Chico Mens Pool League
Thursday October 17 2024 
Featured Sponsors

Chico Mobile Air and Auto Repair
Hard Times Billiards
Awards Company
FunLand / Cal Skate Chico
Andy's Embroidery
Master's Music & Vending
Blaze Nj's
335680 visitors
since October 14, 2009

RSS Feed
What do you think about the new dual conferences in the CMPL?

I love it!: 31

I hate it!: 13

Total Votes: 44
What drink do you celebrate/forget the Beer Frame with?

Cheap beer: 1

Good domestic beer: 5

Great Sierra Nevada beer: 20

Mixed drink: 0

Shot: 5

Something with an umbrella: 0

Shirley Temple: 1

"Today's Special": 0

Can never remember: 2

There's a Beer Frame?: 0

Other: 10

Total Votes: 44
Now that we have changed the Beer Frame to Scotch Doubles, how do you like it?

Love it!: 13

Hate it!: 3

Total Votes: 20
What's the best billiards-based movie you've ever seen?

'The Hustler': 7

'The Color of Money': 2

'Pool Hall Junkies': 2

'Stickmen': 0

'Shooting Gallery': 0

Other: 0

Total Votes: 11
What do you think of our new website?

Amazing!: 4

Really Good: 3

Not Bad: 0

Needs Work: 0

Total Votes: 7

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