - January 31st, 7:00pm - 11:00pm. Again, the league will be strongly based on the very successful Summer League they ran at the Down Lo last year. Here are some of the highlights and brief notes (subject to change with league player votes):

  • Yes, players will be able to vote and decide on the league formats and particulars!
  • Money: Lots of it. 100% of the entry and green fees will go into the pot and out to the winning teams. Complete transparency, made possible only by the time volunteered by our league directors. This is YOUR league – YOUR money! If we have 10 teams (18 weeks), and with the generous donations added to the pot by some players and businesses, we should easily be able to have a $5000 prize pot. With that, historically this league has paid out 50% of that for 1st place (that's $2500!), 35% for 2nd place (a nice $1750!), and 15% for 3rd place (a very decent $750!). These percentages could change by vote, as well as possibly paying out to 5th place. But it will still be a significant increase in payouts. The goal is to double the other Wednesday night league amounts (which were for this past season at Oasis: 1st - $1100, 2nd - $650, 3rd - $450  ($2200 total pot for the 3 teams))
  • No trophies, no prizes, no parties, no additional fees for unnecessary or non-existent league equipment or salaries - volunteers only.
  • Chris Singleton’s user-friendly, and plain awesome, website will be used for stats and standings just like Summer 2017 – preview it here:
  • Teams (again) will be based on 4 or 5 (maybe 6) members. 4 players will play per night, 3 games in a row each (just like CMPL format). This allows players to leave very early in the night, if desired, when shooting early. A scotch doubles single tie breaker game will occur half-way through the night.
  • $25 entry fee per player, $5 weekly green fee when you play a match
  • Substitutions will be regulated and counted, with clear rules on who or when a sub can or cannot play.
  • Co-ed league - all abilities welcome, but with the money involved, the competition should be above average to excellent. Most, if not all, CMPL and CWPL players should be comfortable, but definitely challenged. Essentially what you would expect for a $5000 prize pot league.    
  • Handicapping: Briefly, the league directors will all collectively rank players based on skill and league history (AA through C). Handicapping will primarily be awarded in points rather than ball movement, a single handicap will be the goal - NOT double handicapping (not points in addition to break and ball in hand, or last pocket, for example). These details still need to be worked out, but rest assured they will be treated fairly and consistently. Players will not go on for months at the wrong ranking. No more than 2 AA players can play in one night.
  • Re-felted tables are coming very soon to the Down Lo! We'll start on the blue tables and possibly adjust as tables are finished mid-season.
  • With 10 teams (for example), we'll have 18 weeks (skipping Valentine's night) of regular season, and 2 weeks of playoffs. That would end everything by June 27th, just a week or two past the CMPL and CWPL Pool Party on June 16th. The similar summer league would start right after that.
  • The league rules from last summer can be found HERE - the website is still up from last summer.

So that's the deal. We are all really excited to get this new league (or at least the new season, new night, new location) underway. You should be able to see the difference as we are all looking to do this together - the Down Lo and the League Directors - for the benefit of all Chico area pool players. Get your team together NOW and let one of us know as soon as possible to save a spot for you – 10, MAYBE 12, teams maximum. 'Free agents' and singles without a team should contact us as well - we should be able to find a team for you. If you're still team-less, definitely make it to the registration night and we'll see what we can do!

Again, any suggestions or ideas will be greatly appreciated - it's YOUR league, YOUR money!

Watch the Facebook ‘Chico Area Pool Players’ page for updated info, or for making contact with us. Click HERE to go to the Facebook site. 

Scott - (530) 966-5632

Meredith - (530) 966-0843

or Chris S., Chuck, Kevin, Kelly, Down Lo, etc.



ALMOST back to 100%
Jan 17, 2018, 1:21 am

The website is back up to date (almost). Still waiting for the Bulldogs home scoresheet for their hosted match against the Dragons from January 4th.

The top of the team leaderboard looks about the same - Outlaws on top with 127 points (but they haven't had their bye week yet), Original O's in 2nd place with 123 points, and the Playa's with 113 points. They both have had their bye weeks already. Depending on their missing score sheet, the Bulldogs could move into 3rd with a big point total from January 4th.

The Top Shooter list sees Tommy Reynolds and Dave Beck of the Oasis Original O's in the #1 and #2 spot, respectively. Tommy is shooting a blistering 85.7%, Dave Beck 81.5%. The two others over 80% are Dennis Bruch at 81% and Kenny Duff at 80%. Kevin Cibart is right behind those 4, sitting at #5 with a 79.2% record. Again, Dennis' percentage could be higher or lower with that missing score sheet.

Mike Karol had an 8-ball Break and Run in his match versus Duffy's on January 11th.

The Stickmen are on their bye week this week - they'll be getting their two teams ready for the new Wednesday Down Lo league - Wheeze's Wheezels and Wendy's Bitches. That means there are only 8 other team spots open! Rumor has it 'I Cue' has a squad ready to go. Get your team (or teams) of 4 or 5 players info to me asap, and win some BIG money (see the next email or the home page above.). Don’t have a team, or maybe you hate the one you’re on? Not a problem – let us know and we can get you on our free agent list and match you up with a team.

...and don't forget the All City Tournament at the Down Lo on Saturday, Jan. 27th. Starting at 2:00pm. Limited to the first 64 players - I've already got the first 10 or so signed up, so contact me or Meredith ASAP to pay the $10 entry to hold your spot. With entry fees and Down Lo's generous pot-matching, the winner will take home $500 cash!

Watch for the tournament fliers and postings - it's a busy end of the month for pool players!

Good luck!


Happy Holidays Update
Jan 2, 2018, 1:13 am

Hope everyone is enjoying their Christmas break!

The website is up to date - all team standings and individual stats should be entered and current. We're getting pretty close to the halfway point. The Outlaws broke the 100 point mark in team wins already - the Original O's are right behind them, and the O's have already had their bye week. The Playa's, Bulldogs, and Dragons round out the top 5. 

Jeff Jacobsen of the Playa's sits atop the Top Shooter list, but is technically one night short of the 75% requirement - but it's still way early. Dave Beck and Micah sit two and three officially. Tommy is 4th, but also one night short. Kenny sits 5th and has played all matches possible.

The score sheets show that half the teams won, the other half lost. No real big blow outs or upsets for that matter. One thing to note for sure, in fact, I don't remember seeing it happen before: Chris Singleton of the Eagles had a good night against the Dragons, and a quick one. He had the break advantage against Sid and took full advantage of the opportunity. The first game he broke and ran all eight balls. Second game, Sid beat him. So in the third game Chris broke and ran - again. Twice in one night! I'm still waiting to see the 5 minute match - both players breaking and running all 3 games! Someday, but so far that's as close as we've gotten. Sorry for the bad luck, Sid. Not much you can do there!

So back at it this Thursday. The Duffy's crew has the week off to do whatever they do on their off nights - most things we probably don't want to know. Good luck everyone else. 

If you haven't already, mark your calendars. The All-City Memorial Tournament is coming soon. Saturday, January 27th - 1:00pm, Down Lo. Big cash prizes, the best players around, 50/50 raffle - first 64 players only. Once Meredith and I give the word, we'll start taking sign-ups. Don't delay - it WILL fill up!

Happy New Year!



Dec 14, 2017, 12:50 pm

Hello, some of you may remember me. My name is Scott. I used to run the Chico Men’s Pool League on a much more constant basis, but recently work/kids/life made things busier than normal and the constant attention to the league website suffered. But, alas, I've got a breather and everything is up to date. If you only read one thing beyond this point, be sure to see below (in red) for an important schedule announcement.

First, one point I'm really embarassed as to not addressing earlier in a more timely manner. Unfortunately, we have another CMPL player we need to honor and remember at the Memorial Tournament in January. Sadly, Lee Taylor (Izzy's father), passed away on November 1st of this year. A long-time member of the pool community, I think everyone that knew him has at least a handful of great memories of him. For me, that infectious laugh and accompanying smile was unmistakable - "Lee's here!" was said soon after. We all, this tight pool community, feel for Izzy and his family - way beyond billiards. I know it's been a little while, but if you haven't already, say a prayer for the Taylors. RIP, Lee.

Izzy, Rose, and Lee


I finally got all the score sheets in. Everyone's paid (except for a few - you know who you are!). The website is 100% up to date, as far as I know. Let me know if I missed something - better now than later. 

I obviously haven't been able to do weekly reports/updates/commentary on the matches due to the aforementioned reasons, but I'll try my best here on out - as long as the sheets are submitted timely. We seem to have taken a step back - last year was near perfect, this year - not perfect. Captains, PLEASE, for everyone, and me, submit your scoresheets. Again, literally 5 seconds is all it takes.

We are just about 1/4 of the way through the season. Half of the teams have had their 1st bye week, so the standings are a little skewed. Some have gotten their 'zero' weeks, some haven't yet. But as it stands The Outlaws are on top, 4 points ahead of the Playa's. Both haven't had their bye weeks yet, but they are pretty comfortably ahead of 3rd place Bulldogs, who had their bye week already. At the bottom of the pile is the Stickmen and Rack Pack. But the Stickmen haven't had their zero bye week yet, so the Rack Pack should surpass them shortly and leave them in the basement. Everyone else is in the middle of the pack. Remember the top 8 make the playoffs. It is early, so anything can still happen. 

As far as Top Shooters go, I'll have that page updated shortly now that we are starting to establish 'real' top shooters with a quarter of the season under their belts. As it stands right now, Jeff Jacobsen of the Playa's is leading the pack with 91.7% (12 matches played/4 nights), there is a 3-way tie for 2nd - Mike Daniels of the Eagles, Micah Comfort of the Dragons, and Dave Beck of the Original O's all have 80% (15 matches played/5 nights). Larry Hiller (Playa's) and Kenny Duff (Outlaws) have played in all 6 nights (18 matches) and have a 77.8% win percentage, good for a tie for 3rd currently. We've had only 2 confirmed/recorded break-and-runs - Aaron Rooney (Original O's) and Walter Dorsey (Playa's). Wheeze thinks he had one, but he and the rest of the team were too intoxicated to remember or watch the match.

I have to mention this at least once a year, especially for the new players, here's how to see everyone on the statistics page, instead of the first 100 on page 1, the rest on page 2:

1. Trust me. This is the way you have to do it – step by step.

2. Click on statistics

3. Click on team filter. Select any team.

4. After that team loads, click on filter again and select 'all teams' at the top.

5. All 136 players will be on one page and can be sorted by clicking once or twice the column header you want to sort them by (Winning percentage, run outs, beer frame wins, etc.)

6. Sorry for the work around - just a website limitation. Save these instructions somewhere, or refer to them on the home page in the upper right hand side in the 'President's Corner' box.

There is an error, I think, in the schedule. For some reason I omitted December 21st thinking that was Christmas week somehow (don't ask me why), when actually December 28th is Christmas week, and there are games scheduled that night. So I'll talk to the captains tonight, as many as possible, and see if we want to leave it as is, or move the 28th's games to the 21st, and have Christmas week off. Stay tuned.

Ok, I think that's it for now. Again, thanks for your patience. I'll try to do better. Have a good week - good luck. Except for the Damned - they are on their bye week.


Ready, set, go!
Oct 23, 2017, 2:11 pm

Schedule is up online, on paper, and in the binders. I just need to add one more thing to binders and then I'll drop them off at the Oasis for pickup - by 5:00pm today.



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